Villain: Eavesdropping, the heroine collapses

Chapter 1095: God-Level Dialogue! Set Off A Bloodbath! (Seeking Subscription)

Li Kunlun pursed her lips, "Don't help her brag, even if she is above you, if the three of us are in partnership, she will still be beaten!"

"You just say, wherever she is now."

It's not that he's bragging.

In the past two days, the three of them have developed a set of combined exercises, the power of which is frightening.

It is more than enough to be a strong man who has attained the Dao Realm!

Of course, they don't know yet.

Yun Zhou's combat strength has reached the level of a half-step emperor.

"It's in Yunling."

As the one who was beaten, Yun Zhou didn't think it was a big deal at all, and said loudly:

"If the three of you can beat her, it would be better to beat her up for me!"

"But she seems to be very ruthless. There should be many sharks, so be careful."

Li Kunlun pouted, "Grass (plant), who came out to mess around and didn't kill anyone?"

"Three Five Zero" "Wait, the three of us will name the "Three Wolves of Haoyun Sect" today!"

After speaking, he took Lao Lin and Hong Dabao out.

The ultimate beeping represents belonging.

But after walking a few steps, he came back to his senses, turned around and said:

"By the way, tell your aunt via voice transmission, don't let us enter Yunling, then we'll be fucked!"

"Okay." Yun Zhou nodded, "I'll just say it."

He took out the token, suddenly thought of something, and continued:

"You must be careful, if you can't fight, come back, don't be afraid of shame."

"I noticed it when I fought with that woman, she must be an emperor, you...

"Emperor, Emperor Realm!?"

Li Kunlun turned around in an instant, and the three wolves were stunned!

Good guy, a strong man in the imperial realm!?

Damn, how many emperor realms are there in Immortal Realm?

That is an existence that can overwhelm rivers and seas and split stars with hands!

The three of them went to find trouble in the emperor's realm, so they couldn't let them die?!

In an instant, the three wolves were scared, and at the same time, there was an extra question in their minds.

How did this little beep offend Emperor Realm!?

Li Kunlun swallowed his saliva, and tentatively said: "There are not many emperors in the fairyland, right?"

"Since you don't know him, you shouldn't be your enemy..."

"Why did they beat you?"


Yun Zhou pondered for a while, and gave a general overview of the development of the matter.

The three wolves looked at each other, the corners of their mouths twitching inexplicably:

"You mean, someone practiced with you, but you kicked his feet?"

Yun Zhou shrugged, "Not only that, I also gave her a big punch! But it seemed that she was kicked away before hitting her.

... Fortunately, you didn't hit him, otherwise you would have been beaten to death!"

Li Kunlun felt chills down his spine, "Then do you know who this Dijing is?"

Yun Zhou shook his head, "I don't know."

"How can you not know?"

Li Kunlun tilted his head, "Six Emperors of the Immortal Realm, since she is in the Emperor Realm, she must be one of the Six Emperors."

Yun Zhou shook his head again, "That's not necessarily the case. The Six Emperors of the Immortal Domain was just a saying thousands of years ago. In today's Immortal Domain, there are at least ten emperors!"

"It's just that some people are hidden from the world and haven't shown up yet."

Yun Zhou recalled the communication with his aunt, and there was a touch of sadness in his eyes.

From this point of view.

His current strength is still not enough in Xianyu.

After pondering for a while without thinking too much, he glanced at Li Kunlun who was still standing still, and frowned:

"What are you doing, old man? Didn't you say to avenge me? Hurry up! You three, break her legs for me!"

The three wolves twitched extremely frequently.

Did she break her leg?

Don't step on the horse and let others unload the three of us, it's not bad!

Dog thing, you actually lied to me, the Supreme Elder, to die, you didn't take care of you!

Li Kunlun looked over seriously, and said seriously, "Are you dead?"

Yun Zhou: 0(O_O)?

It was rare for Li Kunlun to be reasonable, he cleared his throat and said, "Let's be forgiving and forgiving, if the three of us go, it will be a bloodbath!"

"I originally wanted to avenge you, but you bit someone's foot first!"

"Let's not argue, be obedient, let's forget it!"

Yun Zhou:???

"Okay, the injury on your face is not serious, it will be fine if you recover a little bit, we went to retreat~"

After speaking, he took Lao Lin and Hong Dabao with him, and fled along the side peak next to him.

The one that runs is called a fast......

As if afraid that Yun Zhou would let the three of them die!

Seeing the three leave, Yun Mu rubbed her brows helplessly.

Sure enough, these three old men can't be counted on.

Just as he shook his head and sighed, Shun, Qi Ling and others also left one after another.

Although I feel sorry for Yun Zhou's injury, they still have more important things to do!

That's right, they want to improve their cultivation!

Just looking at Wu Zhao and Yan Yi's condensed fairy form, it would be a lie to say that they are not envious.

And only when their cultivation level has improved, can they protect Yun Zhou from getting hurt again.

Thinking of this, Ling Weiyang took the lead.

She touched the corners of Yun Zhou's bruised eyes, and patiently said with distress:

"Brother Yun, I'm going to practice first."

Immediately, he took He Qiling and left.

Leaving Yun Zhou to build a pergola, my heart is very warm:

【Sure enough, the Goddess of War also has a warm side!】

【Well... This wave, Xiao Yangyang didn't bring it up for nothing. 】

【After this period of time, take Xiao Yangyang down completely and pass it on to me as an heir!】

Thinking happily in his heart, Yun Zhou showed a smiling face in the film.

When this scene fell into the eyes of Wu Zhao and Yan Yi, it made the livers of the two girls feel sore!

They frowned, and were about to teach this pervert a lesson.

At this time, Yue Chan suddenly thought of something and said:

"Little cutie, is the woman you bitten a 1.1 drinker?"

"How do you know?" Yun Zhou looked over suspiciously.

Yue Chan didn't answer, but continued to ask: "Is she quite white?"

Yun Zhou was taken aback, "Ah, the white reflection!"

"Are the legs long?"

"It's so long! You can go for a ride in a skirt!"

"Is it big?"

Upon hearing this, Yun Zhou was overjoyed!

He stretched out his arms to make a circle, followed Yuechan and started gesticulating:

"It's big, at least it's this big, it's as big as your head..."

He was beeping and talking, and suddenly, he felt that the atmosphere was not right.

look up.

I saw that there was a dangerous light in Yue Chan's eyes, and his face sank like water:

"I asked if her feet were big or not!"

"Ah this..."

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