Villain: Eavesdropping, the heroine collapses

Chapter 1343 : The Ambition Of The Mantou Fairy Concubine! Lost Yun Susu! (Seeking Subscription)

All right.

Lin Lang Zhantai didn't know which string Yun Zhou had strung wrong.

He would take the initiative to keep her safe!

Is it because of the dewy love that day?

Who knows.

Anyway, the bastard still used a "sexy" tone and asked her to wait for "renewing the relationship"

It caused her to be erratic all the time.

Scared and looking forward to...

What I'm afraid of is what that bastard thought of~ how to deal with her.

As for what to expect

Well, capitalists know!

"In short, you don't have to ask about Yun Zhou's affairs, he's fine."

"But the news of the death of the son of the Chen family can be used."

"If it was Lin Langyue who did it, it would be fine if she was a casual cultivator."

"If this matter has nothing to do with Lin Langyue, the Chen family must be eyeing Yunling, and the two forces are completely hostile..."

Lin Lang Zhantai's voice became more meaningful: "Then the opportunity for our Immortal Palace to become the number one force has come.

Zhao Qing was stunned for a moment, then suddenly realized.

The current situation of the Immortal Palace is very strange, that is, it stands outside the five major forces, but is not weaker than any other force.

Under such circumstances, unless other forces start a dispute, the Immortal Palace has absolutely no chance of replacing the Chen family.

He had discussed this matter with Zhou Gan before, and the two even had doubts for a while:

Linlang Zhantai is the person behind the scenes who released this news!

The purpose is to cause chaos in the fairyland.

Forcing the Chen family to do something will hurt its foundation!

But seeing her today, the concubine Xian is not like a planner.

This kind of news spread.

Because of his face, Chen Fusheng is bound to find trouble with the reincarnation of the Immortal Emperor.

It is even possible to strangle Yun Zhou.

Concubine Xian is certainly hostile to Yun Zhou.

But it can be heard from the conversation just now.

She has no intention of killing Yun Zhou.

Even, it seems that he still cares about others?

Zhao Qing couldn't figure out what Xianfei was thinking for a while, but he was sure that the news was not released by Xianfei.

Maybe someone else is doing the pushing.


Zhao Qing pondered for a while, and said hesitantly: "Yunling is now in an alliance with my Immortal Palace, if the Chen family makes a move against Yunling, will my Immortal Palace stand by and watch?"

Once the Chen family and Yunling fight, the fool knows to stay away.

And from the perspective of Asgard.

When the Chen family faced Shangyunling, even if they won, their vitality would be seriously injured.

Asgard will take its place and become the number one force is just around the corner.

But that's how it is, it's hard to say.

Now the news of the Immortal Palace and the Yunling Alliance is known to everyone in the Immortal Domain.

If Xiangong stands idly by, it will inevitably fall into the mouth...

Lin Lang Zhantai said disdainfully: "The alliance is just a theory, and it has long been misplaced... But who said I have to stand by and watch?"

"Once the Chen family makes a move, the Linmen, who have long been hostile to Yunling, will definitely join in."

"But what we want to do is not help Yunling deal with the Chen family."

"It's about uniting with third-party forces and destroying them!"

Zhao Qing raised his head in horror: "Your target is Linmen?"

At first, I thought that Concubine Xian wanted to take advantage of the weakness of the Chen family to take advantage of it.

But I never thought that this woman's ambition was to destroy Linmen.

But those huge monsters will be destroyed when they are destroyed?

Lin Lang Zhantai gave a soft "hmm", with the same expression as usual:

"I have already communicated with the Lord of Jiangmen in private, and Jiang He agreed to help me destroy Linmen."

"Ah, this..." Zhao Qing was still a little dumbfounded: "But why do you want to destroy Linmen?"

Yes, he is not Miss Li!

If the Chen family hurts Yuanyuan, the power of the Linmen can't resist the rise of the Immortal Palace, right?

Look at it this way.

It is only a matter of time before the Immortal Palace replaces the Chen family and becomes the number one force in the Immortal Territory.

That being the case, why take the risk?

"Because what I want is not the "first force", but "entry into the fairyland"

"If I want to do this, I have to kill Linmen and let a monster out..."

Lin Lang Zhantai's expression was indifferent, and his calm eyes looked through the gate of the palace, looking in the direction of Linmen from a distance, with a faint light flickering.

Periphery of inheritance.

An empty mountaintop.

Clouds and mist filled the air, and the clear air flowed.

A beautiful figure sat cross-legged on the ground, breathing in the fresh air, feeling that life is beautiful.

Her beautiful and stern face was incompatible with her appearance.

The whole person sat on the ground with a big face, and his hair was messily coiled behind his head.

……ask for flowers…

The right hand is carrying a roast chicken, and the left hand is leaning on a token.

The flaming long sword was thrust into the side so brightly.

The sound transmission of the token in his hand ended.

She took a long breath and suddenly let out a series of sweet laughter.

"My old lady just said that the Son is fine, haha, now I can explain it."

"Well, take this roast chicken back to Shengzi, as long as you make Shengzi happy, Lingjia will definitely not trouble me!"

That's right, this woman who is Fengyun but extremely aggressive.

It is Yunling's sword head, Yun Zhou's loyal admirer, Chu Lingxiao!

Originally, she thought that the Holy Son could not be found, and it was time for her to explain her funeral.

Unexpectedly, Lin Langyue sent her a voice transmission just now, saying that the Son is fine!


What about this wave?

She won't be implicated anymore!

The holy son is really Jill is an auspicious person, and his life should not be terminated!

"It's just that he's fine, why didn't he send me a message, and didn't take me, Axia seriously?"

She frowned, feeling a little dissatisfied.

When I go back, I have to talk to the Holy Son.

Yunling, the main mountain.

The bedroom of the Lord of the Ridge.

Yun Susu pouted her chin and looked at the sky outside the window, as if she had lost her soul.

"It's true Zhou'er, the sound transmission said he's fine, but it's been two days, why hasn't he come back?"

"He didn't care about using a token to transmit sound to him. Could it be that he's mixed up with another female cultivator?"

"Married a wife and forgot my aunt, what a little bastard."

"But if he has an heir, won't I be able to hold a small boat?"

"Emmm... From this point of view, my aunt should support him in getting more nuns."

"If anyone wins the lottery, I can be an aunt!"

Thinking of this, her eyes brightened.

It seems to think of a scene where a lot of brats are called "Grandma".

Immediately, his mouth was almost grinning to the back of his head.

But soon, she coughed twice, and the smile on her face became cold:

"No, no, that's what I said, but I have to let him hang out first!"

"If you have a woman, you will neglect your aunt, how can this work...... Bu".

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