Villain: Eavesdropping, the heroine collapses

Chapter 1197: Animals Insult People! I'm A Dick Style! (Seeking Subscription)

The most emotional thing is.

Not only the mind suffers, but the body too!

The majestic male protagonist is showing his snow-white collarbone.

Get stuck in by a palm-length needle!

【Tsk tsk. 】

It hurts just looking at it!

Yun Zhou wants to know now.

What kind of mood is Lin Yuan in now?

At this time, a bloody mouth bit Yun Zhou's neck.

Just when Lin Yuan felt that this mouthful would definitely make Yun Zhou bleed.


There was a muffled sound in the void.

Lin Yuan was restrained by a golden formation, and at the same time, his blood was already full!

Hateful Lin Yuan saw himself trapped in the formation, and gritted his teeth angrily:

"You are an incompetent person!"

"You can only trap me with this formation, do you dare to release it for me!?"

"I will bite off a piece of your flesh if I die!"

The distraught Lin Yuan has lost his mind.

Even the difference in strength was forgotten by him.

His head is full of hatred towards Yun Zhou.

Hearing this, there was no extra expression on Yun Zhou's face.

He is not afraid of Lin Yuan's bite force.

However, he disliked it.

There was a sound of "嗞".

Yun Zhou pulled out the large needle tube.

The sudden movement made Lin Yuan grin his teeth in pain.

A pair of shark-like eyes stared at Yun Zhou firmly.

As if to cut him alive.

And Yun Zhou retracted the needle into the storage ring.

A smile that was very different from Lin Yuan's "angry" suddenly bloomed on his face, and he slowly said:

"Next, let's move on to the next step.

After speaking, he directly took out a sharp long knife from the storage ring.

This knife looks ordinary, just a low-level spiritual weapon that can be seen everywhere on the street.

But for the current Lin Yuan, it is very appropriate to use this skinning.

After all, Lin Yuan has no cultivation base, if he uses the holy sword, the other party's life will probably be killed in all likelihood.

The torture had just begun, and he didn't want the hero to die so thickly.

Besides, don't you still count on him to unravel the secrets of this world?

It can be said that this wave of Yun Zhou was just tormented along with the task.

However, when Lin Yuan saw the knife, he panicked.

His slightly startled eyes.

He stared at Lin Yuan in horror.

What is this dog doing!?

Dare to kill him in Linmen?

Although Lin Yuan is crazy, but when it comes to the moment of life and death, he still can't control his fear.

He endured the panic in his heart and moved like a human maggot.

"Ah! What are you doing!?"

Good guy.

Just now, I wanted to bite off the meat of others desperately, but I turned around and became cowardly.

"You, don't come here!!"

As he spoke, he looked left and right, as if looking for another possibility of escape.

However, Yun didn't give him the slightest chance.

There is no nonsense, just come up and directly overwhelm the opponent with a coercion.

Then, start undressing!

Yes, undress!

If you want to peel off your skin, how can you do it without taking off your clothes?

Lin Yuan, who was restrained and unable to move, asked what he was going to do?

Feeling the violent big hand on his body, he was suddenly dumbfounded!

I'm Nima's!

What is this for!?

He stared blankly at Yun Zhou's rude methods, and felt his head buzzing!

Good guy, is it possible that besides women, he also has this hobby!?

But I'm a stick!

Wucao, does he still want to hold Wuren stick?!

Thinking of something, Lin Yuan's pupils instantly dilated.

The whole person struggled desperately!

"Nimma, you are a t, [let go of me..."

"I was wrong, I will never do right with you again, don't mess with me, I'm a stick, you can't be so outrageous!"

All right.

Even after becoming like this, Lin Yuan never said a soft word.

Now, it's a real deal!

Yes, I have served Yun Zhou!

He had thought of ten thousand ways for Yun Zhou to deal with him, but this was the only way he could have imagined!

Grass (plant), he is an animal who wants to hold a stick, can you believe it!?

The strong psychological pressure made Lin Yuan feel like a different person.

Although his cultivation has disappeared, his strength has reached the limit of ordinary people.

0 for flowers 0

Yun Zhou was accidentally bumped by him.

Although it didn't bump, Yun Zhou still felt a little surprised.

Without cultivation, can he still have this kind of attack power?

What an outrageous son of luck.

This setting is really a bit extraordinary.

Seeing Lin Yuan struggling like a twisted maggot, Yun Zhou also touched his chin:

"No, he's moving around like this, I'm not good at skinning...or should I make him dizzy?"

In fact, with Yun Zhou's black belly, he wanted Lin Yuan to watch his skin being ripped off.

But what about the current situation...

It may not be allowed anymore.

Thinking about it, Yun Zhou held the heart of "not bullying ordinary people", and took out a guy's pose from the storage ring.


Low-order Taoist with current!

That's right.

When the main body was small, Yanyi coaxed the main body to play with the one given to the main body.

At first I thought that this life would be useless, but I didn't expect that now I have come to live.

Speaking of which, Ontology has only used this thing to electrify beasts before, and I don't know what it will be like to electrify people.

After Yun Zhou took out the current rod, he pointed directly at Lin Yuan who was constantly struggling and said:

"Warning once, be honest, don't resist!"

Lines with a strong "sense of justice" are spoken.

Yun Zhou felt that Lin Yuan should be honest.

After all, he took out all the guy styles, Lin Yuan should be careful!

Compared to being stunned, Yun Zhou still felt that it was more enjoyable to look at his painful face.

However, Lin Yuan's eyes are red now!

It was as if Yun Zhou's action of taking off his clothes just now had brought him so much panic... he couldn't stop struggling.

Therefore, he simply ignored Yun Zhou's words.

While staring at Yun Zhou, twisting his body!

Don't give the other party a chance to judge yourself!

"Forget it, you're still unconscious."

Seeing that the warning didn't work, Yun Zhou gave up and went to the doctor directly.


With a sound.

A purple electric current intertwined across Lin Yuan's body in an instant...nine....

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