Villain: Eavesdropping, the heroine collapses

Chapter 1082: As Expected Of You! Lin's Ambition! (Seeking Subscription)

"Great-grandfather, you are right!"

After thinking this through, Lin Yuan had a complete epiphany. He endured the pain in his limbs and grinned:

"I was really excited just now."

"Even if my limbs are cut off and I become a useless person, everyone will laugh at me."

"But what else?"

"One day I will strive to become the young master of Linmen, and they will also look up to me!"

"Yun Zhou, compared to me, he is a worthless trash!"

"Everything for me now is tempering, I have to be domineering, and I have to be brave to accept it!"

"Don't worry, I've figured it out!"

The corners of Lin Sheng's mouth twitched because of his operation.

This Nima is indeed his great-grandson, he has a high level of awareness!

What a fool!

Yun Zhou, is "410" an unidentified trash?

Do you want to tell Kid Jie that he is Emperor Yun's nephew?

No, can't tell.

Otherwise, the only sense of superiority is gone, and he will definitely not be able to howl!

It's better to save yourself some snacks, and stop talking about these useless things.

Lin Sheng sighed helplessly in his heart, but his face was still full of smiles, and he replied seriously:

"As expected of you, my great grandson!!"

"You should be like this, what the hell is Yun Zhou, he is a piece of trash!"

"You will succeed me in the future and become the master of this sect!"

"You have to raise your stamina!"

After saying this, he was afraid that Lin Yuan would be useless, so he hurriedly continued:

"By the way, there is one more thing."

"Cut off your limbs... Bah, the one who saved you from your slumber was the Great Elder of our Lin Sect.

"His immortal medical skills, tsk, are so amazing, you will come with me to see him in a while.

To be reasonable, Lin Sheng's idea is very good.

As far as Lin Yuan is concerned, what he needs most is to strengthen the top management of Linmen!

For nothing else.

In the future, he will be the young master of the Lin Clan!

Elder level figures, he must be friends!

In an instant, Lin Yuan nodded like pecking rice, "Yes, yes, great-grandfather is right!"

"The Great Elder rescued me, I must thank you.

"Wait for me, I'll get up and go with you."


"I %$@'s, I forgot I can't get up!"

"Great-grandfather, help me, stick it up for me.

Lin Sheng looked at his silly grandson, and didn't know what to say for a while.

Shaking his head helplessly, Xianli sent Lin Yuan to a chair beside him.

"Let's go, you just lie down on it, and I will take you there."

"Okay." Lin Yuan nodded hurriedly.

After a while.

He suddenly felt a little uncomfortable, frowned and said:

"Great-grandfather, wouldn't it be better for you to push the two wheels under the chair and push me?"

"You are so stubborn, I feel uncomfortable.

Lin Sheng: "!!!"

"Good guy, he is indeed my great-grandson, but he is smart, why didn't the great-grandfather think of that."

The smile on Lin Yuan's face froze, "It's not that I'm smart, it's that the people in Xianyu are too stupid. There are chairs with wheels everywhere in Haotu."

##: ""

After half an hour.

The two of them came to the Great Elder's Fengshan amidst the surprised greetings of countless disciples.

To be honest.

Lin Sheng could have prevented his great-grandson from showing such an eye, and just led him over.

But when he thinks that without his own care, Lin Yuan will be bullied by someone who doesn't have eyes!

Then you can't do it!

Therefore, he would rather be gossiped by these subordinate disciples than to push Lin Yuan around the mountain gate!

At the very least, if you do it this way, many people will definitely learn to be smart.

No one would dare to provoke a person who was pushed by the head of the sect himself, even if his limbs were disabled!

It can only be said that the poor great-grandfather of the world belongs to it.

Then this wave was as expected.

Following Lin Sheng's actions, countless disciples remembered Lin Yuan's appearance.

They made up their minds:

"This disabled young master who is riding a horse must not be messed with in the future!"

This is what Lin Sheng wanted.

As time passed, Lin Yuan, who was being pushed by him, also understood Lin Sheng's intentions.

I was very moved for a while.

He made up his mind:

"When the great-grandfather is also disabled one day, I will encourage my children to be filial to the great-grandfather!"

"Well, just walk against each other!"

The majestic mountains reach straight into the sky..

The two went directly to the foot of the mountain.

Lin Yuan looked up at the majesty above, and his heart was shocked.

This was the first time he saw the fairyland after waking up!

I don't mention the whole Linmen, just this one Great Elder's Fengshan, it's awesome!

It reminds me of Haotu Qianyuanxuan where I have lived for more than 20 years.

Immediately, he felt that it was nothing compared to a kennel.

He looked at the majestic and majestic mountain enviously, and beeped at Lin Sheng:

"Great-grandfather, can I take over such a big mountain in the future?"

"You don't even need to build a hall for me, just give me the entire "Young Master Mountain" and arrange it."

"If I can pretend this, I will do it even if you make me a savage on the mountain!"

The corners of Lin Sheng's mouth twitched non-stop, and he rubbed the center of his eyebrows helplessly:

"What a great grandson, you heard from your ancestors that this is Fengshan at the elder level."

"We just arrived here, so we can't start so high."

"I can give you the entire hill, and you will deal with it first when the time comes."

"Ah this..."

Lin Yuan was a little displeased, "But I'm also the young master of Lin Sect, a small hill or something..."

Before he finished speaking 0.7, Lin Sheng interrupted directly and said seriously:

"Have you forgotten what your great-grandfather told you?"

Lin Yuan shook his body, and then his eyes became serious:

"Yes, I have to work hard and work hard... A comfortable place is not suitable for me!"

"Great-grandfather, just do as you think, you can arrange a kennel for me!"

Hearing this, Lin Sheng's old face turned into a chrysanthemum with a smile.

This little bastard is so foolish!

"What kind of kennel, it won't be there."

"It's just that you have just arrived in Linmen, and you have suffered such a big blow, and your limbs are not healthy..."

"If this seat treats you too kindly, it will easily attract dissatisfaction from other disciples in the sect.

"You have to understand that water can carry a boat or overturn it. Only when you win their hearts can you make further progress in the door......

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