Villain: Eavesdropping, the heroine collapses

Chapter 1083: I Can't Stand This Bit Of Torture, Why Mention Plath! (Seeking Subscription)

Lin Sheng taught earnestly, but he added in his heart:

"Tsk, you have been a beast and disabled these two days, how dare I give you such a big benefit?"

"Don't be so special. In the end, you turn back into a beast again, occupy Fengshan as the king, and eat the deacon disciples inside, then you will be fucked!"

After listening to Lin Sheng's words, Lin Yuan nodded his head half-understanding, and muttered:

"It's still great-grandfather who thought clearly, but I'm still not quick enough in thinking and not thoughtful enough.

"With your teaching in the future, I will definitely grow up fast!"

After finishing speaking, he looked at Lin Sheng and said:

"Let's go, great-grandfather, let's meet the Great Elder."

"He saved me, he is my benefactor, I have to find ways to repay him!"

Hearing this, Lin Sheng nodded and pushed him up.

The two of them pushed one, and the other lay on their stomachs, and soon they arrived outside the stone cave on the top of the mountain.

Well, the Great Elder puts it inside to study new immortal medicines.


Shimen was pushed out of a gap.

"Who? Don't step in!"

An eager old voice came from the 28th hole.

In an instant, Lin Sheng stopped his movements.

The old and the young looked at each other, and there were shocking colors in their eyes!

Good guy, the Great Elder is so old...

Could it be...disrespecting old people?!

Almost thought of a piece to go.

There was more excitement in Lin Yuan's eyes, and he nodded towards Lin Sheng.

Lin Sheng didn't have any second thoughts, and kicked the door open with a "boom":

"Ada, you are old-fashioned... huh?"

The moment the stone gate was kicked open, the two of them were considered inappropriate.


Looking at the scene in front of them, the two were stunned.

I saw the Great Elder holding his trousers in one hand and a furnace lid in the other, buttoning it there!

"Ah Da, what are you?" Lin Sheng scanned around, seeing no women, he couldn't help feeling a little dazed.

And the great elder also lowered his head hesitantly.

After holding back for a long time, I said embarrassedly: "I am researching a new kind of elixir.

"It's good for the young master's cultivation."

"But one of the medicinal ingredients in this fairy medicine needs the boy's urea from a three thousand year old cultivator..."

"It's too hard to find such a person, so the old man came by himself..."


It turned out to be refining medicine.

Lin Sheng's grandparents immediately breathed a sigh of relief, they thought the Great Elder was cooking Xiang.

But soon.

Panting, Lin Yuan suddenly came to his senses.

He looked at the Great Elder with rounded eyes, and tremblingly said: "You just said... this fairy medicine is for me to eat?"

The big elder chick pecked at the rice and nodded: "Yes!"

"I have figured out a lot of pills, and two of them are more effective.

"One has Tong Zixiang mixed in, and the other... ahem, I won't talk about that one."

"In short, you just take the medicine I gave you. It's not a problem to keep your cultivation, and it's even possible to improve your cultivation!"

There was a thumping sound on the Great Elder's chest.

Lin Yuan:(0_0)

This is riding a horse.

Not only give me urea, but also feed me Xiang?

Could this stuff be a magic drug?

As if seeing Lin Yuan's doubts, the Great Elder shook his head and explained:

"Young master, don't let the old man let you down.

"Do you know that this old man is the only immortal doctor in the world?"

"As far as what I excrete, how many cultivators are vying for it with immortal stones!"

"Then please, I won't sell it..."

God damn you don't sell it!

Lin Yuan felt his mouth cramp when he heard this!

Just when he was wondering if the old man was trying to hurt him.

Lin Sheng on the side actually nodded like a chicken pecking at rice:

"That's right, big grandson, what the great elder said is true. The immortal medicines he developed are all related to the excretion of his immortal body."

"Just maintaining your sanity during this time, you've already eaten a lot!"

"It's just that this seat didn't expect that this excreted thing is not......

"But it's nothing to worry about, anyway, you've already eaten, so it's time to eat."

Lin Yuan: "...yue~"

After half an hour.

In the cave.

Looking at Lin Yuan who was constantly nauseated and retching, the Great Elder shook his head.

Can't even accept a little Xiangyu, how can such a young master be a young master?

He rubbed the center of his eyebrows, looked at Lin Sheng:

"I don't know why the sect master brought him here?"

Hearing this, Lin Sheng opened his mouth, but said nothing.

After all, it's really embarrassing for my eldest grandson.

And Lin Yuan also reacted at this time.

He came here because he wanted to have a good relationship with the Great Elder.

It's impossible to go back and forth today!

I saw him wipe his mouth, like a chameleon, he put on a smiling face in an instant:

"Great elder, I begged my great-grandfather to bring me here to thank you."

"You helped me regain my sanity, and I can always thank you!"

Hearing this, the scene was silent for a while.

"So that's how it is...don't stand guard at the entrance of the cave, door master, you can bring him in."


Lin Sheng smiled and pushed Lin Yuan into the cave.

As soon as he came in, Lin Yuan followed Lin Sheng's eyes and moved his body like a maggot.

The ancient and simple exercises that were pressed under his body were exposed 973.

Well, there are ancient books about Zhengdi Gongfa.

"Great Elder, this was originally given to me by my great-grandfather.

"But thinking of your kindness, I will borrow flowers to present Buddha and give him to you.

"I hope you don't dislike it!"

After taking a look at this exercise, the Great Elder's eyes lit up, and he said with a fake smile on his face:

"Look at you kid, what is this for?"

"As the young master, it is the duty of the Great Elder to save you.

"Forget it this time, it's not good for me to save your face."

"But you can't be so polite in the future!"

Lin Yuan felt relieved when he heard this.

At first, I thought that the Great Elder was a serious and elusive person.

But looking at it this way, this old guy is very easy to bribe!

Old boy, you're still having fun!

It's fine after that!

Lin Sheng glanced at Lin Yuan appreciatively, then chuckled "I still have something to do", then turned his head and left.

He understood that after Lin Yuan and the Great Elder drew closer, his presence here would only be counterproductive.

After all, he is the head of the sect, and with him around, the elders will have scruples.

Seeing Lin Sheng go out, the smile on Lin Yuan's face grew wider.

Then from this smiling face, the Great Elder read something... something else. .

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