It didn't take long for a middle-aged man in a suit to arrive sweating profusely. As soon as he saw Mu Yunke, he hurriedly ran forward, bowed his head and said with a smile: "Mu Shao, why are you here suddenly?"

Mu Yunke glanced at him and said coldly: "Manager Tu, I have a question that I am very curious, I hope you can solve my doubts." The

sweat on Manager Tu's face was even greater. He has been in the position of manager for seven or eight years, and he has long been mixed with sperm. From Mu Yunke's tone alone, Manager Tu knew that he was going to suffer. But he thought about it, and he really couldn't understand what he had done to make Mu Yunke angry, and he couldn't help but secretly complain in his heart. But at this time, he had no other choice, so he had to nod tremblingly

and said: "Mu Shao, please say, Mu Shao, please say!" Mu Yunke clasped his arms with his hands and said, "I want to ask, this 'Yunhai Mansion

' is still our family, right?" The corner of Manager Tu's mouth twitched: "Of course! My subordinates haven't heard that our mansion is going to be sold recently!"

"Oh, it's still our family's..." Then I'm surprised, why do I want to enter our family's mansion and need the consent of a

security guard?" Manager Tu then understood, and hurriedly said: "I don't know which security guard is so short-sighted, I'll open him!" "

Don't don't, I didn't call you here to ask you to open people." Mu Yunke waved his hand, "My image is not printed on the banknote, and it is normal for someone not to know me." So the crux of the problem is not here, but, why can a mere security guard actually prevent others from entering and leaving Yunhai Mansion normally?"

Speaking of this, Mu Yunke turned his gaze and said to Manager Tu: "Manager Tu, when the security department recruits new people, is there any training?"

Manager Tu complained bitterly in his heart, but on the surface, he didn't dare to show it at all, just kept saying: "It's a dereliction of duty by subordinates! It's a dereliction of duty by subordinates!"

Ye Fan over there couldn't stand it anymore, and shouted at Mu Yunke: "You have the ability to rush at me, what kind of ability is it to rush at our manager?"

This Manager Tu was polite to him when recruiting, so Ye Fan felt that he needed to vent his evil anger for this manager who was bullied by the boss.

At this moment, Ye Fan felt that he was simply the embodiment of justice!

He didn't know that Manager Tu had already scolded him in his heart.

In the security industry, the technical difficulty is not high, so Manager Tu didn't pay much attention to it. Usually recruit security guards, basically recruit yesterday and start working today, training while taking up the post, and security guards in other places usually do the same. As for Ye Fan, he was personally recruited by Manager Tu yesterday. Originally, he looked handsome, and being a security guard at the door would help to improve the quality of the office building, but I didn't expect that he was actually a stunned

young man in nature! Not to mention that the Mu family is a big and young person, if you change to an ordinary person, can you stop it if you want to stop it? Of course, it is not impossible to stop it, but the people who want to stop it are limited to untidy clothes and suspicious people who are suspected of having bad intentions. Others, as long as they don't look like bad people on the outside and dress well, there is no reason for the security guards to stop them.

So Manager Tu couldn't figure it out, how could Ye Fan stop Mu Yunke? Now he is still making a lot of nonsense here! So Manager Tu

turned his head and yelled at Ye Fan: "Shut up for me! Is there a place for you to speak?"

Ye Fan couldn't help but be stunned. How long has it been since no one dared to yell at himself like this?

Immediately, Ye Fan's eyes narrowed slightly, and there was a killing intent in his eyes.

Very good, since you guy is so ignorant, then don't blame me for being polite!

At this time, in Ye Fan's heart, Manager Tu, who yelled at him, already had a way to die.

Mu Yunke just glanced at Ye Fan's eyes, and he knew what he was thinking, and he couldn't help but sigh in his heart about the narrow-mindedness of this Dragon King.

Mu Yunke didn't bother to pay attention to Ye Fan, but said to Manager Tu: "I'll leave the matter here to you, I don't want things like this to happen again in the future." In addition, you remember for me, we can't recruit all the people here!

" Manager Tu nodded hurriedly: "Yes! Yes!" Ye

Fan, who was characterized by Mu Yunke as a "non-trivial person", suddenly became angry, shouted, and smashed towards Mu Yunke with a punch. Mu Yunke never expected that Ye Fan would be so reckless and dare to do something in such a place, and he was also shocked in his heart. But before he could scream, he saw a figure rushing in front of Mu Yunke, and then smashed Ye Fan's body with a punch.


Looking at Ye Fan, who was smashed to the ground, the corners of Mu Yunke's mouth twitched slightly. What the hell?

The one who just saved Mu Yunke was naturally Han Li, who had been following Mu Yunke all along.

I have to say that Han Li is worthy of being the biggest opponent Ye Fan encountered in the early stage, even Ye Fan couldn't dodge this punch, and was directly smashed into a, and the whole person was stunned, and he doubted life for a while. Manager Tu didn't react until this time, and couldn't help but be shocked, and hurriedly shouted at the other security guards: "What are you still watching, why don't you take down this thug quickly!"

