Villain: Eavesdropping, the heroine collapses

Chapter 1342 : The Schemes Of The Hand Behind The Scenes! Lin Lang Zhantai's Strangeness! (Seek

With a lot of treasure piled up on the ground.

For a time, the fairy light was dense, and the precious energy permeated.

He casually waved out an enchantment that isolated the breath, and then looked at the bewildered Yan Yi.

"Dabao, bring these back to Haoyunzong."

Yan Yi looked at these hundreds of treasures of fairy materials, and felt that her eyes were a bit insufficient:

"Low-level fairy treasure, high-level spiritual aspiration...

"Hiss—where did you get these things?"

Seeing Yan Yi's "unexperienced" look, Yun Zhou smiled and scratched his head:

"Some were cheated from my aunt, and some were snatched from the inheritance..."

"Hey, don't worry about where it came from."

"Anyway, I don't need these now, you bring them all back, enough to make Haoyun a middle-level power.

As he spoke, he grabbed Yan Yi's little hand.

With a wave of his hand, he put all these treasures into Yanyi's storage ring.

Then he said earnestly: "I guess it will take a few days before I can return to Haoyunzong."

"In the days when I'm not around, you will be the suzerain of the Haoyun sect, try to make the sect rise as quickly as possible.

Yan Yi looked at him with her beautiful eyes, but didn't make a sound.

She knows that her man has countless confidante, but she is the one she trusts the most. 310

Soon, after putting away all the treasures, Yun Zhou squeezed her little hand and grinned:

"Let's go, I'll walk with you, the journey is boring, I'll go with you first.

As soon as I saw Master Dabao, I went directly to the topic.

Rushing into other people's mountains and sparring for two days!

If we don't communicate our feelings, Master Dabao will be unhappy.

Well, Yun Zhou is not a licking dog.

But for love, I still care about it.

Hearing this, Yan Yi's eyes were full of smiles, and she said coquettishly: "If you want to protect me and go home, just tell me, what's so boring.

Yun Zhou:???

Her beautiful eyes are rippling, like a Chun Lake:

"Don't worry, I will step up my cultivation when I go back... Sooner, sooner or later, I will bully you until you can't stand up!"

After speaking, her cheeks flushed with embarrassment, and she flew away directly into the air.

Leaving Yun Zhou looking at her back dumbfounding:

"The master who turned into a tiger and wolf has a strong desire for revenge?"

The inheritance of the Immortal Emperor collapsed, and the entire Immortal Territory was paying attention.

Some people say that Yun Zhou took away that inheritance and caused the surface (bfaf) to collapse.

Others said that the inheritance land was condemned by the heavens, and that's why it happened.

And just when there were divergent opinions, another earth-shattering rumor came out.

The holy son of the Chen family, Chen Xinghe, the second in the Tianjiao list.


He didn't die under the collapse of the inheritance land, but was killed by someone before it collapsed!

According to the rumors, there were only two people who might have killed Chen Xinghe in the end.

One is Lin Langyue, a casual cultivator who quit Linmen.

There is another one, Yun Zhou whose life and death are unknown due to the collapse of the inheritance land!

Once this news came out, it caused an uproar in an instant.

You know, Chen Xinghe is the only holy son of the Chen family, and the successor of the entire Chen family!

Just die like this...

Will Patriarch Chen give up?

All of a sudden, Fairy Ruthless Daolin said "life is in danger" loudly.

And Yun Zhou, if he really died.

Fairy Lin put the matter on him, and it was over.

If he is still alive, this matter will be difficult to handle!

Yes, there is no telling who died.

After all, the Chen family is the number one force in the Immortal Territory, and it is not an exaggeration to say that they are giants.

If it was really Chen Xinghe that Yun Zhou killed...

I'm afraid even Yunling can't protect him!

As for the Chen family, they will swallow their anger.

Well, the cultivators of Immortal Realm don't believe in this possibility at all.

Not to mention that Chen Fusheng is not the one to avoid.

It's just that everyone in the Immortal Domain knows about this story.

If Chen Fusheng was afraid of Yunling's power, he would not care about the death of his son.

Then the name of his Chen family will definitely plummet!

Even after that, the number of disciples who join the Chen family every year [decreases by more than ten times!


The head of the family doesn't dare to take care of the Son's death, so who would go to such a power?

Therefore, in response to the news of "the death of the son of the Chen family".

Some discerning people also noticed something was wrong.

This news, Tian Youbajiu was released by "someone with a heart".

The purpose is to block Chen Fusheng's back path!

Force him to find trouble with Yun Zhou or Lin Langyue!

If it was Lin Langyue who killed Chen Xinghe, everything would be easy.

If it was really what Yun Zhou did, the Chen family wanted to develop their power.

In all likelihood, because of this, Yunling and Yunling will become mortal enemies!

Um... Good calculation!

A group of high-ranking and broad-sighted influencers lamented the methods of this "man behind the scenes".

It doesn't matter whether this person is targeting the Chen family or Yunling.

This first-hand news is released seamlessly!

Asgard, the main hall.

The quiet scene sets off the majesty, and the atmosphere is audible.

On the main seat at the top, a tall and beautiful figure is sitting here.

She was wearing a light purple skirt, with a pretty face like a picture, and her white left hand was lightly touching the armrest on one side.

The whole person is extremely beautiful, but there is a coldness in the temperament that rejects people thousands of miles away.

It was the fairy concubine Lin Lang Zhantai who had suffered at Yun Susu's place two days ago!

Her star-like beautiful eyes calmly glanced at the old man below her eyes, and her red lips parted slightly:

"Zhao Xianwei, what's the matter with you?"

Zhao Qing lowered his head, with a bitter face, "Concubine Xian, can you hear what happened in the inheritance?"

"Well, I heard." Lin Langzhan responded expressionlessly.

Thousands of people competed for it, and Yun Zhou was finally given the inheritance of the Immortal Emperor, but then the inheritance collapsed, and Yun Zhou's life and death are unknown.

This incident had reached her ears as early as two days ago.

Zhao Qing pondered for a moment, and tentatively said: "That's the case, can the concubine let the old man go and find Yun Zhou? After all, he is the reincarnation of the emperor..."


"Ah, concubine Xian might as well think about it, become immortal..."

Needless to say, as one of the Immortal Guards, Zhao Qing's loyalty to the Immortal Emperor can be learned from all over the world.

But Linlang Zhantai still didn't let go.

She waved her hands irritably:

"If I say no, I don't need it. Yun Zhou is not dead. He sent me a message two days ago!"


Zhao Qing looked over in a daze.

Yun Zhou sent you a sound transmission?

When did your relationship get so good?

Seeing Zhao Qing's eyes gradually become strange, Lin Lang Zhantai's pretty face was a little hot. .

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