Villain: Eavesdropping, the heroine collapses

Chapter 1362: A Model Career! Chong Aunt's Rebellious Son! (Seeking Subscription)

Looking at Yun Susu's pursed red lips.

Yun Zhou quickly suppressed his restless thoughts.

After thinking about it, he tentatively said:

"I'm stupid, I'm not very good at about I give you a push?"

"Huh?" Yun Susu was stunned for a moment, "What is pushing back?"

“Just a massage!”

Reasonably speaking, given Yun Zhou's machismo, massage is impossible.

But then again, Yun Susu was the woman he was eyeing.

A must be nothing.

And isn't it yourself who takes advantage?

Thinking of this, he felt a little more excited, rubbed his hands together and said:

"Not only massage, I can also give you a back push ride, do you think you want to be softer or more violent?"

After saying this, he warned himself in his heart.

Take advantage, but not too much.

Be sure to control your strength and thoughts.

Otherwise, if Yun Susu gets angry, it might be bad.

Hearing this, Yun Susu's eyes lit up.

Although she didn't know what this push-up ride was, it presumably belonged to a type of massage!

And it can be divided into soft or irritable, it should be quite comfortable 15.

"I want to be irritable, the more irritable the better!"

For Yun Susu in the Emperor Realm, the pressing of Common will not work at all.

She wanted to relax completely rather than pinching her arms and legs lightly.

"you sure?"

Yun Zhou asked tentatively with strange eyes.

"There's nothing certain about that."

Yun Susu glared at him as a matter of course, and threatened: "I haven't promised you to confess, you have been frivolous several times

"If you don't press "Happy" for me today, I will never end with you."

Thinking of being pinched on the cheek by the other party just now, she blushed for a while and her heart beat.

Yun Zhou on the opposite side was also dumbfounded by Yun Susu.

How grumpy? How grumpy?

Is this a hidden property?

Yun Zhou glanced at Yun Susu who was wearing an underwear, and swallowed subconsciously:

"Since you have said so, I will not be polite."

After speaking, he stood up directly.

Yun Susu: (O_o)??

"What are you doing up?"

Yun Zhou gritted his teeth, and was directly pushed down by Yun Susu, and sat on the opponent's hind legs, scratching his head shyly:

"You lie down, I'll start pushing!"

Yun Susu:!!!

Her delicate cheeks flushed instantly, and everyone lying on the couch was dumbfounded.

He quickly turned his head to look at him, and said, "You, what are you doing sitting on my lap?"

"Ah... I haven't had a massage yet, so it's not good to be so direct?"

Yun Zhou's throat was dry, and his eyes were staring like copper bells.

Yunsu Suqi clasped her toes together, and said angrily:

"I mean, what are you doing sitting on my lap!?"

Yun Zhou was stunned for a moment, and then the little chicken pecked at the rice and nodded: "Fuck, don't be impatient, I'll take over!"

Just a few breaths.

Yun Zhou squatted under the couch with his nose covered, his nose bleeding dripping, and he was so wronged that he didn't dare to look up.

Like a steamed crab, Yun Susu sat on the edge of the couch with her arms folded, glaring at him angrily:

"You bastard, who gave you the guts to do something!?"

Yun Zhou felt aggrieved like a three-year-old child, "Didn't you say it yourself?"

Yun Susu laughed back angrily, grabbed his ear and said, "I'm asking why you're sitting on my lap!"

"Ah this..."

The corner of Yun Zhou's mouth twitched in embarrassment, "Is that why I misunderstood?"

"What do you say!?"

Yun Susu glanced at him angrily: "If you say massage, just do it honestly, and insist on sitting on my lap...Thoughts are still so dirty!"

Yun Zhou: "...

dude, did i misunderstand?

It's all Yuechan's fault, she always meant that when she asked this question!

I got used to it after coming and going, and I thought...ah, it's so annoying!

Thinking of his action of grabbing his inner shirt just now, Yun Zhou felt his head go cold.

Fortunately, Yun Susu wasn't too angry, otherwise his life would be in danger!

Yun Susu's head is also a mess now.

After taking the elixir, he began to have different emotions towards Yun Zhou.

Later, the little bastard confessed and gagged her, disturbing her into a turmoil.

In the end, she sat on her hind legs wantonly........

"This nasty little guy, the co-author has always had this idea of ​​me."

"Fortunately, I still have to adopt a brother to take care of him...What a little scum!"

Yun Susu was cursing in her heart, but the corners of her mouth were unconsciously outlined.

Glancing at Yun Zhou's dejected look, his little face also became shy.

Now, she dare not be alone with Yun Zhou anymore.

Yun Susu stood up from the couch, and casually grabbed the outer shirt on one side and put it on her body.

Then he looked at Yun Zhou coldly: "You son of a bitch, go back to your Holy Child Mountain later, I don't want to see you when I come back!"

After finishing speaking, she thought of something again, and said angrily: "Also, without my permission, you are not allowed to return to Hao Yunli."

"If you dare to leave without saying goodbye, I will go to Haoyunzong to beat you!"

After the words fell, he angrily walked towards the Xianchi room next to the bedroom.

But even though she was walking fast, Yun Zhou still noticed her breathing disorder.

A power at the emperor level, one of the six emperors.

980 can be so flustered that he can't breathe well...

No need to think about how flustered she was.

Yun Zhou leaned against the side of the couch, looking up at the wooden carvings on the temple beams, feeling hopeless:

"Ah, what a crime..."

At first, he thought that with his confession and a series of sweet words, Yun Susu could agree to him.

Unexpectedly, when the huge cauldron was lifted up, it almost shivered!

A push back ride, before he could push his back, his ambition was exposed as soon as he sat on it.

Guess Yun Susu might be mad at herself, right?

【Ah... this is going to be difficult. 】

Yun Zhou sighed inwardly, but he didn't take it seriously.

The woman you love is important, but the most important thing is Xiu Bing!

That's right, he could tell from the moment he simply restrained Yun Susu.

As long as you are strong enough, nothing will matter!

【emmm... don't rush back to Shengzi Mountain, I'd better digest the excess medicine first. 】

Thinking of this, Yun Zhou directly took out a few elixir from the storage ring, and threw them into his mouth all at once.

But what he didn't know was.

In his mind, he was thinking of a notification tone that he couldn't hear:

[Ding, +1 for eavesdropping on the "host's voice". (In view of the host's repeated rejection, this prompt is hidden.)].

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