Villain: Eavesdropping, the heroine collapses

Chapter 1196: Qilin Texture! Ah~ I Was Weighed Down By Him! (Seeking Subscription)

In the rear, the maid is dumbfounded!

She looked down.

I saw Lin Yuan who turned his head away.

He was looking at her with a kind of "slanting upward" cold eyes.

Like a shark!

With just one glance, the maid's back was instantly drenched in cold sweat.

She looked at Lin Yuan in a daze, took two steps back in horror, and stammered:

"What, is it me, I..."

Before she finished speaking, she took two steps back abruptly.

Suddenly, she noticed a figure:


"You, who are you!??"

The current scene.

Just like a horror movie!

In a pitch-black room.

The man seemed to be stupefied, with a look of anger on his face, and the girl backed away in fright.

Suddenly, I noticed behind the man, a phantom appeared strangely!

Then, this soul-like phantom suddenly showed a smile on his face:

"Yo, no rua, long time no see~ How are you?"

Good guy, just this flat voice.

The maggot-like Lin Yuan was shocked!

He turned around abruptly.

All he saw was a big, handsome face with a smile on his face, 877 shining brightly in front of him.

There is less than five fists away from his face!

"Mist grass, ah Nima!" A panicked scream came.

Lin Yuan actually used the flattened "base" to jump on the chair for a while!

Then, the stiff face was full of astonishment, and the tongue seemed to be tied:

"Nun, nun boat!?"

ah yes!

This phantom is the fairy soul of Yun Zhou who sneaked into the gate.

After leaving from Linmen Great Elder, he came directly.

Originally, he wanted to observe Lin Yuan secretly, to see if he could see any secrets.

But Lin Yuan was too uncooperative, after a quarter of an hour of observation, he gave up.

At the same time, the system also simplifies his compensation task:

【Drain Lin Yuan's blood, and peel off the Wenlu behind Lin Yuan. 】

As soon as this simplification appeared, Yun Zhou realized it.


Lin Yuan's secret.

In his blood and the lines on his back!

The simplified requirements for this task are also very simple:

Simple understanding is:

Pumping (abfj) blood and skinning!

That's right!

Just take away the male lead's blood, and then peel off the skin behind him, this task is considered complete!

So what else is there to say?


"Hurry up and call someone!!"

Lin Yuan panicked and shouted at the maid.

But apparently nothing works.

Before the maid could move, a dense light flashed across Yun Zhou's hand, and the maid fainted immediately.

After Lin Yuan became a human stick, he was afraid that others would ridicule him.

So on the newly established "Young Master Mountain", except for this maid.

No one else!

For a time, only Lin Yuan and Yun Zhou were left in the huge hall.

The male lead of luck and the villain of destiny collided solo, yes!

"Yun Zhou, why are you here!?"

Regarding Yun Zhou's sudden appearance, Lin Yuan expressed that he was panicked.

Then, as soon as he rolled his eyes, he was about to send a voice transmission to Lin Sheng.

At the same time, he looked at Yun Zhou with eyes full of anger.

Divert your attention as much as possible.

He hoarsely, like a beast:

"You delivered it yourself, the damn thing!"

At the same time, Lin Sheng began to send a voice transmission in his mind:

"Ancestor, that dog thief Yun Zhou is here, he is right here with me, he may want to fuck me [you come quickly!"

The moment the sound transmission passed, Lin Yuan felt excited!

Good guy.

This dog thing dares to come to Yunling, it is really daring!

Wait for my ancestors to arrive in a while, I'll kill you!

However, several seconds after the sound transmission ended, Lin Yuan still didn't get any response.

Just when he blinked blankly.

Yun Zhou patted his face impatiently:

"Otherwise, I will treat you as an opponent, but you will treat me as a fool?"

"I dare to show up to you, will I let your ancestors know?"

"Okay, I've set up a formation here for you, if your voice can't get out, don't waste your efforts.

"Now, bite the collar of your shirt with your mouth, I want to get down to business."

For a silly beep, Yun Zhou really didn't want to spend more time talking.

Seeing that Lin Yuan didn't intend to move, he frowned.

Directly from the storage ring, he took out the large needle tube presented to him by the system!

Well, the length of the needle...

It's similar to the one in Blue Star, the one that beats the donkey!

After all, Yun Zhou has never learned how to draw blood. He thinks that the longer the needle, the better it will be drawn.

This thing is so old and long, it digs into the meat and stirs to find it.

It's sure to poke into a vein!

"Ah You.…"

As a native "native" person.

When did Lin Yuan see such a thing?

Immediately looking at this thing, a look of horror:

"Yun Zhou, what are you doing!?"

As soon as he finished his impotent rage, Yun Zhou picked him up like a chicken.

Then, with a strong hand, he directly lifted the collar, and then the long needle went straight in!

"Guji" once.

As he pulled back the back end of the needle, black and red blood rushed into the needle.

The needle tube, which is half as thick as an arm, fills the bottom in two or three seconds.

Really don't care about Lin Yuan's feelings?

Just blatantly lift up the male lead and let him bleed?

"Ah!!! I am the star and you are the star~ ah!"

Lin Yuan, the son of luck, is tearing up his eyes now!

The pain on his body and Yun Zhou's abuse directly drove him crazy!

His eyes seemed to burst into flames, and his scarlet mouth suddenly opened, hysterically:

"Yun Zhou, I'm fighting with you!!"

To be honest, Lin Yuan now feels "humiliated"!

The big mouth was aimed at Yun Zhou's neck, and he struggled forward and bit it!

But Yun Zhou didn't care at all.

Not to mention that Lin Yuan has no cultivation now, even if he is not in the Dao realm.

If you bite yourself, you will lose your teeth!

So there was no change in his demeanor, and there was no ups and downs in his heart.

He even thought it was very exciting to do it like this!

That's right!

That mighty Lin Yuan!

As for the boss of the original text, there is a Lin Yuan in the book who breaks other people's legs if he refuses to accept it!

Now he is like a chicken boy, let him learn! .

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