Villain: Eavesdropping, the heroine collapses

Chapter 1351 : Cow Stand Upside Down! Yun Qiaoer's Way Of Coaxing People! (Seeking Subscription

Look at Yun Zhou again.

After leaving Lingzhu Mountain, Yun Zhou returned to Shengzi Mountain all the way.

On the way, he couldn't stop muttering.

[I don't know what kind of powder I bought when I came back, it's so cloudy to Yun Susu. 】

【If this is successful, will it be possible to handle it?】

【No, am I being too inhuman?】

[But the confession is definitely not successful, you can't always stand up, right?]

[emmm..... Wait for your cultivation base to improve, it's okay to suppress it...】

[But I'm a villain, so I don't need to use this method, I always feel that it doesn't match my setting. 】

Yun Zhou was thinking about it, as if there was a little black man fighting with a little white man in his head.

In the end, the little black man won!

【Well, I'm not related by blood anyway, I'm afraid of shit. 】

【The one you like should go after it regardless of the consequences!】

【I'm a villain who transcends destiny, afraid of a der?】

【That arrogant woman, dare not see me......... When I succeed, you will run back to Haoyunzong, and you will be so angry that your cow will stand on your head!!】

Thinking of this, Yun Zhou felt much better.

But I don't know why.

He thinks so.

I am even more shameless.

When they arrived at Shengzi Mountain, Yun Qiaoer, who heard that Yun Zhou was back, had been waiting here for a long time.

Seeing Yun Zhou approaching, a surprise appeared in her beautiful eyes: "Yun Zhou, you are back!"

Yun Qiaoer subconsciously wanted to give Yun Zhou a hug.

But the moment she stepped forward, she still stopped.

That's right, in her eyes, she and Yun Zhou are not yet true Taoist couples.

Said to be Yun Zhou's child bride-in-law.

But she and Yun Zhou haven't pierced that layer... ahem, that layer of window paper.


Last time she was ready and asked Yun Zhou to unlock it for her.

But the key was about to be inserted on the top, but it was suddenly interrupted by Chu Liuli!

This also caused the awkward relationship between the two of them.

Yun Zhou looked at Yun Qiaoer with a smile, and rubbed her little face with his hands:

"Why, why am I as cold as this when I come back?""?"

After finishing speaking with a smile, he didn't wait for the other party to respond.

With a chuckle, he pushed open the door of the Holy Child Hall and stepped in.

Yun Qiaoer savored the warmth of his big hands, with an obsessed expression on her face.

"Yeah, I'm so excited

The bedroom hall.

Yun Zhou felt that he was a big man, but he also wanted to make Yunsusu remember him.

How dare you close the door to him...

Don't you know that Yunmou is a little trickster?

Immediately, without saying a word, he started to pack his luggage.

Yun Qiaoer looked a little dumbfounded, and asked in confusion: "What are you doing?"

"Don't do anything!"

Yun Zhou snorted coldly: "Your master doesn't want to bully me, I just don't want to stay in Yunling, pack it up, and go back to Haoyunzong tomorrow!"

"Ah?" Hearing this, Yun Susu was a little stunned: "Master dotes on you so much, why don't you want to be a bird... Bah, don't want to talk to you?"

"She spoils a fart."

Yun Zhou spat aggrievedly, "I didn't even see me, I just came back a few days late, why is she so small? Anyway, I'm angry, I can't be coaxed, I have to go

His rare attitude of a daughter is obviously messing with things.

That aggrieved look is very much like those little masters of Lan Xing.

Yun Qiaoer looked stupid directly.

After reacting, the laughter continued, and the abdominal muscles burst out laughing.

Outside, Yun Susu, who was hiding behind the tree, also let out a "puchi".

He looked at Yun Zhou inside dumbfounded.

For a majestic big man, this is really enough.

But can you say he's a twat?

Can't even look like a living treasure!

"Xiaoxiaoxiao, you laugh at P!"

Yun Zhou put down the work in hand, and glared at Yun Qiaoer behind him angrily:

"You women are all of the same virtue."

"When you need our men, you will be big brother big brother, and you will be back."

"Throw it aside if you don't need it, and don't see it even if you don't see it, it's so mad!"

Hearing this, Yun Zhou's resentful eyes were added.

Unable to control herself, Yun Qiaoer suddenly burst out laughing.

Yun Susu outside also covered her mouth, trying not to let herself laugh out loud.

"No, why is this little guy so funny...

In the dormitory, Yun Zhou made a joke, and his mood improved a lot.

But the truth is still a bit suffocated.

He threw his precious clothes into the storage ring casually, and then sat on the couch sullenly.

This is the first time I saw Yun Zhou like this.

Yun Qiaoer wanted to laugh and felt distressed at the same time.

Although the current Yun Zhou is a bit suspected of playing tricks.

But judging from the muttering just now, he must be really angry.

Thinking about it, she approached Yun Zhou with a smile:

〃Okay, okay, your aunt is ignoring you, why don't you still have me, come on, sister coax you!"

Yun Zhou squinted at her: "You look like a green tea."


"What does green tea mean?"

"It doesn't mean anything, I just want to praise you for caring for others."

The corner of Yun Zhou's mouth curled up, and he looked up at her directly: "What do you want to coax me, sister?"

"emmm..." Yun Qiaoer tilted her head: "How about I hug you?"

"Forget it, it's not exciting."

"Then how do you want to coax?"

"Hey, sister, I want to eat Nana!"


After a brief little nonsense.

Yun Zhou failed in the end.

Well, if it wasn't for broad daylight, it might have been half-hearted.

It might even be Yun Qiaoer who took the initiative.

But that's the problem, there are so many maids coming and going on Shengzi Mountain in broad daylight. Ren Zhaohao)

How can Yun Qiaoer let go?

Eat Nana, eat Nana!

It's all about wantonness!

Of course, Yun Zhou didn't think about doing anything.

Otherwise, it depends on Yun Qiaoer's current cultivation.

Certainly do not escape the clutches!

After playing around for a while, the two sat down respectively.

Yun Qiaoer rolled her eyes, offered to pour tea for Yun Zhou, and obediently sat on the chair opposite.

Yun Zhou took a sip from the teacup.

Don't do it anymore, the road to buy without carrying it is close:

"If you have something to say, you have to fart."

Yun Qiaoer looked at him in surprise: "How do you know I have something to tell you?"

"You can't hold back your mouth anymore, you will become constipated if you don't spray." Yun Zhou gave her a sideways look.

Yun Qiaoer: ???

She looked at Yun Zhou in a daze, and was dumbfounded by the cue.

It took a long time to react.

Where did I see this beep?

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