After Chen Huanzhi left for a long time, Chen Yang sighed faintly and smiled bitterly at Mu Yunke: "There is no way to teach a son! It really makes Mu Shaojian smile!"

Mu Yunke comforted in turn: "Don't say that, the head of the Chen family. Chen Shao must still be too young and vigorous, so that he is too gullible to outsiders. I believe that when he matures a little, he will not be like this again!"

Mu Yunke's words made Chen Yang a little speechless. Chen Huanzhi is in his early thirties this year, five or six years older than Mu Yunke. And you, in turn, actually said that he was too young and vigorous? Are you comforting people, or are you ridiculing him for being too naïve?

But Chen Yang thought about it for a while, and felt that what Mu Yunke said was right. Chen Huanzhi is too naïve, so naïve that he doesn't look like a person in his thirties.

At this time, Chen Lingyun also returned to the living room. The quarrel between her father and brother also made her hear. And her brother's performance was really beyond her expectations.

In her opinion, no matter how good Ye Fan's relationship with him is, he is also an outsider. How can you quarrel with your father for an outsider? This is too ignorant!

Especially remembering that Chen Huanzhi had to let himself be Ye Fan's woman when he knew Ye Fan's scumbag nature, Chen Lingyun was also extremely disappointed in this brother.

When she walked into the living room, she comforted her father and said, "Dad, don't be angry. Big brother, he is so old, and he should take responsibility for what he has done. If he did something wrong, then he can only blame himself for not knowing people, and we can't care about him for the rest of his life.

Chen Yang understood that his daughter's words were to persuade him not to put too much energy on Chen Huanzhi, and not to take all the things that Chen Huanzhi committed on himself. If Chen Huanzhi hadn't been allowed to fall a few heels, he would still be like today in the future, and he didn't know what to do.

So Chen Yang patted his daughter's shoulder and sighed: "You are still sensible, much better than your eldest brother."

Then he turned his head to Mu Yunke and said, "I'm sorry, Mu Shao, I didn't expect you to see the joke." I'm sorry for my son's attitude.

Mu Yunke hurriedly waved his hand and said, "This can't be blamed on the head of the Chen family, Chen Shao was just bewitched by Ye Fan." I believe that sooner or later, he will be able to see Ye Fan's true face.

"I hope so!" Chen Yang couldn't help but sigh again.

Chen Yang originally wanted his son to apologize to Mu Yunke, but he didn't expect that in the end, he apologized for his son, which was a loss of face.

But Chen Lingyun is right, Chen Huanzhi is so old, he has to learn to pay for his actions.

After a while, the chef finished the dish, and the three of them sat down at the table and began to chat while eating, and the atmosphere was quite harmonious.

While they were eating, Chen Huanzhi received a call from Ye Fan shortly after leaving Chen's house angrily.

Brother Ye Fan, who had not been seen for several days, finally called, and immediately made Chen Huanzhi very happy. On the phone, after Ye Fan told Chen Huan his current location, Chen Huanzhi immediately drove to it.

About an hour later, Chen Huanzhi arrived at a villa located on the outskirts of the imperial capital. And this is the residence of the people of Tianlong Dao.

To Chen Huanzhi's surprise, it was not his Ye Fan brother who came out to receive him, but a burly man.

After seeing Chen Huan, the man just asked lightly: "Is it Chen Huanzhi Chen Shao?"

Chen Huanzhi glanced at the other party suspiciously, and then said, "Yes, I am." Where is Brother Ye Fan?"

The burly man nodded and gestured to the villa: "Your Excellency is inside." As he

spoke, the burly man took the lead, while Chen Huanzhi followed behind him with questions.

After entering the villa, Chen Huanzhi saw Ye Fan sitting on the sofa at a glance. It's just that what shocked him was that Ye Fan was wrapped in white bandages again and again at this time, and the whole person looked like a mummy, and he couldn't tell that this person was the heroic Dragon King.

When Chen Huanyi saw Ye Fan's miserable appearance, his tears almost fell. He hurriedly rushed forward, grabbed Ye Fan's hand, and said in a trembling voice: "Brother Ye Fan, why did you do this? Who harmed you?"

The corners of Ye Fan's mouth twitched, and he said in a calmer tone as much as possible: "Lighter, my injury is not healed."

"Huh?" Chen Huan was stunned, and then looked down at Ye Fan's hand, which was also tightly wrapped, and then understood what Ye Fan meant. He hurriedly put down Ye Fan's hand and said, "I'm sorry, Brother Ye Fan, I was so excited just now, didn't I hurt you?"

Ye Fan laughed dryly and said, "No..."

In fact, just now, Ye Fan really wanted to kick Chen Huanzhi away!

Although the Tianlong Dao people have superb medical skills, there is no way for Ye Fan to recover from his injuries in such a short time. Now Ye Fan can only get out of bed and do some less complicated movements, but the skin that is still recovering is very fragile, and he will feel the pain of drilling his heart when he touches it slightly.

