Chapter 993 Ruan Tang shot

   It is not Ruan Tang's deity who is in Ruan's house at the moment, but a servant puppet disguised as her.

   The puppet has always been controlled by Ruan Tang, and Ruan Tang knows what happens there.

   And 008 also left a mechanical fly on the puppet's side, just in case.

   So after the people from the security bureau came to the door, the servant answered according to Ruan Tang's intention.

   It answered without leaking, and said specially: "Although I don't know who that female lunatic is, I know that Zhao Yuting had a festival with a woman named Wang Zhaodi when she was in Shanhe Village.

   Zhao Yuting's hands and feet have been injured, which is related to Wang Zhaodi.

   However, Wang Zhaodi was later arrested by the public security bureau in the town for committing a crime, and I don’t know if she has been released. "

When the    County Sheriff's Office heard this, they decided to go to the town and ask.

   They originally went to ask for clues, and they didn't hold out much hope. Who would have guessed that by asking this question, the identity of the female lunatic was confirmed!

   That female lunatic is probably Wang Zhaodi!

   She is actually not very old, but she doesn't know what kind of strange disease she has, and she suddenly looks like she is several decades older.

  The people from the town security bureau didn't want to keep her, and because she didn't commit a big crime, they let her go.

  Human abduction is of course very serious, but Ruan Tang did not have an accident, and the two bad guys died again.

  Wang Zhaodi can only be regarded as an attempt.

   And those two people originally wanted to buy her, so she was forced to.

   In short, Wang Zhaodi just let it go.

   How did she get to the county seat, and what she did in the county seat, the people from the town security bureau did not know.

   However, they do know the grievances between Wang Zhaodi and Zhao Yuting. After all, they have investigated and told the people sent by the county.

The people from the    County Health Bureau combined with the words of "Ruan Tang" and the Ruan family, as well as the explanation of the school security, the matter became clearer.

  Wang Zhaodi was supposed to be guarding outside the school, and when she saw Zhao Yuting come out, she saw her.

   The two talked for a while, and then for some reason, there was a dispute.

  Wang Zhaodi scolded Zhao Yuting, beat her, and vomited Zhao Yuting.

   Zhao Yuting was sent to the health center by the head teacher of the school after she fell into a coma. Wang Zhaodi took the opportunity to sneak away. Later, for some unknown reason, maybe she was unwilling, so she went to the health center and gave Zhao Yuting and He Xiuqing medicine.

  According to the town public security bureau, Wang Zhaodi has a grudge against Ruan Tang, so it would be unreasonable to help Ruan Tang bully Zhao Yuting.

   Ruan Tang should also be her goal, but Ruan Tang went home with Ruan Mingxin by bike after school. If Wang Zhaodi was alone, he would definitely not be able to start.

   Compared to Zhao Yuting alone, without a bicycle, and sprained her ankle, she was much better off.

   So Wang Zhaodi chose to attack her first.

   Now the question is, what did Wang Zhaodi say to Zhao Yuting? Why did you suddenly turn into anger and put such a heavy hand on Zhao Yuting?

   It stands to reason that even if Wang Zhaodi has a holiday with Zhao Yuting, it should be Zhao Yuting who hates Wang Zhaodi more.

   Zhao Yuting has a long scar on her hand, which shows how badly she was injured.

  Wang Zhaodi has no reason to hit her so hard.

   Could it be that what she said at the time stimulated Wang Zhaodi?

   And she talked to Wang Zhaodi for a long time, did she recognize Wang Zhaodi?

  If she recognized it, why did she later say that she didn't know the crazy woman?

The people from the    County Public Security Bureau decided to ask Zhao Yuting again.

   Zhao Guangyuan and Zhao Tiantian happened to be there when they arrived at the hospital.

   (end of this chapter)

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