In the reception room, Mu Yunke took out his mobile phone and began to play the game. According to the original body memory, he would have to wait at least an hour for An Jinyao to come over, so he had plenty of time to relax here.

After Mu Yunke developed a smart phone, third-party application systems sprung up like mushrooms after a rain, showing a situation of a hundred flowers blooming in a very short time. The game industry, which has always been a big money-absorber, is also developing rapidly. After Mu Yunke released the source code of the system, a variety of games popped up, including one that was highly similar to a pesticide that Mu Yunke often played in the real world, called "Heroes of Voswo".

Why do you always feel like you've seen this name somewhere?

Forget it, don't care, let's

take it first! Enter the game, match, choose a role, and start a war

! Just when Mu Yunke was about to kill the Quartet with great interest, a pleasant voice suddenly sounded in his ears: "Every time you wait for me, are you playing a game?"

"Yes! A rare relaxation time! Of course, you have to take care of it... Huh?" Mu Yunke replied casually, and then felt that something was wrong. When I looked up, I saw An Jinyao looking at him with a smile.

"Uh... Yaoyao, I'm not... It's not that there's nothing to do!, so it's just—" Mu Yunke explained hesitantly.

Although I don't plan to marry this woman, I still have to do a good job of superficial work, and I must not annoy her!"

An Jinyao said as she sat directly beside Mu Yunke, "I heard that you men like to play games no matter how old they are, and I can understand your preferences." It's just that when you play the game, can I take a look from the side?"

In fact, after Mu Yunke saw An Jinyao, he began to hesitate to quit the game directly. Of course, quitting the game is costly and easy to report. But if you don't quit the game, it's easy to make girls angry.

Unexpectedly, before Mu Yunke could figure out how to choose, An Jinyao made a choice for him very intimately, and offered to watch the battle from the side!

If it weren't for the scene of An Jinyao's cold eyebrows in his mind, Mu Yunke was afraid that he would really think that this woman was in love with him.

Next, Mu Yunke finished the game under An Jinyao's gaze.

While Mu Yunke was concentrating on the game, An Jinyao did not watch the game as she just said, but focused on Mu Yunke's side face.

How long has it been since I have been so close to Brother Yun Ke like today, and I can see Brother Yun Ke's side face so clearly?

Looking back, even An Jinyao herself couldn't understand why she was so disgusted with Mu Yunke. Obviously Mu Yunke is so sincere to himself, obviously Mu Yunke has done so many intimate things for himself, obviously Mu Yunke has only loved her from beginning to end, but he will abandon this boy who is full of his own treasures, and instead likes a scumbag who is flamboyant, reckless, bloody and violent, and has no one in his eyes and is lustful?

It is true that Ye Fan has a huge force behind him, and his family property is not inferior to Mu Yunke. But these are not what An Jinyao values, not to mention that she remembers very clearly that she fell in love with Ye Fan at the beginning, and it has nothing to do with his power and wealth. But it is precisely because of this that An Jinyao is puzzled.

Such a good-for-nothing guy, how could she be blind in the first place, and if he didn't get married? She could even tolerate Ye Fan looking for another woman

! She was simply crazy!

Thinking of the time when she fell in love with Ye Fan, An Jinyao couldn't help but clench her fists, and her face turned pale.

It's a shame! If you let others know about this kind of thing, I'm afraid that you will die directly, right?

But fortunately, everything started from scratch. I want to make up for all the regrets I missed before!

Unconsciously, An Jinyao's eyes were full of tenderness and guilt when she looked at Mu Yunke.

Brother Yunke, what you did to me in the last life, I will do to you in this life.

At this time, Mu Yunke, who was immersed in the game, didn't know that the woman next to him had already turned a thousand thoughts in her heart. He just took care of his own troops and killed the enemy. He can't help but cheer when he wins a team fight, and he can't help but curse when he loses a battle. And An Jinyao looked at him so quietly, and she would smile when Mu Yunke's expression changed.

It turns out that Brother Yun Ke is so handsome!

Unconsciously, a game is over.

It's a pity that Mu Yunke lost. Whether it's in reality or fiction, his level of play is as crotch-pulling as ever.

Mu Yunke grimaced, and subconsciously turned his head to the right.

Then he met An Jinyao's pretty face facing him.

At this moment, the distance between the two faces is no more than ten centimeters, and the other party's breathing is clearly audible.

For a moment, both of them were stunned.

The pink love bubble slowly rises, and an ambiguous atmosphere gradually spreads...