And Chen Huanzhi's moment just now, the pain was so painful that Ye Fan's tears almost fell.

This idiot! Seeing himself like this, don't you know how to be lighter?!

Ye Fan actually looks down on a rich second generation like Chen Huanzhi in his heart. However, for the sake of the other party being so "loyal" to himself, Ye Fan called the other party a brother. But in his heart, Chen Huanzhi is just an object that can be used. If Chen Huanzhi knew each other and helped him a little before he became developed, then he wouldn't mind helping Chen Huanzhi a little in the future and helping him become the number one person in the imperial capital.

Ye Fan forcibly endured the idea of beating Chen Huanzhi up, and said to Chen Huanzhi in a calmest tone as much as possible: "Chen Shao, introduce two people to you."

He first pointed to the burly man who had just received Chen Huanzhi in, and said, "His name is Chang Yizhi." He

pointed to the man standing behind Ye Fan with a stiff face, and said, "His name is Deng Xin."

Then Ye Fan said to Chen Huanzhi: "These two people are good brothers I met overseas. You guys get to know each other!"

Chen Huanzhi immediately smiled at the two: "It turned out to be Chang Yizhi's brother and Deng Xin's brother." Since you are all Ye Fan's brothers, you are my brothers!If you have something to talk to me in the future, I will never say a word!"

Chang Yizhi showed a faint smile and nodded at him slightly.

Deng Xin, on the other hand, continued to stand there with a stiff face, not reacting at all.

Ye Fan didn't care either, and said: "After the two of them returned to China, they couldn't find a place to stay for the time being. Chen Shao, you can help me settle the two of them. "

If someone asks someone to do something, they have to show respect in an inquiring tone. But when Ye Fan spoke to Chen Huanzhi, he directly used a declarative sentence, obviously this was not an inquiry, but an order.

But Chen Huanzhi didn't know if he didn't hear it at all because he had a bad brain, or he just liked Ye Fan to talk to him like this, and he didn't feel anything wrong, but said happily: "Don't worry, Brother Ye Fan, your brother is my brother, I will definitely help you settle the two of them!"

As for Deng Xin, there was no change in his expression during the whole process.

It's not that he can't laugh, but he doesn't feel the need to laugh at Chen Huanzhi at all. In his eyes, only Ye Fan is worthy of respect in this world, and there is no need for anyone else to take it seriously.

Even if the other party helps him.

And Chen Huanzhi didn't mind at all. In his opinion, people with a bit of ability always have an eccentric temper.

Of course, only Chen Dashao would think so. In the eyes of others, this is just simple impoliteness, and it has nothing to do with whether the temper is weird or not.

After talking about these two people, Chen Huanzhi couldn't wait to ask: "Brother Ye Fan, why did you get to the way

you are now?" Ye Fan pretended to sigh and said, "Chen Shao, you should have heard about my car accident some time ago, right

?" Chen Huan was stunned, and then asked, "You mean, the car accident that happened when you were racing with Mu Yunke?"

"That's right. Ye Fan said in a dull tone, "That Mu Yunke doesn't talk about martial arts, and he actually secretly made a black hand in the process of the competition, causing me to be the way I am now." If it weren't for my master's arrival by chance, I'm afraid I would have died a long time ago!"

Although Ye Fan's tone was dull, he could still hear the deep hatred hidden in his words.

In his memory, he had never encountered such an embarrassing situation. It was a great shame for him to overturn the car instead of killing people on the racing track!

Especially when he thought of his mummy-like appearance now, he was even more eager to dismantle Mu Yunke!

But unfortunately, he still had no way to avenge himself by himself. But it doesn't matter, until the injury is healed, at least someone can take advantage of it.

Sure enough, after Chen Huanzhi listened, he immediately scolded indignantly: "That damn Mu Yunke, how dare you do this!Brother Ye Fan, don't worry, I will definitely be angry for

you in this matter!" Ye Fan shook his head and said, "Chen Shao, you better not interfere in this matter." That Mu Yunke's methods are all done to the extreme, which is not something that a good person like you can deal with at all. It's better to wait for me to recover from my injuries, and then think about it in the long run!"

Chen Huanzhi said disregardedly: "Brother Ye Fan, do you want me to be indifferent to watching you being injured like this? Tell you, I must make him pay the price for hurting my brother! No matter who he is, I will make him pay for his blood debt!" Ye Fan

snorted coldly in his heart. Sure enough, this Chen Dashao was fooled after a little flickering, and he didn't need to spend much effort at all.

It's a pity that he only met one of such stupid guys. If only others, especially Mu Yunke, could be as stupid as him.

And Chang Yizhi, who had been standing next to him silently, looked at Chen Huanzhi's excited appearance, and secretly felt sad for the other party in his heart.

Alas, another fool who has been fooled and lame!

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