Marvel Universe.

The queen of heaven, Friga, looked at Thor lovingly, and at the same time was in a trance.

It turns out that this day, the day is not far away.

Will fate turn for a twist as a result?

Although she is not afraid of death, she wants to watch the children grow up.

Loki under the throne.

In his heart, he was shocked that he had already reached a cooperation with the Frost Giant not long ago.

Could it be that my mother was killed by the Frost Giant?

If that’s the case, it’s his fault, because only he has the chance to open the rainbow bridge between the two realms.

“Never let your mother die!”

Loki naturally has no affection for Odin, but for the queen, it has been the queen who has taken care of them since childhood.

“Heighten your guard!”

Odin plans to postpone his sleep this time, and he must not let Frigga have an accident these days!

Thor was already angry, if it weren’t for the exposure of the light curtain, he wouldn’t know anything, and he couldn’t help but feel cold in his heart.

Asgard went on high alert, while the frost giants became even more gloomy.

The cold air in my heart is even colder, and it seems that the plan is going to run aground!


【Screen continues】

[Rocket raccoon successfully got the ether and rushed to Thor…]

“Thor, it’s time for us to go! “】

[“Wait! “】

[Thor raised his hand to the sky, as if summoning something…]

【A moment later…】

[Mjolnir’s hammer flew extremely fast and fell into his hand…]

[“Hahaha, I still deserve it! “】

[In front of the queen of heaven, Friga, they disappeared at this point in time…]


In Asgardne, Thor jerked Mjolnir into his hand.

Fak! The future self is so shameless!

He even snatched his hammer!


【The screen turns】

[Rhode and Nebula came to the temple and waited for Star-Lord here…]

[However, at this time, Star-Lord is wearing headphones, listening to music, and constantly talking to himself…]

[A person holding a lizard as a microphone, constantly dancing awkwardly…]

[Rhode, who was hiding behind the stone, turned his head to look at Nebula, opened his nostrils, and said with a look of disgust:

“Looks like he’s a big fool…”

[Nebula lowered her head in embarrassment and agreed with this…]


[Xingjue stepped on the splash, smiled and slid forward a few steps…]

【Bang!!! 】

[Rhode punched him in the face, and Xingjue fainted directly to the ground…]


Guardians of the Galaxy.


Drax kept slapping the machine in front of him, and his stomach hurt with laughter.

“Hahaha, fat fool Quill!”

The rocket raccoon laughed mercilessly.

“~~I’m Groot~~”

One of the branches that Groot laughed at fell off …

Quill’s face is completely black, don’t call it the Guardians of the Galaxy in the future!

Call the Galaxy Fools!


【The screen turns】

[The Battle of New York is over, Thor presses Loki to prepare to return to Asgard…]

[Tony, who is flying outside, scanning everything in the building…]

[Tony flew lightly into the building, hiding in the shadows and observing…]

[“Captain, I have to say that your clothes have a really good buttocks lifting effect…”]

[“No one wants you to see!”] “】

[At this time, people from S.H.I.E.L.D. appeared and put away Loki’s scepter…]

“Who are these people? “】

[“S.H.I.E.L.D., but it’s actually Hydra, we didn’t know it at the time…”


Rumlow quickly packed his luggage and prepared to slip away.


Another group of cuties were successfully exposed!

Nick Fury’s mouth was crooked, which was great, and he didn’t have to check it himself.

None of these people from Hydra can run away!


[Ant-Man successfully entered Tony’s body…]

[At this time, Jarvis seemed to have noticed, but he did not make a sound…]

【Elevator entrance…】

[When Rumlow and the others saw Team America, they suddenly panicked in their hearts, and they didn’t know why the captain appeared here…]

[Team America walked to their center…]

[Rumlow held his hands nervously, and he greeted carefully…]

“Hey, Captain…”]

[Team America glanced at him and replied flatly, “Rumlow…”

[Others nervously extended their hands to the gun…]

[The US team noticed their movements and said calmly: “I just received a call from the secretary general… Now I’ll take over the scepter…”

[The bald head looked puzzled, he just answered the call of the secretary general, but he didn’t say this.] 】

[“Sir… I don’t understand…”

[Team America looked at the others, as if they were determining something…]

[“The cable newspaper said that someone was coming to steal it…”]

[Rumlow didn’t believe this and directly refused, after all, the captain didn’t see through their identity! ] 】

[“I’m sorry, Captain, we can’t give you the scepter…”

[“I’ll call the chief…”

[“It’s okay, trust me…”]

[The bald head was just about to take out the phone, but was interrupted by the American team, bending over and leaning over the bald head’s ear…]

[“Long live Hydra! “】

[As soon as these words came out, the people in the entire elevator were shocked and speechless, and their faces showed a look of relief…]

[Some people even showed adoring eyes, shouting that the captain turned out to be our people! ] 】

[There is this big guy, stable, absolutely stable after this! ] 】

[Long live Hydra!!! 】


The Avengers.

