Villain: Eavesdropping, the heroine collapses

Chapter 1198: Lin Yuan's Secret! It's Really A Small Knife To Pull Pg! (Seeking Subscripti

Lin Yuan was still struggling, but panic flashed in his eyes.

But unable to escape.

The moment the electric current invades the whole body.

His body and even his brain were all numb!

The whole person spread out on the chair and twitched.

There was pain in the panicked eyes.

On the forehead, there are still faint flashes of blue veins.

His hair stood up at the root, his teeth were bared, and the pain in his body almost made him faint several times.


When he saw Yun Zhou who was full of smiles, the intense panic made him suddenly sober up.

The big hand turned on Yun Zhou's current rod with a "snap".

The twitching body remained the same, but he let out a long breath.

Immediately, Yun Zhou, who was holding the current rod in his hand, stared in surprise.

This is a lower level Taoist weapon!

As far as the "four zeros" are concerned, it is not an exaggeration to say that it is more than enough to knock down a pig demon weighing a thousand catties!

However, Lin Yuan has lost his cultivation now, after being electrified by this thing.

You can also call it aside at once.

He stared at him with his eyes open, didn't he faint?

Good guy, why do you feel so outrageous!?

Yun Zhou, who didn't believe in evil, raised the current rod together, and the celestial power surged, and it directly shocked Lin Yuan's body.

But the next second.

"Zi la" sound.

The lower Taoist weapon that hit him was once again taken aside by Lin Yuan.

That's right, Lin Yuan, who was electrocuted twice in a row and lost his cultivation, still has such combat power!

This somewhat shocked Yun Zhou:

[Good guy, this is too unscientific. 】

【Can the son of luck be so outrageous......】

[Tut tsk tsk. 】

Yun Zhou was amazed repeatedly in his heart, shook his head and felt that it was far from the truth:

"As expected of the reincarnation of the Heavenly Dao, it's terrifying to be so invincible without cultivation.

He picked up the current rod for the third time.

Apparently, he's the "stick it out" kind of guy.

If he can survive once or twice, then he wants to see how many times he can survive!

Thinking about it, he grinned the corners of his mouth, adding a touch of cruelty.

Sometimes, being awake is more painful than being unconscious, isn't it?

After successive electric shocks, Lin Yuan was panting heavily.

The originally panicked expression also became fierce again.

If the eyes could kill someone, then Yun Zhou would have been "cut to pieces" by Lin Yuan.

However, even though Lin Yuan is as terrifying as he is, there are still times when he is exhausted.

Like now, after seven or eight inhuman moments in a row.

He has become dejected,

As far as his current situation is concerned, he knows it himself.

There is no need to do it again, as long as he persists for a few moments, he will probably faint.

What should I do if I'm fainted?

Is it possible to let Yun Zhou weigh wu?

A look of despair flashed in the eyes of the male protagonist Lin Yuan, and the pained expression was inexplicably desolate.

"Sooner or later, I will kill you!!"

Good guy!

He used to speak harshly again.

Does Lin Yuan not understand the current situation?

Or do you just comfort yourself?

"You... take it easy!"

Lin Yuan uttered an inexplicable sentence with his only consciousness, and finally couldn't bear the groggy.

Head tilted, confused.

At that moment, it was like being dizzy.

It is yes to let others hand in the skills to do it!

Yun Zhou tilted his head in doubt: "What do you mean lightly?"

"He knows I'm going to take his skin?"

He scratched his head ambiguously, but he didn't take it to heart.

Pick up the big knife for peeling, and start to operate directly.

Soon, under Yun Zhou's superb technique.

A whole piece of bloody skin was peeled off.

Immortal power surged when he saw the flashing patterns on the skin.

Yun Zhou finally understood what Lin Yuan's secret was referring to.

On the pattern, a five-clawed golden dragon circled around, and the ancient gate of heaven was printed on it.

Its appearance is exactly the same as the scene Yun Zhou saw when he broke through the Yunling Immortal Gate [!

Vaguely, he could actually feel the coercion of heaven!

Lin Yuan, is the incarnation of Heaven!

This is something Yun Zhou already knew.

And his secret.

This is the "Ancient Immortal Gate" pattern behind it!

in other words:

The skin on his back is a road leading to the other end of the heaven!

While the "Portrait of Lin Yuan" seen on the ancient fairy gate that day, the "Tianmen" pattern on the back did not see 0.

Yun Zhou rubbed his chin to guess.

That portrait, Tian Youbajiu was used by the "appraiser"!

That's right!

Except for "Lin Yuan" who is consistent with that portrait.

No one can set foot in it after touching the Tianmen.

This is also the only explanation for the sudden collapse of the fairy gate when he just stepped into the other world that day.

After thinking this through, Yun Zhou's eyes shone with an inexplicable light.

"I wonder why there is Lin Yuan's face on the ancient fairy gate."

"It turned out to be a set of "face recognition"..."

"Tsk tsk, there is such a technological scene in the world of cultivating immortals, it's really eye-opening."

"But then again, it's a good thing.

"In the future, maybe I can borrow this and send it to the world inside Guxianmen...

While muttering, he put the skin away.

By the way, I also took out the drawn blood to have a look.

That's right, although he guessed the secret on the back.

But he still couldn't figure out the secret of blood.

But this is not something to worry about.

take it easy.

Didn't think much about it.

Seeing that the purpose of doing it has been achieved.

Yun Zhou left directly.

As for the side mission of the reincarnation path, 1.8 rounds should be triggered when the mission is cleared later.

After half an hour.

The unconscious Lin Yuan was awakened by an unbearable tingling pain.

He looked at the blood under his body and felt the pain behind him.

I just feel like my brain is booming!

Immediately afterwards, he sent a voice transmission to Lin Sheng in pain, crying loudly:

"Beast, really Nima is a beast!"

Lin Sheng was about to retreat, when he heard this all of a sudden, he was immediately filled with question marks.

Good guy, who are you scolding?

He stopped in a daze, just about to reply and ask a question.

But before he could speak, Lin Yuan's broken voice came again:

"I told you to strengthen the formation, but you will not listen!"

"Just now Yun Zhou came in and got me!!".

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