Villain: Eavesdropping, the heroine collapses

Chapter 1139: As Long As You Are Brave, Immortal Concubine Linlang Will Take Maternity Leave! (Seeki

Yun Zhou's eyes sparkled, and he kept thinking:

"And she pretended not to know my identity, probably because she didn't want to reveal it too early."

"I'm afraid I'll be wary and make some crazy plan against her."

"As for her leaving in tears at the end..."

"It must be because I couldn't stand my confession, and my heart felt relieved for a moment?"

"It can only be like this, otherwise the tears she shed when she left cannot be explained.

After reviewing the game for a long time, Yun Zhou has thoroughly figured out the situation.

Linlang Zhantai is very wary of him, which is more difficult to deal with.

This explains in disguise.

No matter how I explain it to her, she won't believe it.

Even, once the past is mentioned, it will arouse her painful memories.

It will only make the current situation worse.

So, after figuring this out.

Yun Zhou decided that the "big reversal plot" can be delayed for a while.

Right now, as long as she knows that there is "looseness" in her heart, that is enough.

A woman grows from love to hate.

What I hate the most is definitely not my own experience.

It's "A man doesn't have her in his heart!"

That addresses that.

Just let her see what's on her mind.

Of course, Xin Dao said it would definitely not work.

Depends on doing!!

Inside the Yunling Great Hall.

Yun Susu just asked a group of elders to go down, thinking about what to eat for Yun Zhou.

At this moment, Lin Lang Zhantai with a gloomy expression came in.

Look at this, it seems to be enduring something.

And... sad?

Then this wave, she was a little confused.

How can I go out to chat with my nephew for a while, and talk to myself about being sad?

Yun Susu frowned suspiciously, and said tentatively:

"Concubine Xian, what is this?"

Although she is not familiar with Linlang Zhantai, she also knows that the other party is a ruthless person through the communication just now.

For this kind of person, no matter what anyone says, it is difficult to affect the state of mind.

It was hard for her to imagine what caused Linlang Zhantai to look like this.

It will be related to Yun Zhou.

Hearing the question, Lin Lang Zhantai came back to his senses, restored his usual expression, smiled and shook his head and said:

"It's nothing, it's just that the fairy palace has encountered some difficult things, and I'm just a little worried`

"I see."

Yun Susu nodded suddenly.

She said that it is impossible for her own nephew to drive the concubine Xian out of her wits.

It's not realistic.

After thinking about it, she asked again with deep meaning:

"Concubine Xian, about your alliance with Yunling... What does Zhouer say?"

Although as far as Yunling is concerned, she, Yun Susu, is the master.

But considering that the person who will take over in the future is Yun Zhou, she still wants Yun Zhou to give her an idea.

So for this alliance, she directly threw the blame on the other party.

But for this result, she is not very optimistic.

After all, she understands Yun Zhou, and the other's brains are faster than hers, so she will definitely not fall into Lin Langzhantai's trap easily.

However, it turned out that her speculation only made her more confused.

Linlang Zhantai's eyes flashed unnaturally for a moment, and then a smiling face bloomed:

"Agreed... He said that he is willing to help me enter the main fairyland. If I have any obstacles, he will find a way to remove them for me."


Yun Susu was dumbfounded.


Give you clear obstacles?


She couldn't understand that with Yun Zhou's mind, he would agree to the alliance so easily.

Are you persecuted?

It shouldn't be, this is in Yunling, Linlang Zhantai can't dare to force him.

Then this is...

Yun Susu, who couldn't figure it out, looked at Lin Langzhantai's delicate face inexplicably.

The skin is as thick as fat, bear big bear two!

In my mind, I couldn't help thinking of the words of the third elder:

Don't let Yun Zhou, follow my old path...


This wave, it may be a beauty trick!

Thinking of this, she took a careful look at the Linlang Zhantai, and after a long while said lightly:

"Okay, if Zhou'er agreed, then I will do what I say, and from today onwards, I, Yunling, will advance and retreat with Concubine Xian."

As she spoke, she suddenly changed the topic and said with deep meaning:

"Concubine Xian, speaking of it... Zhou treats you really well."

"He actually promised to clear the way for you"

"I really haven't seen anyone who can make such a villain so caring."

Yun Susu's beautiful eyes sparkled, and there was an inexplicable emotion rippling inside.

To be reasonable, Linlang Zhantai is such a capable beauty.

As a niece and daughter-in-law, she must be more suitable than Yun!

Whether it should be said or not, Yun Susu was inexplicably tempted for his nephew.

As for the status of "Fairy Concubine"...

She really didn't pay attention to it.

Not to mention how many years the Immortal Emperor has been missing.

It's just the wind she heard before.

Immortal Emperor, I have never touched Linlang Zhantai!

Even the intact yellow flower girl ~ cheap nephew is also good.

As long as the nephew likes it.

Immortal Emperor's woman, what can she do if she's turned upside down?


As an aunt, Yun Susu really acted recklessly for the sake of her nephew.

At this moment, he stared at Linlang Zhantai's beautiful face.

The more she watched, the more she felt satisfied.

In my heart... a little crazy.

"..." Treat me well..."

Lin Langzhantai murmured Yun Susu's words subconsciously, then shook his head with a broken smile.

It is uncertain, what method he has prepared now, waiting to deal with her.

To be able to reveal your identity to yourself, you must have the confidence to be foolproof.

She understands what the Immortal Emperor is like.

The other party will never allow the existence of anyone who can threaten him!

Presumably... he (Zhao Hao) already has a plan to kill himself by now, right?

Even if he does it all over again, with such scheming...

Can you fight yourself?

"Hey, you're so forced, what are you talking about with my aunt?"

Just when her thoughts were confused, a molesting voice suddenly came from outside.

Looking back, his handsome cheeks were full of passion and love.

Unabashedly belongs!

Lin Langzhantai trembled, and her breathing intensified unconsciously.

But after a while, she regained her composure.

After all, she is a majestic fairy concubine now, and Yun Susu is sitting beside her.

The other party must not dare to be presumptuous to the point of sharking himself on the spot!

All right.

The fear of the Immortal Emperor made her afraid:

I have already forgotten my current cultivation realm!

Treat Yun Zhou subconsciously like "the prey sees the hunter"!

Also outrageous enough!.

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