A hundred thousand why the world.

Athena, the river god, they kept spinning around a dog.

“Thor, will you drink it into a beer belly?”

Dog Thor, looking at them with a solemn expression, pressed the button on his body.

“I’m Thor, the god of thunder! For the glory of the gods of the North! ”

Athena kept chattering, and even rubbed the dog Thor’s belly!

“Boom !!!”

A heavenly thunder slashed at Athena’s body, scorching her outward and tender!

“I’m Thor, the god of thunder! For the glory of the gods of the North!!! ”


Norse mythological world.

In the temple, the corners of Thor’s mouth kept twitching, and the Thunder God of another world was so depraved!

“I don’t know what that beer tastes like!”

Thor, who has always been high, moved his mouth at this moment.


Supergod World.

Thunder War God Yan is surrounded by many sisters.

“Hiko, is it okay for you to drink?”

Angel Yan can only respond to everyone awkwardly, if she has a big belly, it will only be a male god who meets true love.

For example, those reader male gods in the ten thousand worlds!


Many parallel worlds of Thor, disappeared, intending to hide for a while.

From their respective beliefs, they discovered that the tribute was actually boxes and crates of beer!

led to Dionysus, the god of wine, who directly lost his faith …


【The screen continues…】

[Thor is very happy to see the two old guys…]

[But Rocket Raccoon stated the purpose of their coming here, which made Thor suddenly stimulated and collapsed in his chair…]

“We need you… Thor…”]

[Banner looked at Thor sincerely, their strength has always been much worse…..]

“There’s beer on the spaceship…”]

[Thor’s eyes lit up, raised his head, his eyes were red, and asked with tears in his eyes: “What brand?] “】



Thor’s cheers are getting smaller and smaller, but now the cheers of Dionysus are increasing.

This made Thor’s face almost black as Rhode.


[In the picture, Tony and they watch Hawkeye disappear in front of their eyes, and then successfully return a few seconds later…]

[First experiment, Hawkeye successfully returned to the past…]

[The people therefore intend to specify the time and place to find the Infinity Stones…]

[“So, let’s start with the ether…”

“Thor, what do you know? “】

[The Avengers turned to look at Thor, who was paralyzed to the side, wearing sunglasses, holding a beer in one hand, and sticking the other hand in the waistband of his trousers, motionless…]

[The tense atmosphere suddenly became strange…]

“He fell asleep? “】

[Rhode said in a very affirmative tone: “No… No… I’m sure he’s dead…”

[Thor, who was woken up, took off his sunglasses, rubbed his eyes, stood up with a big belly, and began to tell…]

“I brought Jane back to Asgard… I took her to my mother…”

“My mother was killed… And then…”

[Thor’s expression gradually darkened, and his voice choked…]

[The death of the Queen of Heaven hit him very hard, if it weren’t for the people around him dying one after another, he wouldn’t have become a true god king so quickly…]


“Friga, I will definitely protect you.”

Odin’s slightly old hand clasped the Queen of Heaven Friga.

Immediately afterwards, he was extremely angry in his heart, if the Queen of Heaven died naturally, he would not be angry, and now he knew that the Queen of Heaven was actually killed!

Lord of the Ten Realms!

Father of the gods, utterly furious!


[The Avengers are standing on the time-travel device, all ready! ] 】

[Black Widow shaking her body with an excited smile on her face…]

[“Everyone, see you in a minute! “】

[Everyone instantly entered the quantum realm and began to shuttle continuously…]

【Next second…】

[In New York City in 2012, Loki first attacked Earth with the Thanos Legion…]

[Tony, they shuttled into an alley not far away…]

[Just discussing who went where, the Hulk of the past fell from the sky, lifted the car and slammed the soldier into the ground! ] 】

【Bang bang!!! 】

【Roar!!! 】

[Hulk is happy like a child of several thousand pounds! ] 】

[Hulk’s furious look, the tiger body that everyone looked at was shocked, which made Banner cover his face with some embarrassment…]

[The American team said coldly: “Or, you go and smash something and find a feeling?] “】

[Hulk smashed lightly a few times, pretending to be very fierce…]


“I don’t know why, nostalgic for the Hulk before!”

“Hey, I’ll never see Hulk’s evil smile anymore…”

People are like this, they don’t know how to cherish it, and they regret it when they lose it.


[The Hulk came to the Holy of Holigh, where he met the Ancient One, who was destroying the Thanos Legion…]

[When Banner saw Gu Yi’s costume, he knew that he was a mage, and asked, “I’m looking for Doctor Strange!”] “】

[Gu Yi calmly replied: “You came five years early…”

[But Hulk saw the Time Gem on Furuichi’s chest and planned to take it…]

[However, before he could make a move, Gu Yi slapped his soul out with one palm! ] 】

[Banner and Hulk separated instantly! ] 】

Thanos outside the video couldn’t help but be shocked when he saw this bald head.