“Captain, this trick of yours is so showy!”

Rhode couldn’t help but give a thumbs up, this move was too great.

“I didn’t expect you to become so insidious, Captain!”

Everyone thought that the American team was going to use their fists to grab it, but they didn’t expect to get the Loki Scepter in this way!

Inside Hydra.

“Why, Steve, you don’t talk about martial arts!!!”

Rumlow and the others roared.

Who would have thought that this wave was from the future.

Nearly centenarians cheat children!


【Screen continues】

[In the hall, Tony successfully obtained the Cosmic Cube, but was violently knocked away by the Hulk who went down the stairs…]

[The Cosmic Cube fell at Loki’s feet, which made Loki stunned, but he still quickly picked it up and left here…]

[They are helpless, now there is one less gem, and the Pym particle can only go back and forth once, but Tony seems to have thought of a place to go! ] 】

[The American team remembered at the same time, the two are ready to gamble! ] 】

[The two came to 1970! ] 】

【Birthplace of Captain America…】

[They enter the bunker and divide the work to find, Pym particles and cosmic cubes! ] 】

[Tony successfully found the Cosmic Cube, but at this time an unexpected figure appeared in front of him…]

[Tony’s father, Howard Stark! 】

[Tony’s first reaction when he saw him was nervous and wanted to escape…]

“Hey, the door is here, man! “】

[Tony reacted immediately, and Howard walked slowly over to him.] 】

“I’m looking for Dr. Sora, have you seen him?” “】

[Tony, who has already been extremely nervous, is overwhelmed and accidentally touches a chair when walking…]

[“I haven’t seen Dr. Sora, I haven’t seen this figure…”

[This iron man, a billionaire, still looks extremely nervous in front of his father…]

“Do I know you?”] “】

[Tony nervously took off his sunglasses and took out the documents in his pocket…]

[“No… Mr… I’m a visitor from MIT…”

[“Oh… Mit… What is your name? “】

[Tony swallowed his saliva and said nervously, “Howard…”

[Howard has some differences, this name is easy to remember…]

[“Howard. Potts…”]

“I am Howard. Stark…”]

[Howard stretched out a finger and held it with Tony…]

[The two of them simply chatted and walked into the elevator…]

[“Help me get this…”]

[Tony did not hesitate to take the flowers from Howard…]

[“Well… No problem…”

[Tony’s quirks, guards, all removed at this moment…]

[Until the two are about to separate, Tony looks at his father with complicated eyes, wanting to say something but can’t say it…]

“Howard… Everything will be fine… Thank you for everything…”】

[Tony smiled, but hugged him complicated…]

[This is the last time he hugs his father…]

[Howard looked at Tony’s departing figure and felt very familiar…]

“Jarvis, have we met that person? “】

“Sir, you’ve seen too many people! “】

【”It feels familiar…”】

[Tony and Team America successfully got things and returned to the future…]


Marvel world, Howard looked at this scene, people are stupid.

“Tony came to see me…”

Howard seems to have opened some memory, it seems that there was such a person some time ago!

Now that I think about it, it’s actually a son!

“If the video had come out sooner, I would have had a good chat with Tony…”


【A minute later…】

[Everyone appeared on the installation, only Natasha was missing…]

[Hawkeye collapsed on the ground in grief, his face full of self-blame…]

[But no one reacted, what happened to the nebula…]

[Everyone will collect the six infinity stones into the nano gloves…]

[When considering who snapped his fingers, Banner stood up, after all, Thor’s state is very wrong now, and it is easy to make a wish…]

[The moment Banner put on the Infinity Gauntlet, the powerful force instantly tore his arm apart! ] 】

[In that heart-wrenching pain, Banner snapped his fingers fatefully…]

【Snap! 】

[Ant-Man looked out the window and felt that there were more life around him….]

[Half of the creatures that disappeared before are gradually resurrecting…]

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