Villain: Eavesdropping, the heroine collapses

Chapter 1138: The Unfilled Pit! The Foreshadowing In The Original Text Of The Dog! (Seeking Subscrip

It is clear.

The self in my memory is not a good-tempered one either.

He cursed politely, and headed towards the top to fight.

The picture came to an abrupt end here, and the drowsiness receded like a tide.

After a long while, Yun Zhou slowly opened his eyes.

He didn't get up immediately, but stared at the stalactites at the top of the cave in a daze.

After a while, he suddenly covered his forehead:

Co-authoring for a long time is not Lin Lang Zhantai's mistake. "

"I can't believe it..."

"I'm actually an immortal emperor? Is this ridiculous?"

Where no one was around, he didn't pretend to be aggressive.

Sitting up with a bitter face, scratching his head blankly, his mind was a mess:

[But this is not right. 】

【If I am really the reincarnation of the Immortal Emperor, how can I become a "villain"?】

【Shouldn't a character like the Immortal Emperor be the hero?】

Yun Zhou couldn't figure it out.

But soon.

He figured out the way of it.

That's right!

The picture just looked very clearly, Tiandao is Lin Yuan's appearance!

Since Lin Yuan is the protagonist this day.

Then as the reincarnation of Immortal Emperor 28, he is a villain, and there is nothing wrong with him.

Thinking of this, Yun Zhou suddenly had a deeper thought.

"I was an anomaly when I crossed over, that's how it is, Lin Yuan, as the Dao of Heaven, is bound to kill me.

"But if he can't kill him, where should he go?"

"Since this is a world set according to the "original text"."

"Then if I go the other way and slaughter the Heavenly Dao, will the world change?"

Vaguely, Yun Zhou felt that something was wrong.

He remembered the original text clearly, but it ended up being unfinished.

After Lin Yuan went back to heaven, the story ended.

There are many pits with important clues, all of which have not been filled.

After watching the ending, Yun Zhou felt that the story ended a bit hastily.

Maybe the author of the dog ended hastily because he couldn't make any money?

who knows?

Anyway, he felt that the author completely missed the fundamental point of the original text.

Even, the final development of this story.

It is completely different from the ending that the dog author expected!

Then what the ending is like, he needs to explore by himself.

Yun Zhou sat on the ground, his brain spinning rapidly.

Suddenly, he remembered the name of the original text.

"War Abyss Record"!

That's right.

The hero is Lin Yuan, and the villain is Immortal Emperor.

Compared with "Zhan Yuan Lu".

It seems that the name "War Immortal Record" is more suitable, right?

Zhan Yuan Lu...

The main point seems to be written on the "immortal emperor" side.

The name given by the dog author...does it have any meaning?

After thinking for a long time, Yun Zhou gave up.

In the current situation, he has too few clues.

If you want to unravel the veil of this world, it is not enough to rely on this kind of inference.

Abandoning the thought, Yun Zhou stood up with a disappointed look:

"I didn't expect that I, who was reborn in two lifetimes, would have such a remarkable predecessor..."

"But then again, it's no wonder Linlang Zhantai dared not admit to knowing my identity.

"The means of my predecessor are really not ordinary ruthless"

If their identities were changed, Yun Zhou might be in the same state of mind as Lin Lang Zhantai.

Because the Immortal Emperor... is indeed too ruthless.

These can be seen from his eloquent Immortal Palace, his decisive aura, and the thousands of immortals who died at his hands in his memory.

Yun Zhou is no stranger to the other party's setting of "fear in hatred".

There are many novels like this in the novels I have read before.

It's just that this kind of routine happened to my fairy concubine "it's more nonsense.

"After marrying someone else, use his backstage to enter the fairyland."

"Then I kept refusing to touch her and made her a widow."

"The most stupid thing is that he also abolished his cultivation and imprisoned him for thousands of years..."

Yun Zhou recounted what the Immortal Emperor did to Linlang Zhantai, and just wanted to say "stupid beep"

For this case.

Lin Lang Zhantai refrained from attacking him just now, why was it because she still had doubts about his identity?

It is obvious that he is holding back a big move!

If this doesn't break his mind, Linlang Zhantai will definitely not be discouraged!

He touched his chin and shook his head helplessly.

Invisibly, the wind blows.

The figure of Yun Zhou disappeared in place, heading towards the main mountain of Yunling.

It is different from the liar mentality just now.

Now that he has made sure, he is the Immortal Emperor.

It will be much easier to deal with the fairy concubine without any worries.

"Speaking of which, when I imprisoned the fairy concubine and abolished her cultivation, I seemed to cry when I turned around?"

"Since this is the case, it proves that I had her in my heart before."

"However, as a person who has been trapped for thousands of years and only has hatred in her heart, when I explain this, it seems that she will not believe it.

"And at that time, I was really indifferent to her. If I said that I loved her at that time, I guess..."

"Dogs don't believe it!"

Yun Zhou landed at the foot of the main mountain of Yunling, muttering to himself as he walked up.

However, this does not mean that there is no solution.

Everything depends on what Linlang Zhantai thinks of him now.

If there is only killing intent left, then everything he does will be in vain.

He could only find ways to manipulate her in other ways, forcing her to bind himself as a villain.

As for "turning hostility into friendship", it is unnecessary to even think about it.

But if the other party still has feelings for him in his heart.

Then everything will be much easier, I just need to amplify this feeling.

Some trivial matters in front of me can be easily solved.

The big misunderstanding between the two can be resolved in advance by reversing the plot.

If he handles it well, he might have another lady who has a very high cultivation base and loves him wholeheartedly.

In these two cases, the required solutions are diametrically opposed.

"Judging from my imitation just now."

"In Linlang Zhantai's heart, it must be sure that I have awakened my memory."

"And the tenderness and confession that I deliberately showed just now is probably taken by her subconscious as a means of "manipulating people's hearts"..."

"After struggling for thousands of years, fleeing in embarrassment

"Her wariness of me... speaks for itself.

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