Fortunately, I didn’t end up in person before, otherwise I felt like nothing.

Who can withstand this palm, fortunately, the guy who fights with himself in the future will not make this move!

However, Thanos is not worried, as long as he gets the soul gem, there is no need to be afraid of anything!

The Avengers also felt incredible when they saw this scene.

“Fak, who is this, so outrageous, it separated you with one palm!?”

“She actually knew that Strange would become a mage?”

Banner also watched this scene stunned…

Inside the Holy of Holies.

“I didn’t expect it to be exposed so quickly…”

Furuichi showed a thoughtful look, the timeline was completely broken, and the future became extremely complicated.

This change may be a good thing for the world.

Some people may be able to break free from being bound by fate.


【The screen turns…】

[Outside Loki’s cage, Thor in a red cloak, Rocket Raccoon carefully passes through…]

[Thor and Rocket Raccoon hide behind a boulder and watch Jane enter the room…]

[Rocket raccoon jumped down, turned to Fat Thor and said: “Okay, just what to do, fat man! ] “】

“You go and tempt her, I’ll give him a shot in the back!”] “】

[“Pull out the reality gem and we’ll slip away!”) “】

[Thor twitched his nose, his voice was slightly low…]

【”I’ll be back soon!”! There’s a wine cellar underground! “】

“My father kept a big barrel of ale all the time! “】

[“I’ll go see if I can steal two drinks…”]

[Thor just got out of front of the rocket raccoon and prepared to leave…]

[“Bang!!! “】

[Suddenly there was a sound of closing the door, which frightened the two of them, and Thor looked at the other side carefully, and his heart trembled…]

[A figure that made him miss it so much appeared in front of him…]

[“Who is that fashionable aunt? “】

[“My mother, she will be killed today…”

[Thor’s lips kept trembling, his eyes were confused, and he said incoherently: “I shouldn’t have come… I shouldn’t have come… That’s a really bad idea! “】

[Rocket raccoon looked at the flustered Thor and beckoned to him…]

【”Come here…”】

[Thor leaned slowly towards him…]

[“Snap! “】

[However, the rocket raccoon raised his paw and slapped Thor, and said angrily: “Do you think you lost your loved ones? What do you think we’re here for? “】

“I know you miss your mother, but she’s gone! Can’t come back! “】

[Thor rubbed his eyes at a loss, wiped away his tears, and left here while the rocket raccoon was not paying attention…]

[“Thor! Yes! “】

[The rocket raccoon clenched his paws quite angrily, and had no choice but to go on himself…]

[At this time, Thor is following behind the queen of heaven, Friga, secretly looking at her…]

[The Queen of Heaven seems to have sensed something and said goodbye to others for the time being…]

“What are you doing?” “】

[The voice of the Queen of Heaven suddenly sounded behind Thor, frightening Thor’s spirit and screaming…]

【Ah!!! 】

[Both of them were frightened…]

[“It’s better to leave sneaky things to your brother…”

Loki: “? ”

So do I only do the chicken and dog thing?


[Thor was frightened and overwhelmed, covered his face with clothes, and said with a hint of crying: “I’m not sneaky, I’m about to go for a walk…”

[The Queen of Heaven looked at her son’s behavior with some doubts and leaned forward…]

“What are you dressing up for?”] “】

[Thor lowered his head, did not dare to look at the queen of heaven, and kept fiddling with his clothes…]

[“I’ve always dressed like this, this is my favorite dress…”]

[The Queen of Heaven raised her hand and touched Thor’s cheek, feeling that the child in front of her was strange and familiar…]

“What’s wrong with your eyes?” “】

[Thor clasped the hand of the Queen of Heaven with both hands, and said unconsciously: “Oh, my eyes, do you remember the battle of Rohakin? “】

[“I was struck by a sword…”]

[Thor kept gesturing with his hand, like a child who had done something wrong, and kept explaining…]

[The Queen of Heaven smiled, raised her hand to ruffle Thor’s long hair, looked at his appearance, and said softly: “You are not the Thor I know… Right? “】

[Thor said with a wry smile: “I am…”

[Friga, the queen of heaven, shook her head, still gently stroking Thor, and muttered:

“The future must have made you suffer a lot…”

[“I didn’t say I came from the future…”]

“I was raised by a witch… Child… I can see a lot of things that the eye can’t see…”

[At this moment, Thor could no longer hold back, tears burst out of his eyes, and he choked:

“I’m really from the future…”】

[Thunder God hugged the Queen of Heaven tightly, at this moment he is no longer the God King Thunder God in people’s mouths, just a child who longs to see his mother…]

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