Villain: Eavesdropping, the heroine collapses

Chapter 1195: Oh Roar! The Collision Of The Hero Of Luck And The Villain Of Destiny! (Seeking Subscr

In view of Lin Shengzai.

Yun Zhou also had no way to find Lin Yuan immediately.

After looking around for a while.

Suddenly, he was attracted by a hurried figure.


[Big long hair and triangular eyes... this is Linmen's Great Elder, right? 】

【What is he going to do in such a hurry?】

With a little doubt, Yun Zhou floated and followed, concealing his soul power.

Anyway, it's still early, so there's no delay in going to see it.

And... the Great Elder in the original text.

It seems... is also a villain?

After half an hour.

Yun Zhou followed the trail and groped to the Great Elder's mountain alone.

Not that he didn't want to follow directly.

It's just that this great elder's cultivation base is not low, and his detection ability is quite strong.

It's better to be careful.

At this time, he was hiding in the void.

Looking through the window with great interest, I looked at the scene in the hall.

But that's it. 01

He froze immediately.

In the bedroom in the hall, the Great Elder took off his shoes and squatted on the ground in a stretched posture.

He was still covering his head with both hands, his face was beeping and he looked worried.

It just doesn't look right.

Feels like... dead relative!

The sad face like a mourning concubine is gone!

Yun Zhou tilted his head in confusion.

【Good guy, what's going on?】

【What stimulated this old thing, why this expression?】

【What immoral thing are you doing? Are you going to start the villain route?】

Just when Yun Zhou was wondering if this old man would go the same way as the original text.

In the bedroom, the Great Elder stood up with a "chuckle".

The left leg is full of fairy charm, as if it is healing.

Hmm... I can't say it's an injury, it's just that my legs are numb from squatting.


He started pacing back and forth inside.

At a glance, it was found that his expression was tense and collapsed.

Two old palms have already begun to scratch their heads.

Looking at this appearance, it seems that it has become difficult.

Indeed, in fact, he was also quite embarrassed.

Not long ago, he just came out from Lin Sheng.

Lin Sheng made it clear that he should pay more attention to Lin Yuan's restoration of strength.

Now in this situation, Lin Yuan has already been deposed, how can he care about it?!

As if it was the last straw that crushed him, the Great Elder was completely helpless.

He was determined that if he confessed to Lin Sheng now, telling the truth that Lin Yuan would never be able to cultivate.

It is estimated that he will be chopped up by Lin Shengsheng!

Although he is not to blame for this matter, the problem is also with him!

With Lin Sheng's urea, he has no doubt that "the opponent will kill him"!

Therefore, he is now very desperate!

"Hey, I originally thought that I would be loyal to Linmen forever and fight for Linmen..." The Great Elder was full of reluctance.

"But looking at it now, it's impossible."

"Lin Yuan's cultivation base has been abolished. Judging from the sect master's attitude towards him, I'm sure there will be a wave of unreasonable disasters.

"Maybe it's really the same as what Xiaoshan said, it's easy to lose your life!"

"At this point, I can no longer covet the position of Great Elder, and Linmen definitely can't stay there anymore.

"We must find a new place to go!"

"But where else can I go?"

"Small powers definitely won't dare to accept me, big powers... Tiandiyu and the Chen family probably won't want me either, and I can't afford to take care of that crazy woman Jiang He..."

"Hmm... my grandniece is in Yunling, why don't you try to contact Emperor Yun through her?"

"Ah, it can be done."

"But I'm afraid that Emperor Yun will think that I was sent by Lin Sheng and won't take me in."

"It's so difficult!"

After listening to the words of the Great Elder.

Yun Zhou frowned instantly.

Sure enough, the development of the original text is the same, the "villain's road" of the elder of Linmen is about to begin!

According to the development of the plot of the novel, this old thing will die miserably in the future, right?

But this is not the novel world, there should be different possibilities.

Thinking about it, Yun Zhou stroked his chin, digesting the words of the Great Elder.

This time, he got another new message!

Lin Yuan, after being cut off and turned into a stick, won the jackpot again!

All of his cultivation bases were directly abolished!

And it's not hard to hear from these words that Lin Yuan probably won't be able to practice in the future.

【Tsk, how did you say that?】

【As expected of you, the triangular-eyed villain?】

【This is the first time I saw you, you gave me quite a surprise......】

That's right.

To Yun Zhou, this news is really a surprise!

With Lin Yuan's talent, coupled with the title of Son of Fortune hanging on his head.

If his cultivation is not abolished, he can catch up with him again in all likelihood with just a few inheritance settings.

It's the same even if you become a stick!

After all, things like "Children of Luck" are back to normal!

However, being abolished is different.

You can say that.

Now Lin Yuan, as long as he doesn't turn into Heaven again.

There will be no threat to him!

emm...... 030 seems to be transformed into heaven and there is no threat.

Yun Zhou shook his head and didn't think too much, and then looked at the Great Elder again.

He could hear it.

The Great Elder already had plans to "jump" Yunling.

Once it takes action, "becoming a villain" can be said to be a certainty.

Yun Zhou feels that the villain camp "has more power from the point of view.

He should help.

As for how to help...

Well, blow the wind into my aunt's ears.

I observed the Great Elder for a while.

Seeing that the old guy was silent.

Yun Zhou left directly.

He still has work to do.

About half an hour.

In a palace on the side peak of Linmen.

When Lin Yuan returned to his bedroom, he felt a pair of eyes watching him!

Suddenly, he panicked even more.

That sense of foreboding seemed to be entangled in his head.

No matter what, I can't get rid of it.

"Damn it, who wants to harm me!"

Lin Yuan, who was sitting in a wheelchair, looked around with scarlet eyes.

He was sure that his intuition would not deceive anyone!

Now, someone must be watching him!

"Dog thing, is it you!"

He glanced around, and finally his sight suddenly fell behind him...

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