The other security guards heard this and hurriedly took out their riot weapons. This fork waist and that fork head pressed Ye Fan to the ground. Han Li's punch was so light that Ye Fan couldn't get rid of it no matter how desperately he struggled.

Manager Tu hurriedly called the police again. It didn't take long for the police to arrive. After understanding the situation, the police officer led by him waved his hand, directly handcuffed Ye Fan, and escorted him to the police car. Finally, Ye Fan knew that this was not a foreign country, and it was not a place where he could act recklessly, so he didn't dare to do it against the police. But his eyes full of hatred stared at Mu Yunke without blinking.

Very good, damn it, you have completely angered me! Sooner or later, you and your whole family will have to pay the price for today's incident!

For Ye Fan's murderous eyes, Mu Yunke was not surprised at all. You scold me, I kill your whole family, it has always been the normal operation of the protagonist of Shuangwen. This kind of person is essentially a bear child with powerful destructive power, and he needs to be whipped by society to know that this is a society governed by the rule of law.

At this moment, Mu Yunke seemed to have an understanding in his heart.

As soon as the protagonist of Shuangwen came up, his parents sacrificed to the sky, could it be to conform to the wanton character of the protagonist?

Thinking of this, Mu Yunke couldn't help but shake his head. These protagonists are so lawless when no one disciplines them.

May there be fewer bear children in the world.

Mu Yunke was just about to step upstairs, but suddenly remembered something.

Wait, it seems that in this novel plane, there is also a heroine who is a police flower?

Almost every cool article has to have a police flower heroine, and I don't know why these authors are so obsessed with police flowers.

In the original plot, Ye Fan had to wait several days to get acquainted with this police flower. At that time, the police flower was chasing a wanted criminal, and then the dragon king passed by. Lord Dragon King didn't want to care about it, but when he looked at the one chasing behind him, he looked at the one he was chasing behind - yo he! This body, this leg, this ass, this face

! Mine!

So Ye Fan was a little "righteous and courageous", and brushed a wave of goodwill in front of Qiu Nan Police Hua. And Qiu Nan, the policewoman with a strong sense of justice, was taken down by the Dragon King not long after. Then she believes whatever the dragon king says, and she does whatever the dragon king tells her to do. She firmly believes that the Dragon King must be righteous, and whoever acts against the Dragon King must be evil.

Therefore, Mu Yunke, the villain, was also by Qiu Nan several times by the way, which made the original body resentful.

But this time, Ye Fan was arrested and put into the police station, and I don't know if he will meet the police flower. If you do, will you capture the heart of the police flower again?

Normally, it probably won't. But is Ye Fan a normal person?

After pondering for a while, Mu Yunke said to Han Li: "You go to the police station to assist the police in their investigation, and help me keep an eye on this person to see where he came from."

Han Li asked in surprise, "But what about your safety?"

Mu Yunke smiled faintly: "Don't worry." I didn't bring much bodyguards before, didn't I come over so peacefully?"

Han Li nodded: "Okay, I'll go over now."

After Han Li left, Mu Yunke made another call. This time the call was made to his own bodyguard, and on the phone, Han Li ordered the same content as Han Li.

For Han Li, he couldn't be trusted. But just take this opportunity to see if there is a relationship between Han Li and Ye Fan.

After making the call, Mu Yunke took the elevator to the top floor of the office building.

Yunhai Building has a total of 56 floors, the top floor has the best view, and you can overlook most of the city through the window, which makes people spontaneously feel a pride of "seeing all the mountains at a glance". And with such a high floor, the rent is naturally not cheap. But Mu Yunke, as the young director of the Mu family, directly sold this layer and the following three layers to the An family at a price of half selling for nothing, and the reason... Naturally, it was used to lick An Jinyao.

Of course, An Jinyao accepted it unceremoniously, and then moved the group headquarters here. As for Mu Yunke's courtship, of course, it was rejected again.

Hmph! Lick the dog, lick the dog, lick until there is nothing left!

Mu Yunke was a little indignant, but he still held back.

This trip was to test An Jinyao, and he should still be calm.

After an announcement at the front desk, Mu Yunke went straight to the reception room. And on the way, he naturally heard the whispers of employees who liked to gossip.

"Look, Mu Dashao is coming to our Mr. An again!" "Tsk, Mu Dashao is so young and golden, why can't we Mr. An look down on it?"

"Probably Mr. An doesn't like this one!" "

If you want me to say, our Mr. An is

too high-minded." If Mu Dashao can't even look at her, then who else can she look at?"

"Who knows? It can't be a little security guard, right?"

Normal people don't bother to talk about this kind of topic once or twice, but why do they always enjoy it?

For the first time, Mu Yunke felt that the world was not normal.

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