Villain: Eavesdropping, the heroine collapses

Chapter 1363: What A Nice You! Soak In A Bath To Soak Your Eyes? (Seeking Subscription)

At the same moment, the Immortal Pond next door.

The transpiring mist is misty, and waves of light penetrate through the mist, hazy and intriguing.

Like a quail, Yun Susu huddled in the pool with a small head exposed, her cheeks blushing.

"Damn renegade...!"

"Even if I'm not related by blood, I'm still his aunt in name!"

"Just finished confessing to me, turned around, and actually wanted to rush at me, it's just insane!"

She gritted her silver teeth in anger, but her heartbeat accelerated unconsciously.

Especially the slightly numb hind legs, as if leaving a mark, made her body go weak for a while.

"What a bastard, what's the point of pushing back... Bah, don't worry!"

Yun Susu caressed her hind legs, her beautiful eyes were full of mist.

Actually tell the truth.

Ever since she discovered that her feelings for Yun Zhou had changed, she had fantasized about this kind of thing.

After all, she is an old woman who has been single for many years, and with the effect of chaotic powder...

It makes sense when you think about it.

It's just that the development is still too fast now, and she hasn't reacted yet.

From Yun Zhou's unscrupulous confession, until now, it has been less than three hours.

Although the other party acted recklessly, he was slapped in the face several times.

But the identity in her heart has not been adjusted, how can she directly "cut to the point"?

She clenched her fists in embarrassment, feeling that Yun Zhou was going too far.

But the dissatisfaction was all dissatisfaction, and she still felt that she needed to have a good talk with Yun Zhou after she calmed down.

She can see the other party's sincerity, but if she wants to accept this taboo...

She still needs time to get used to it.

"Since I like it in my heart, then avoiding it is not the way..."

"It's just when did I have this idea about Zhou'er?"

Yun Susu sat in the pool, puzzled.

How did she know that the good baby she was thinking of had put a layer of clear powder on her elixir?

Thief Jill is outrageous!

I can't figure it out, so I just don't want to.

Yun Susu put her hands on her knees, regretting a little:

"Did you treat Zhou'er too rough just now?"

"I didn't respond to Zhou'er's confession, and he was hit by me again...he won't be angry?"

Thinking about it, she felt embarrassed again.

Look at that appearance, how can there be any majesty of one of the six emperors?

Like a girl in love!

"Forget it, I'd better go back and apologize to him, after all it was my fault to hit him."

Thinking of this, Yun Su sang.

However, at this moment, an inexplicable voice suddenly sounded in my ears:

【Hmm? What is on this couch, why is it so soft?】

【Let me take a look... hiss—what is this, what is this!?】

【Ah, little cloth!】

【Good guy, why is the upper liver paralysis here!?】

【Wait... She went to Xianchi, and the bellyband is here. 】

【My God, doesn't that mean that this woman...!!】

The inexplicable voice stopped abruptly, and Yun Susu was completely stunned.

Who, who is speaking in her ear!?

the other side.

Yun Zhou hurriedly threw the bellyband aside as if it was burning his hands.

Well, it's not that he doesn't want to take a closer look.

It's just that I have just eaten the elixir, and I haven't had time to digest it yet.

Pay attention to this thing at this time, it is easy to go crazy!

Moreover, he asked himself that he was considered a master of flowers, how could he be pecked by an object?

Thinking, he closed his eyes and sat up again.

The whole body's breath is transpiring, and Dao Haixian's power is circulating.

【Well, entering the country is the kingly way!】


Yun Susu was a little annoyed.

She covered Xiong Daxiong Er and looked left and right, her eyes coldly wanting the shark.

This voice is coming from the ear, it is definitely not the voice of the soul.

She is currently in the Immortal Pond, and the person who is speaking in her ear at this time must be here too!

Who is courting death?

Peeping at my fairy pool, and coveting my mother's belly pocket?!

Yunsu Su Zhou's breath became more and more icy, and a tyrannical coercion enveloped the entire palace!

She was sure that it was definitely not an auditory hallucination just now!

There was a "click".

The walls on the four sides of the Immortal Pond were blasted with cracks by this power!

The deaconess outside the door twitched her lips in fright.

Panicked in my heart: "Could it be that my peeping was discovered by the Lord of the Mountains?!"

She was about to kneel down as soon as her knees gave way, but she realized that the power of the mountain lord was not aimed at her, so she took a deep breath and carried it to death.

At this time, you can only bet on your luck.

To be honest, Yun Susu didn't find out, Wanhuang is lucky.

If she confessed, based on her knowledge of Yun Susu, if she knew such a taboo thing, she would definitely die!

Yunsusu's spiritual consciousness in the fairy pond covered nearly a thousand miles.

Without detecting any suspicious aura, her beautiful eyes couldn't help becoming suspicious.

"." Impossible, if someone has entered the palace, even if the Emperor Realm is perfect, it will leave traces.

"But why is there no breath at all... It is impossible for Xianbao to isolate the breath to such an extent.

"Could it be that I heard wrong?"

Yun Susu frowned, and then calmed down the breath she was emitting.

At the same moment, Yun Zhou on the bed in the bedroom was stunned.

【Mist grass, what is this bitch doing? Take a bath and get anxious?!】

【With such surging power, why does she want someone?】

[No, I have to quickly absorb the elixir and leave. 】

【She is wrong, too wrong, can't stay longer!】

A series of voices resounded in my ears again, and Yun Susu's state of mind, which had just calmed down, suddenly became turbulent.


Who is speaking in my ear!?

She raised her head in horror and looked around.

The inexplicable shock (of) anger made her feel like a tense arrow!

There was obviously no one around, but there was a man who kept nagging in his ear.

And...why is this voice so familiar?

Yun Susu frowned tightly. In order to prevent anyone from peeping, she immediately took out the clothes from the storage ring and put them on.

At the same time, she scanned the surroundings with gloomy eyes, and her spiritual consciousness spread far and wide.

Although the voice was familiar, she couldn't remember who it was because of her shock and anger.

The source of the sound could not be found, so we had to temporarily leave the Xianchi Institute.

Yun Zhou sat alone on the couch next door, absorbing the elixir with all his strength.

The body surface is filled with blood, and the whole body is transpired.

It looks like a realm has been greatly improved.

But there was cold sweat on his forehead, and he muttered in his heart:

【Hurry up, hurry up, this woman might be messing with something, I have to hurry up...】.

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