Hearing Chen Lingyun's question, Mu Yunke said in his heart: Sure enough, the problem is here!

From just now, he felt that Chen Lingyun's attitude was not quite right. Although he is young and promising, he is very attractive to many girls, but Mu Yunke has never felt that he is a heartthrob.

And Chen Lingyun's words just now seem to be more like a temptation and foreshadowing at this time, testing whether Mu Yunke is the same person as Ye Fan, and at the same time paving the way for their next discussion.

And since the contact, Chen Yang has not come forward directly, and Mu Yunke has reason to suspect that it should be Chen Yang who really wants to ask this question, not Chen Lingyun.

Thinking of this, Mu Yunke didn't answer Chen Lingyun's question directly, but asked rhetorically: "Then what kind of person do you think he is?"

Chen Lingyun saw Mu Yunke throw the question back again, and had to say: "I think he... It seems to be a bit bohemian, and I don't like to follow the rules very much..."

Mu Yunke nodded. That's the point.

I don't know who started with it, people who don't like to follow the rules are often portrayed as a character who dares to rebel against authority. After all, each of us is essentially an ordinary person, the most common group in this society, so we will always have feelings of envy and jealousy for those who are high up in the upper echelons. So we often desire to be able to overthrow these people and replace them by some means.

But at the end of the day, these are just fantasies.

And the protagonist of Shuangwen like Ye Fan is actually the self that many people fantasize about.

Ye Fan's uninhibited behavior and disobedience to the rules is actually a danger to society. It's only when we limit our eyes to the gainers that we feel like that. Just like there are countless women who feel that it is a very romantic and happy thing to be taken away by the person they really love at the wedding, but they never think about how much psychological trauma the man who was robbed of the marriage will endure.

And the protagonists of Shuangwen like Ye Fan, their behavior is a little more excessive. They are unwilling to follow the code of ethics and even laws and regulations. On the surface, they are lawless, but to get to the root of it is that they ignore the rules.

Just like Chen Lingyun said.

After thinking about it, Mu Yunke said, "Miss Chen, do you like people who follow the rules, or do you like people who don't follow the rules?"

Chen Lingyun was stunned for a moment, and then thought about it carefully.

As a daughter, she likes to play dangerous and exciting games such as racing, which also contains some elements of rebellion against the rules. So it stands to reason that she should like people who don't follow the rules. But after Chen Lingyun thought about it carefully, she found that things were not so simple.

She doesn't like to follow the rules, which are unreasonable and non-mandatory. For example, there has never been a rule that girls can't play racing, but there is a subtle belief that the sport is not for women. Such rules are optional.

And what about Ye Fan? He rebelled against coercive and reasonable rules, such as morality and law.

Thinking of this, Chen Lingyun suddenly showed a look of astonishment. Is this the reason why I admired Ye Fan at the beginning? But this is too nonsense, right?

As soon as he saw Chen Lingyun's expression, Mu Yunke knew that Chen Lingyun had understood, so he smiled and said: "Miss Chen, in fact, we all more or less appreciate some people who can break the stereotype, because it is often this kind of person who leads the whole society into a new era. But breaking the rules is not the same as breaking all the rules. And Ye Fan is the kind of person who confuses these two situations.

Chen Lingyun said thoughtfully: "In other words, Ye Fan's ambition is actually greater than we expected?"

Hearing Chen Lingyun say this, Mu Yunke couldn't help but glance at the other party. I didn't expect that in just a few words, the other party could comprehend this step, which is really remarkable.

After thinking about it, he said, "I don't know how ambitious Ye Fan is. But I personally think that he is essentially a man of great ambition and talent. His pattern can't support his ambitions, which is why he uses some despicable means to achieve his goals. "

For example, killing people unscrupulously, such as flirting with girls everywhere without psychological burden, such as eating soft rice without shame.

When Chen Lingyun heard this, he couldn't help but sigh: "I didn't expect him to be such a person, I still admired him so much before."

Mu Yunke asked curiously, "I don't know what qualities Miss Chen admires about Ye Fan?"

Chen Lingyun: "..."Chen Lingyun

felt very ashamed, and even felt that Mu Yunke didn't seem to be very good at talking. But she didn't know that Mu Yunke was really curious, not sarcastic.

Just when Chen Lingyun didn't know how to answer, Chen Yang, who was behind the hidden scenes, finally appeared. I only heard a hearty laugh sound, and Chen Yang's voice came: "Mu Shaoda's arrival really makes the cold house shine

!" Mu Yunke was a little amused by this, but he still stood up very cooperatively and smiled at Chen Yang, who had just come out: "It is my honor to be invited by the Chen family master. The

two reached out at the same time, shook it, and smiled at each other.

