Villain: Eavesdropping, the heroine collapses

Chapter 1096: Yun Mou Likes To Have All The Beauty And Sex! (Seeking Subscription)

After getting all the answers, Yuechan fell into deep thought.

After a while, the answer was given:

"The one who beat you up is Jiang Di Jiang He."

As soon as these words came out, Yun Zhou was stunned:

"Jiang He? No, Jiang He has been to the Lower Realm before, and I've seen him face to face. He doesn't look like this..."

Yue Chan shook her head: "She may be wearing a fairy mask, unless your realm is higher than hers, you can't see her true face.

Yun Zhou:

Good guy!

Is there such a thing in the fairyland?

Then if I can get this kind of mask to wear on my face...wouldn't it be possible for me to do whatever I want?

Thinking about it this way, his eyes are full of eyes.

But soon, his face froze.

Yeah, now is not the time to think about these things!

If it is true what Yue Chan said, that unreasonable girl is Jiang He...

Didn't he...bite the jiojio of Tangtang Jiangdi?!

Ah, this is far from the mark!

The expression on Yun Zhou's face was full of beeps.

He really didn't expect that the woman who punched him and poured him wine was actually the master of Jiangmen!

A giant in the fairyland!!

"No wonder you can kick me down and dare to mock my aunt in Yunling..."

"I'm afraid that in the entire Immortal Domain, only Jiang He has this ability."

After all, he is one of the Six Emperors, and his strength has already reached the threshold of Emperor Realm (intermediate level)!

Even if they are not as good as my aunt in terms of combat power, they are still the top group of people in this fairyland!

Yun Zhou looked puzzled, "Xiao Chan Chan, how can you be sure that she is Jiang He?"

Although everything about bare feet, drinking, body...etc. corresponds to it.

However, Yun is still a bit lucky.

What if it’s not? Right?

But before he could comfort himself, Yuechan directly analyzed it for him:

"Because you said, she is the Emperor Realm".!"

Yun Zhou pouted his neck and said, "Jiang He is not the only female cultivator in the imperial realm in the Immortal Realm!"

Moon Cicada shook her head and said calmly:

"It's true that it's not just Jiang He himself, but the appearance you describe, there is no one else except Jiang He!"

As she said that, there was a rare look of memory in her usually sick eyes:

"When I snatched Xiao Tiankuo's daughter's Taoist soul from the heaven and earth, and escaped from the vast land."

"In the Immortal Realm, I know of four women who possess the cultivation of the Emperor Realm."

"Jianghe from Jiangmen, Yunsusu from Yunling, Linlangzhan Terrace from Immortal Palace, and the Ascension Saintess from Daozong."

"Among these people."

"The Feathering Saintess has lived in the Taoist sect for a long time, and the four unnamed Taoist girls are looking for her successors, but she herself is weak in immortality, and basically never takes a step in the Taoist sect."

"The Linlangzhan Terrace was still in the Immortal Palace when I left. Except for a sensation caused by entering the Emperor Realm, there has been no news for thousands of years."

"As for your aunt...would she fight you barefoot?"

After some analysis, it was determined who this woman was.

However, Yun Zhou was still unconvinced, "You have been in Haotu for decades, how do you know that no female cultivator has entered the realm to prove the emperor in these decades?"

Yuechan glanced at him, and said with a smile: "Little cutie~ What is your status as an emperor? Can this prove itself?"

"Let's say decades, even a thousand years, it's rare to see one!"

Yun Zhou:

Judging from the original text, this statement is not false.

After all, this is a novel world modeled after the original text.

It is estimated that the woman is Jiang He, and it is almost the same.

Thinking of himself grabbing Jiang Di's foot and taking a bite, Yun Zhou felt a little dizzy.

【Bite Jiang He's foot, I'm so amazing!】

【But it's not my fault, who told her not to reveal her identity?】

【However... in the situation at that time, she made it clear, I guess I will bite too?】

【Fuck (plant)! Then I'm not a bear character!】

Hearing his heartfelt voice, Yuechan's mouth curled up into a smile, lotus blossoms in her eyes twinkled, and she continued:

"I saw her when I was still on Tianmo Mountain when I was not transformed."

"Her female disciple from Jiangmen was bitten by a demon beast from Tianmo Mountain, so she almost razed Tianmo Mountain to the ground."

"It can be said that he is extremely domineering."


She looked at Yun Zhou leisurely, and said with deep meaning: "This time you bit her foot, she didn't touch you."

"It seems that she has a high degree of patience with you~"

"Little cutie~ Tell the truth, did you seduce her with beauty?"

Yun Zhou:……………….

God tm beauty hook up!

He stared back angrily, "Don't talk nonsense, I don't know her well, hook up and hook up.

"..." She didn't touch me, probably because she was afraid of my aunt. "

"Well, this is possible."

Yue Chan nodded and said: "Back then in the Immortal Realm, Jiang He was most afraid of your aunt being left besides the disappearing Immortal Emperor."

Yunling Yunsusu, Haotu broke through the boundary and came to become emperor in a few years.

Jiang He refused to accept Yun Susu's talent, thinking that she was floating and lonely, so he deliberately came to challenge her.

As a result, he was defeated within ten thousand moves.

After that, the gap between the two became wider and wider.

Even if Jiang He didn't say anything on the surface, he must be afraid of Yun Susu in his heart.

At this moment, Yun Zhou suddenly hit his palm with a fist, with a remorseful expression:

【No, if she can't beat aunt, why don't I let aunt beat her up!】

【Loss! This wave is a loss!!】

Thinking back at that time, I was afraid of losing face, so I deliberately tried to cover up the injuries on my face."

Yun Zhou wanted to slap himself in the face.

Such a good opportunity to take revenge, but I actually gave up because of (Li Nuo's) face?

But what he didn't know was that he didn't ask Yun Susu to avenge him thanks to him.

Otherwise, how could Jiang He specially help him run to Tiandi to get Xiao Xunxun's life card?

This wave can only be said to be right and wrong!

He didn't suffer this beating in vain.

On the opposite side, Yuechan looked at his handsome cheek with obsessive eyes.

Suddenly the palms surged.

A magic lotus flower that was as black as ink and filled with bursts of devilish energy floated in front of him.

Yun Zhou was taken aback, "What is this?"

Yuechan smiled and said: "This is my natal magic lotus, and you will put it next to you when you practice in the future.

"It can absorb your excess fairy rhyme flowing outside and transform it into magic power."

"In this way, my cultivation speed will also increase."

Yun Zhou tilted his head, "Then aren't you taking advantage of me?"

"?? bar?".

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