Vicious Female Partner is a Genius Doctor

Chapter 992: Zhao Tiantian's divine assist

   Chapter 992 Zhao Tiantian's divine assist

   Zhao Yuting and He Xiuqing were stopped by Zhao Tiantian, but Zhao Tiantian's words continued.

   "I remember, when I signed up yesterday, Ruan Tang was quite surprised to see you guys. She was in class today and she stayed in the school all morning and didn't go out. Where did she go to instruct the female lunatic?

   After school, she and her brother rode home. Even if she has time after returning, how does she know that Zhao Yuting, you will stay in the school?

   Don't you mean to say that she ordered a lunatic woman after she went back yesterday?

   But that's not right, can she still predict that you will stay at the school and know that you will leave the school? "

  He Xiuqing saw that Zhao Guangyuan's face was getting more and more ugly, and knew that Zhao Tiantian couldn't continue talking.

   She hurriedly said, "Of course Ruan Tang can't be predictable, but what if she keeps that crazy woman outside the school?"

   Zhao Tiantian sneered again: "Oh, you're right, it's also possible.

   But the problem is... I've already inquired about it. When Zhao Yuting met that crazy woman, she also talked to her for a long time, and it didn't look like she didn't know her at all.

   And when I came here, I just heard a nurse say that the crazy woman claimed to be Zhao Yuting's grandmother and asked the nurse for directions, she didn't look like a lunatic at all!

  But if she wasn't crazy, why would she keep staring at Zhao Yuting? Even know to give you drugs! "

  He Xiuqing's expression stiffened for a moment, before he said with a wry smile: "Tiantian, you are still young, you may not know that a lunatic is not necessarily a fool.

  Some crazy people look normal at ordinary times, but they will become crazy when they are stimulated. That female lunatic should be such a person.

   She can't possibly be Tingting's grandmother. My home is in Longjing, and Tingting's grandmother is not here. "

   Zhao Tiantian didn't listen to her explanation, but said, "What if she's not here? Can't you come over?"

  He Xiuqing's face became very ugly.

   immediately smiled bitterly: "Sweet, are you determined to convict our mother and daughter?"

   "Who convicted you? What, are you addicted to throwing dirty water on people? Now you are throwing dirty water on my head!"

   Zhao Tiantian retorted angrily, and looked at Zhao Guangyuan again, "Dad, you heard that, she just poured dirty water on my head!"

   Zhao Guangyuan heard it of course, but he thought that He Xiuqing was going to give him a son, so he glared at Zhao Tiantian angrily: "Okay, don't say a word!"

   "I'm not wrong, why don't you say it? Obviously this Zhao Yuting is a disaster, how long has it been since she came to our house, and the car broke down twice!

   This time, she didn't know what was going on, but she actually provoked a female lunatic! That female lunatic dared to go to the hospital to get medicine, what if she ran to our house to get medicine in the future?

   I don’t want to be poisoned to death by accident! I haven't had enough yet! In short, I don't care, this matter must be reported to the police, and that female lunatic is arrested! "

   Zhao Guangyuan also felt that he should report the case, so he took Zhao Tiantian to the county public security bureau.

  People from the Public Security Bureau heard that such a dangerous person appeared in the county. He actually beat people outside the school and went to the health center to give them medicine. They felt that this matter must be taken seriously.

   This female lunatic must be caught, otherwise what if she runs away and harms others?

   The Public Security Bureau immediately sent people to the school to investigate with the Health Bureau, because Zhao Guangyuan mentioned that Ruan Tang might know about it, and they also found the Ruan family and asked Ruan Tang.

   (end of this chapter)

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