Vicious Female Partner is a Genius Doctor

Chapter 966: Wang Zhaodi is eyeing Zhao Yuting

   Chapter 966 Wang Zhaodi is eyeing Zhao Yuting

  008 saw Ruan Tang's face was ugly, and said: [I left a mechanical fly and will stare at her. I'll help you watch her in the future, and if she wants to do something, I'll remind you. 】

   Ruan Tang was instantly satisfied with it: "Well, you did a good job."

   It seems that 008 is still reliable.

   Then she accelerated and returned home with Ruan Mingxin.

   The reason for deliberately speeding up the car was that Wang Zhaodi did not want to follow.

  Wang Zhaodi is no different from a lunatic now. If she is asked to come to the Ruan family, maybe this lunatic woman will set fire to her.

   Even if she had a way to put out the fire, Ruan Tang didn't want Wang Zhaodi to have such a chance.

   When the two returned home, Tang Hongxiu and Jiang Chunshui had already prepared their meals.

   The two of them were already hungry after half a day of class. After smelling the aroma of the food, they couldn't wait to wash their hands and prepare to eat.


On the other hand, Zhao Yuting's luck was not as good as Ruan Tang's.

   After school, Zhao Tiantian went home by bicycle.

   She is also riding a 24 bicycle with a seat at the back that can carry people.

   However, she obviously wouldn't carry Ruan Yuting. Ruan Yuting would either go back by herself or go hungry.

  The time at noon is quite enough, there are two hours.

   Zhao's house is relatively close to the school. If you walk, more than half an hour is enough.

  Unfortunately, Zhao Yuting sprained her ankle today and will definitely not be able to walk back for half an hour.

   And with such a long journey, the injury on her ankle had to be aggravated.

   So Zhao Yuting ate in the school cafeteria.

   The food in the cafeteria tasted just like that. After Zhao Yuting ate it, she planned to go to the hospital to see her ankle injury.

   There is time at noon, and her injury must be dealt with.

  Otherwise, what if it gets worse?

   Having been injured and hospitalized last time, Zhao Yuting doesn't want to do it again.

   However, not long after she endured the pain in her ankle and walked out of the school gate, she was targeted by Wang Zhaodi.

  Wang Zhaodi couldn't catch up with Ruan Tang, and was afraid of her, so she stayed outside the school and kept looking for Zhao Yuting.

  Who knew that Zhao Yuting didn't come out after waiting for a long time.

   She was about to give up, how could she have thought that at this moment, she finally saw Zhao Yuting.

   What surprised her even more was that Zhao Yuting's foot seemed to be injured!

  Wang Zhaodi was instantly excited and couldn't help but guess.

  How could Zhao Yuting be injured?

   Could it be that Ruan Tang did it?

   Well, it must be her! That little **** Ruan Tang is very fierce, she has beaten her before! Even killed people!

  Wang Zhaodi's current memory is actually a bit confusing, but she still remembers some things that were particularly impressive.

   And Ruan Tang only disturbed her memory with spiritual power at that time, but did not destroy her memory.

   Later, she was taken away by the public security bureau, and Ruan Tang forgot her and did not attack her again.

   After so many days, Ruan Tang had consumed a lot of the spiritual power he had entered, so Wang Zhaodi remembered more memories.

   She also remembered Ruan Tang's murder, and told the people from the Public Security Bureau.

   But her memory is still messed up, she can't explain the details at all, and when people ask her anything else, she can't explain clearly.

  People from the Sheriff's Bureau thought she was talking nonsense and didn't believe her nonsense at all.

  Because she felt pitiful, and because it was difficult to convict her, she was released.

  Wang Zhaodi went home, but as soon as she returned, Zhang Cuihua beat her involuntarily.

   Her body was too weak to even beat Zhang Cuihua, so she sneaked out again.

   (end of this chapter)

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