Villain: Eavesdropping, the heroine collapses

Chapter 1350: The Powder On The Elixir? Yun Zhou's Hunk Romance! (Seeking Subscription)

Is Yunling not waiting?

Ah, why so purple!?

This is not the result of Yun Susu's thinking.

I originally wanted to hang him out, why did I let him go?

so grumpy...

Could it be that I'm pretending to be big?

Yun Susu was stunned, and was puzzled.

"Zhou'er has left Yunling now?"


The deaconess responded softly: "The holy son explained that he will return to Hao ~ Yun Zong.

Speaking of this, she seemed to have thought of something again, and quickly used her strength to lift the wooden box up:

"This is what the Holy Son asked me to bring to you before he went down the mountain."

Yun Susu took it curiously. Although she was a little flustered, she still didn't express it on her face:

"Okay, I see, you go down first."


The deaconess responded respectfully, and then walked away.

After she left, Yun Susu immediately relaxed her stern face, and brought the wooden box to her eyes with a smile.

Looking at the dragon and phoenix pattern engraved on it, her beautiful eyebrows and eyes are finally more gratified:


"The little guy has a big temper and is quite arrogant. Ignore him and leave. What a shame."

"However, I still have a conscience. When I came back from the inheritance, I still didn't forget to bring the baby to my aunt."

"Xiao Zuojing, it's not in vain to hurt him!"

"Forget it, if the baby is still satisfied, I will give you a step down."

She let out a deep breath, and then opened the small wooden box.

Then, the whole person froze.

In the box at the eye, there is a pill dragged by fairy cotton with a red background.

The elixir is permeated with fairy charm, and wisps of celestial light linger on it, and at first glance, you can tell that it is not ordinary.

The traces of medicinal power that it infiltrates actually contain unspeakable avenue power.

She has no doubt that as long as she eats it, the cultivation base of the second layer of Emperor Realm (Intermediate) will definitely be greatly improved.

It is even possible to step into the middle stage of the second floor in one fell swoop!

If such a treasure is thrown outside, not to mention ordinary cultivators, even if they are at the level of the Six Emperors, they will inevitably be robbed!

The corner of Yun Susu's mouth twitched, she swallowed and said to herself:

"This should be one of the best treasures in the heritage site, right?"

She could sense the energy contained in the elixir, even if it was an immortal emperor, this elixir could not be rich.

If you can save one, it is probably a family property!

This kind of elixir can make the body's immortal power increase rapidly without any side effects.

Zhouer sent it to me?

"Sure enough, there is still my place in Xiao Zuo Jing."

"Well, there are countless pretty girls in pink, and my aunt is always number one!"

"Not bad!"

After all, it is the elders.

Yun Susu, who was reading the treasures, was made to smile a lot by a pill from her nephew.

Although the value of this elixir itself is not low, it is nothing compared to Zhou'er's heart.

"Shout, this little guy, he doesn't know how to think about himself even if he has something good."

"Doesn't he know that he needs to increase his strength? Give me this thing."

Yun Susu picked up the elixir and looked at it for a while, smelling the elixir on it was refreshing.

But for some reason, she somehow felt something was wrong.

"Why does this elixir have a scent of chaotic powder?"

"Impossible, I must have smelled it wrong."

"I'm an aunt, how could my nephew have dirty thoughts about me?"

"Emmm...there's probably only one pill in the world..."

"Forget it, I'd rather not waste it, and send it back to him later.

While muttering, Yun Susu put the pill back into the wooden box.

At this time, she suddenly noticed the words embroidered on the red fairy cotton holder underneath.

"Huh? What is this?"

Yun Susu took it out curiously, and then stopped.

I saw a few crooked characters on the fairy cotton in front of my eyes.

It is obviously a clumsy hand, bit by bit with a needle and thread:

"Auntie, I like you!"

Below the word is a nondescript red heart.

There are still two villains in Hong's heart.

One is tall and the other is small and delicate.

Although the stabbed ones were ugly, Yun Susu could tell them at a glance.

These two villains, one is Yun Zhou and the other is myself!

Although it doesn't look good, you can still see its goodness and suffering.

……ask for flowers…

Thinking of the embarrassing look of a big man like Yun Zhou holding the daughter's things, the corners of her mouth curled up.

Tears flickered inexplicably in the bright eyes, and he sneered softly: "This bastard knows how to do this with my aunt.

All right.

In Yun Susu's eyes.

The word "Like" is tattooed on it.

It does not refer to the relationship between men and women.

It is the love of the younger generation for the elders.


If it's true, how can someone call you aunt at the beginning?

That much change T?

And preconceived, although she and Yun Zhou have no blood relationship, she wholeheartedly treats him as a nephew.

Comparing her heart with her heart, she thought that Yun Zhou must regard her as her real aunt.

So the kind of love between men and women...

It's just bullshit.

The nephew is using this method to bring the relationship between their aunt and nephew closer!


Hmph, Xiao Zuojing, you are quite attentive to your aunt!

Good guy.

It's also thanks to the fact that Yun Zhou doesn't know what she's thinking now, otherwise she would have to fry the noodles.

Lao Tzu embroidered romance for you while controlling the sword.

I was thinking of expressing my confession in this way.

In the end, you acted like I was bringing my aunt and nephew closer!?

Still perverted...


Calling "Auntie" is a bad idea, understand?

Jin Jill doesn't understand emotion at all!

Put away the fairy cotton, and put the elixir back into the wooden box.

Yun Susu had a happy smile on his face, as if he couldn't hide the joy on his brows.

Well, she still prefers this unsightly embroidery to the unrivaled elixir that the whole fairyland can compete for.

Isn't the nephew's liking for his aunt much stronger than those vain pills?

"That's all, I'm so angry with a child."

Yun Susu smiled, "Go and return the elixir to him, and by the way detain him from staying in Yunling for a while.

"It's hard to come back, how can I not have many aunts.......

"No matter how good those confidante are, can they still have Aunt Miao?!"


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