Vicious Female Partner is a Genius Doctor

Chapter 967: want to attack her

   Chapter 967 I want to attack her

  Wang Zhaodi is not stupid. She knew that she would not have a good life if she stayed at home, so she moved to the county town and barely survived by doing some handymen or secretly hanging out with those old bachelors.

   But she also knew that it was wrong to do so.

   The more miserable she was, the more she hated Ruan Tang and Zhao Yuting.

   So after seeing it by chance today, she decided to take revenge.

   She couldn't do anything about Ruan Tang, but Zhao Yuting was different.

   She was alone, so she didn't dare to do it directly, but Zhao Yuting was actually injured!

  Wang Zhaodi was so excited that she felt that God was helping her.

   She stared at Zhao Yuting, seeing that she was having a hard time, she trimmed her hair, and walked over quickly.

   Zhao Yuting didn't notice her at first, but when she got close, Zhao Yuting suddenly noticed something and looked at her vigilantly.

  Wang Zhaodi immediately squeezed out a smile: "Little girl, are you injured? Where are you going? I'll help you."

   Zhao Yuting is not stupid.

  He Xiuqing's education method is very problematic, but it also taught her to be vigilant when encountering strangers.

   Even if the other party is an old woman, you can't take it lightly.

   A pretty girl like her is easy to be targeted by bad guys.

   Zhao Yuting remembers it all!

   She looked at Wang Zhaodi vigilantly, took a few steps back instinctively, distanced herself from her, and then coldly refused: "I don't need you to help me, you can go."

  Where is Wang Zhaodi willing to go?

   She finally caught such an opportunity, of course she has to take care of Zhao Yuting!

   So she approached Zhao Yuting again: "But you are injured, I can help you. I'll help you go, just tell me where you want to go."

   Zhao Yuting is more vigilant now.

   She didn't recognize Wang Zhaodi, but looking at Wang Zhaodi's embarrassed and sloppy appearance, she didn't want Wang Zhaodi to get close to her.

   So as soon as she saw Wang Zhaodi approaching, she stepped back again, and her voice became much sharper: "I really don't need you to help me, don't come here, come over again and I'll call someone!"

   Wang Zhaodi's reluctantly squeezed smile was instantly distorted.

  Although she is black, she has no culture after all, and no one teaches her this, whether it is acting or temperament, she is far worse than He Xiuqing and Zhao Yuting.

How could    keep pretending?

  Wang Zhaodi, seeing that Zhao Yuting was not fooled, simply showed her fangs. She grinned: "Ruan Yuting, are you calling? If you want others to know what you've done, call them all over!"

   She was too naive, thinking that if she said so, Zhao Yuting would obediently accept her threat and go with her.

   But Zhao Yuting is not stupid, she already knows that Wang Zhaodi is not good, how could she leave with her?

   After hearing the words "Ruan Yuting", Zhao Yuting's eyes flashed.

   She looked at Wang Zhaodi, and after a closer look, she quickly recognized her.

   Wang Zhaodi has changed a lot, but his facial features are still there.

   It's just that she suddenly aged thirty years, Zhao Yuting didn't recognize her at first.

   This is too fantastic, who would have thought that a young girl in bloom would suddenly become an old woman?

   After Zhao Yuting guessed her identity, she was also suspicious.

  Because Wang Zhaodi is too old, obviously abnormal.

Why is this so?

   Zhao Yuting couldn't help thinking.

   She took a deep look at Wang Zhaodi and began to test: "Are you Wang Zhaodi?"

  Wang Zhaodi was instantly stimulated: "You are not allowed to call this name!"

   (end of this chapter)

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