Ah sorry, but this is just the ideal scene in anime. The truth is that the unexpected eye exchange is a bit awkward for both of them.

Just when Mu Yunke was thinking about what to say to alleviate this embarrassment, the voice of the system in his head suddenly sounded

: "Release task: If you want to save the heart of the first heroine, how can you not date?

Mu Yunke was stunned for a moment, and then thought that inviting him to dinner was indeed a good opportunity to try, and he could also tell An Jinyao about Ye Fan's arrest in the bureau during dinner, and then look at An Jinyao's reaction from the side.

So Mu Yunke opened his mouth and said, "Yao..." "

That, Brother Yunke, are you free tonight?" As soon as Mu Yunke said the first word, An Jinyao asked Mu Yunke in a red voice.

Mu Yunke blinked: "Uh... Have free time. Hearing

this, the expression on An Jinyao's face jumped visibly. She lowered her head and said cautiously, "That... So tonight, can you... Can you have a meal with me?"

An Jinyao, who didn't wait for an answer, looked up at Mu Yunke suspiciously, but saw Mu Yunke with a shocked face.

How could Brother Yun Ke have such an expression?

An Jinyao only thought for a second before thinking of the answer.

It must be... He used to be too cold to him, so much so that he was a little nicer to him, which made him a little confused.

As soon as she thought of this, An Jinyao felt extremely remorseful.

But fortunately, God treated me well and gave me a chance to make up for my regrets!

So An Jinyao was bold and rushed forward.


... Brother Yun Ke, I... Do I still have a job... Don't forget, we're going to have dinner together tonight!Don't miss the appointment!"

An Jinyao said in a panic as she stood up and walked out the door. Because he walked in too much hurry, he almost fell to the ground.

It was only three minutes after An Jinyao left that Mu Yunke came to his senses. He touched the place where An Jinyao had kissed just now, and muttered, "What does this first heroine mean?"

On the other side, although Ye Fan was arrested in the police station, there was an expression of nonchalance on his face. The appearance of that hanger Lang was more like a gangster than a gangster, and the other policemen kept shaking their heads. The more compassionate police officer muttered in a low voice: "Alas, it is another young man who has gone astray without parental discipline!"

At this time, a policewoman who was walking by stopped and couldn't help asking, "What?

After the policeman answered, he gave a brief introduction to Ye Fan's situation. After listening to this, the policewoman muttered for a long time and said, "But don't you think that the young man of the Mu family is also responsible for this matter?"

The policeman looked dazed. Why is the Mu family still responsible?

The policewoman analyzed seriously: "You see, the security guard who was arrested was actually just doing his job. The security guard is supposed to maintain the security of the office building, so it is understandable for him to do this! Not only should he not be blamed, but he should be rewarded! But you see that the Mu family is a young man, instead of praising this security guard who has done his job, he called the police and arrested him, do you think he is not responsible?"

The policeman's face became even more dazed. It sounds quite reasonable, but why does he always feel that something is not quite right?

After thinking about it, he said: "But the Mu family is not a suspicious person! What qualifications and reasons does he have as a security guard to prevent people from entering the office building?"

The policewoman snorted coldly and said: "Now I am the second generation of the rich, all of them are arrogant and domineering, and they don't look like a good person at a glance! If you want me to say, it must be that the young man of the Mu family must be too vicious in appearance to let the security guard stop him." Why don't you see why this security guard doesn't stop others but stops him?"

the policeman became more and more puzzled when he heard this theory. Isn't this a typical "victim guilt theory"? He wanted to argue again, but when he looked at his beautiful little face, he finally endured it and said: "In that case, then you should interrogate him! I'll go and make a record for someone else."

Looking at the back of the policeman, the policewoman pouted and said, "Hmph! I'll record it!"

So the policewoman prepared for a while, and then went straight to the interrogation room.

This policewoman with a clear logic is naturally our police flower Lord Qiu Nan.

Qiu Nan's background is not simple, she is a member of the Qiu family in the capital, and there are people in the military and political circles for three generations, and she is an out-and-out daughter of an official eunuch. Qiu Nan has been very good at fighting injustices since she was a child, and she has to be fair the most. And becoming a police officer, fighting crime, and upholding justice has become her lifelong dream.

But I don't know which tendon is wrong with this Qiu Nan, and I am paranoid that all the second generation of officials and the second generation of rich people are not good people. According to her words, the second generation of officials and the second generation of the rich people casually pulled out a few shots, and none of them were unjust, false and wrongly convicted!

Perhaps it was for this reason that Qiu Nan instinctively preferred to believe Ye Fan, who was a "common man".

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