Villain: Eavesdropping, the heroine collapses

Chapter 1341 : Master Absorbing Soil Lives Lively! Rebel's New Move! (Seeking Subscription)

It's been another day!

The familiar twilight shone on familiar leaves.

In the isolation formation.

Yan Yi hugged her knees and stared angrily at Yun Zhou:

"You rascal, forget about calling me Yun Mule from now on!!"

This little bastard took away her cherry blossoms. For two consecutive days, except for last night's rest, he didn't stop for the rest of the time!

He kept sparring with her, playing dog Tianshui, and raising his side high.

The barren battle body is used!

It was as if he wanted to beat her to death!

After two days in a row, not only was his injury not malignant, but healed.

The whole person still doesn't feel tired at all, that's called a spirit!

Looking at her, his face was hot, and his strength seemed to be drained.

She is a cultivation base at the Dao Realm, and she actually feels like her body is about to fall apart!

And Yun Zhou is fine, he is still watching her giggle!

It's off the charts!!

Looking at the great treasure master's big eyes full of resentment, Yun Zhou grinned.

Scratching his head, he said with a sneer: "Then what, the disciple sees that Master's Constitution is too weak, and wants to help Master exercise."

"Full of nonsense." Yan Yi glared at him angrily:

"The loss-making seat defended you before, but now it seems that Wu Zhao is right, you are an out-and-out apprentice!"

Seeing Yan Yi's pale face, Yun Zhou knew that he was indeed a bit wolfish.

Immediately without saying a word, he took her into his arms.

"You, you traitor, what are you going to do, let me go!"

Yan Yi thought that Yun Zhou was going to explode again, so she stuttered in fright.

Just as he was about to break free from Yun Zhou, a gentle light suddenly enveloped his whole body.

The strange Dao Mang poured into the body, and the empty Dao Sea re-condensed.

The soreness and fatigue in the body were swept away, as if soaking in Wuwangchi, it was extremely comfortable.

"You know how to heal?" Yan Yi looked at Yun Zhou in surprise.

She has never seen this kind of method that can quickly restore Dao Hai to other people in so many years.

To be precise, this belongs to the rare medical category.

But Yun Zhou lived with her since childhood.

I have never seen him practice medicine, how did he do it?

This is a bit off the mark.

"Hey, my disciple has always been omnipotent. If I exercise with my disciple once, I'm sure I'll be alive and well the next day. How about it, Master Wolf, do you want to suck some more dirt?" Yun Zhou didn't look like a good person with a smile.

"What kind of female wolf, it's so ugly..." Yan Yi didn't understand, so she muttered.

Seeing Yun Zhou's eager eyes again, her pretty face couldn't stop flushing, and she was so ashamed that she wished she could find a crack in the ground.

But being shy is shy, she is still quite happy.

Zhou'er pestering her like this just shows his attraction to Zhou'er.

Well, I don't see Zhou'er treating those little goblins so aggressively.

She should be proud of it!

A white belly rises from the sky, another day.

In the dense forest, Yan Yi limped behind Yun Zhou.

Her pretty face was flushed, and her eyes full of resentment glared at Yun Zhou from time to time.

Well, she's still too naive.

Originally, I thought that Yun Zhou would treat her well because I felt sorry for her.

It turned out that this bastard thing was actually for better sparring!

For two days and two nights in a row, she was so quick to kill her!

Simply inappropriate!

At this time, Yun Zhou suddenly turned around, "Master, do you want me to heal you?"


Yan Yi's eyes widened in an instant, and she stammered: "No, no, it's fine if I'm limping like this, you, you don't come here!"

"Ah this..."

Yun Zhou scratched his head in doubt, "Master, why do I think you are a little afraid of me?"

"Who is afraid of you, shut up."

"Okay, originally I learned some new moves... Forget it. "Let's talk about it later." Wei Zhou said casually.

His "new move is a means of healing.

But when it landed in Yanyi's ears, her expression froze.

My heart couldn't stop thumping.

"This little bastard, what new moves are there?"

"Let's talk about it later..."

"This, this will be beaten to death by him!"

Just when she was dumbfounded and followed behind in a daze.

Yun Zhou suddenly asked suspiciously: "Master, I'm going to Yunling now, do you want to go with me?"

Yan Yi was stunned for a moment, a little moved.

But after thinking about it, he still shook his head and let out a sigh of relief: "No."

"I'll see my aunt again when I have a chance. I, I'm not ready yet."

If it was a pure master-student relationship before, she would not feel any pressure.

But now that she has developed into a pure treasure, how can she spare herself to see Yun Susu?

Hmm... Let's talk about it when we are ready and we are about to get married.

Yun Zhou looked at her amusedly, and jokingly said: Master, an ugly daughter-in-law always wants to see her in-laws. "

"It's my aunt anyway, are you sure you don't want to see her?"

"Bah, who is ugly!?"

Yan Yi patted him angrily, "A dog can't spit out ivory."

"I'm going to Yunling with you now, what identity do I use? Is it your master or is it your woman?"

"If you haven't set a date to marry me, don't tease me."

"If your aunt is convinced that you and I are master-student relationship, how can you open your mouth to her and marry me in the future?"

In Immortal Domain, master and apprentice are like father and son.

With such a layer of taboo, the future will be really difficult.

Besides this point, Yan Yi was also a little timid when he saw Yun Susu face to face.

(It's Zhao) After all, Yun Zhou's parents, Yun Susu's adoptive brother and sister-in-law, died just to save her.

If Yun Susu held his breath in his heart, he would be unreasonable after seeing her.

It is not difficult for Yun Zhou to be caught in it.

Therefore, it's better for her not to see Yun Susu before these things are thoroughly paved.

Thinking about it, she murmured: "I'd better go back to Haoyun Sect first, the sect is growing stronger now."

"I'll go back and sit for you, with the help of Wu Zhaoyuechan...

"I guess it won't be long before Haoyunzong can be developed into an inferior force."

"When the power rises, you can relax a lot, and then you can help you relieve the pressure..."

Hearing this, Yun Zhou stroked his chin and pondered for a while, then seemed to think of something.

Direct spiritual sense probed into the storage ring, and took out the big treasure inside.

Yanyi: (O_O)?.

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