Although it is just a few simple actions, it is also a message to each other.

I don't want to be your enemy, and we can still be friends.

Under tacit understanding, the two talked about it with laughter. As for Chen Lingyun, he said very interestingly that he would explain to the chef and make a few good dishes tonight to greet Mu Yunke.

With Mu Yunke's current status, in fact, it is still a little reluctant to sit on an equal footing with Chen Yang. But he is better than his youth, which makes Chen Yang have to look up at the other party. can create such a big family business at such an age, and this ability and pattern are also qualified to talk and laugh with him.

The two talked and laughed, but they talked about some unimportant little things. For them, it doesn't matter what they talk about, it's important to bring them closer. While Chen Yang was talking and laughing, he didn't forget why the other party came here, so he had already privately notified Chen Huanzhi to come over.

After a short time, Chen Huanzhi's talent finally came late. As soon as he entered the living room, Chen Huanzhi said impatiently: "Dad, what do you have to do with me?" I'm having a party with friends, and your notice came too suddenly!"

Chen Yang glared at Chen Huanzhi unhappily and said, "It's for your own good to call you back." Who do you think is coming to our house today

?" Chen Huanzhi's eyes suddenly lit up: "Is Brother Ye Fan here?" Dad, you can be regarded as doing the right thing!"

Chen Yang: "..."For

a moment, Chen Yang wanted to stuff Chen Huanzhi back into his mother's womb, as if he had never given birth to this son.

But he still took a deep breath and said, "It's not Ye Fan, it's Mr. Mu of Yunyao Group." You brought so much trouble to Mr. Mu last time, and Mr. Mu stopped pursuing it a lot, don't you hurry up to thank Mr. Mu?"

Chen Huan was stunned, only to find that sitting opposite Chen Yang was Mu Yunke, who he had always wanted to oppose.

Chen Huanzhi frowned suddenly, and said with an unhappy expression: "Dad, did you make a mistake and actually invited him to be a guest? Do you know what he has done

?" Before Chen Yang could speak, Mu Yunke smiled and said: "Chen Shao, I don't seem to know you before, right?" I remember that there is no contradiction between me and you. Why did you have such a big opinion about me as soon as we met? Could it be that I inadvertently offended you? If this is the case, please tell Chen Shao in detail, and I can reflect on it.

Chen Huanzhi sneered and said, "You didn't offend me, but you offended someone you shouldn't offend!" Mu Yunke, don't think that my father can be arrogant in front of me if he invites you over. Let me tell you, in the land of the imperial capital, you have to coil it for me, and if it is a tiger, you have to lie down for me!"

Chen Huanzhi said in a loud voice, but when Mu Yunke heard this, he just spread his hands at Chen Yang and made an innocent and helpless expression.

Chen Yang only felt that he was about to be blown up by this stupid son.

He slapped the table and said angrily at Chen Huanzhi: "Look at what you are talking about! People Mu Shao is kind and kind, and you don't want to pursue it, so you repay others? I raised you so big, is it just a good thing to raise you to distinguish between right and wrong? Chen Huanzhi, I will tell you clearly today, you must apologize to Mu Shao today!" Chen

Yang called his son by his name, which showed that he was already extremely angry.

But it's a pity that Chen Huanzhi was too deeply affected by the protagonist's aura, and he didn't even notice his father's intentions, but looked at his father with a look of grievance and consternation, and said: "Dad, you actually yelled at me? Roar at me for an outsider? Could it be that in your heart, my own son is not as important as an outsider?"

When Mu Yunke heard this, he almost laughed. What is the length of this Chen Huanzhi's brain circuit? Is this a matter of outsiders and insiders? Is this

your father looking for a way out for you? But what about you? You are still stupidly messing with your father for a Ye Fan. If you really can't figure out the distance between relatives and relatives, I'm afraid it's you idiot, right?

Mu Yunke didn't speak, but just looked at Chen Huanzhi with interest, as if he was looking at a funny monkey.

Chen Yang only felt his face dull at this moment. He really couldn't figure out what kind of ecstasy soup that Ye Fan poured into his son, so that this heir, who he had personally cultivated, could actually contradict himself for outsiders.

At this moment, Chen Yang's heart had even moved to kill.

Ye Fan must not stay!

Chen Yang didn't know that his posture of sticking a knife in his brother's ribs had completely annoyed Chen Yang. He said eloquently: "Dad, sooner or later, you will know one day who is worthy of your trust in this world!"

After speaking, he glared at Mu Yunke fiercely, and then left without looking back.

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