Villain: Eavesdropping, the heroine collapses

Chapter 1364: Shame And Shame? Spring Has Sprouted, Big Bear! (Seeking Subscription)

Perceived the majestic coercion filling the bedroom.

Yun Zhou only felt that his throat was a little dry.

【Could it be that I went too far and pissed her off?】

【Ah, I would have kept my mouth shut if I knew it earlier. 】

Outside the gate of Xianchi, Yun Susu looked around the entire bedroom.

Leng Buding's eyes froze when he heard the voice.

Between the fire and the light, she seemed to recognize who the owner of the voice was?

Such a magnetic voice...

It seems to belong to Zhouer!?

Without thinking too much, Yun Susu pushed open the door of her own room.

A pair of eyes as deep as the stars instantly met him.

Then, the panic shuts.

At the same time, the familiar voice came again:

【It's over, it's over!】

【Why did my aunt come in? Could it be that she couldn't hold her breath and came to settle accounts with me?】

【Dangerous? Isn’t this? What’s the matter? Otherwise, the unabsorbed elixir will be lost in vain, hurry up and escape?】

【No way, I have only absorbed half of the potency of this elixir, isn't this a waste of money?】

Looking at the tense Yun Zhou sitting on the couch.

The corner of Yun Susu's mouth finally outlined a smile:

"After a long time, it turned out to be you, little bastard!"

Yun Susu was wearing a damp underwear, with a slender figure.

She slowly entered the room and closed the door. The jade toes under her feet were crystal clear, as delicate and beautiful as lotus flowers.

Step by step, he walked towards Yun Zhou in a gentle manner.

At this moment, Yun Zhou, who was sitting on the couch, only felt his scalp go numb.

There was a faint smile on Yun Susu's delicate and charming face.

Looking at Yun Zhou with his eyes tightly closed, he smiled and slowly approached.

Instantly, a nervous voice rang in my ears:

【I'm so stupid, what are you doing, you're playing the game!】

【I'm just confessing. If you really disagree, let's discuss it from a long-term perspective. There's no need to kill yourself, right?】

[This is a half-smile, because it's scary. 】

【No, she is my aunt in name, and my father is her adopted brother!】

【She shouldn't frenziedly kill me...】

[But it's not wrong to be beaten. 】

【Fuck (plant), don't come here, Xiong Daxiong Er is coming up soon, hey!】

Yun Susu came all the way to the couch, the smile on the corner of her mouth became more and more charming.

She was sure, the voice that had been lingering in her ears was coming from this good nephew of hers!

And... this doesn't seem to be a sound transmission?

Emmm, did he unintentionally trigger some kind of supernatural power?

Or what's on his mind?

Thinking about it, Yun Susu blinked and decided to try it out.

She leaned forward and was right next to Yun Zhou's body.

Kazilan's big eyes stopped less than ten centimeters from Yun Zhou's face.

Blink and blink, very charming.

The scene now looks like:

Tang Seng sat under the tree, and the king of the Daughter Kingdom "quietly asked the holy monk"

Hmm... old picture!

Even Yun Zhou couldn't resist this kind of scene.


There was a less obvious sound of gasping for air.

The smile in Yun Susu's eyes intensified.

She was sure that although Yun Zhou had his eyes closed now, he must have opened his mind.

So the other party must be aware of her actions!

Thinking of this, while stroking Yun Zhou's face with her little hand, she felt the flow of fairy charm around him.

If it is some kind of supernatural power, the fairy rhyme will definitely change!

If there is no change.....

What he hears is what he thinks in his heart!

Yun Zhou doesn't know that he is being "proven" now!

At this moment, he felt a slippery and cold touch on his face, and only felt his heart skip a beat.

He tried hard to restrain the twitching corners of his mouth, he was a little silly.

【Good guy, good guy!】

【On the surface, I am ashamed with the two of you, but when you turn around, you start to play with me?】

[Just now, I pecked a few times and almost didn't kill me, but after taking a bath, I took the initiative to fuck? 】

【Mist Grass! This is Sha Laozi's return to the carbine!】

【Sure enough, a woman!】

【Coveting my face but loves pretending so much, your heart has sprouted, big bear!】

【...Ah, don't be like this, I haven't absorbed the power of the medicine yet, what the hell.....hiss!!】

Yun Susu frowned while scratching Yun Zhou's neck.

...asking for flowers...

After some testing, she was sure.

What I hear is the voice of Yun Zhou!

But this is too mysterious, right?

After coming to Xianyu for so many years, she has never heard of such an outrageous thing?

Even the Immortal Emperor does not have the ability to eavesdrop on people's hearts, how did she do it?

Well, Yun Susu didn't know there was such a thing as a "system".

Only when she herself awakened some extraordinary ability.

But she also knew that this ability might only be useful to Yun Zhou.

After all, she couldn't hear what the deaconess was thinking at the door.

Confirming the thoughts in his heart, Yun Susu withdrew his little hand.

She looked at Yun Zhou's side face, angrily and amusedly said: "Okay, why are you so nervous?"


"I'm just joking with you, I'm afraid that my aunt will eat you... eh!?"

Before she finished speaking, her eyes widened in shock.

A surging wave of fairy rhyme came, blowing her hair up.


Yun Zhou sat cross-legged on Yun Susu's bed.

The bloody aura all over his body flowed through the body surface, and the bright blemishes bloomed.

Buddha, Taoism, Heaven, Emperor, Reincarnation, Emperor, Confucianism, Demon...

The breath of the Eighth Middle Avenue was boiling, and the surrounding void gradually became distorted due to the coercion.

The majestic Xianwei was blown by gusts of wind.

Even the temperature has dropped a bit.

Yun Zhou was a little confused.

Originally, he just wanted to rely on the extra pills to increase his immortal power to make his cultivation more solid.

As a result, following Yun Susu's "chaotic entry", the Dao Sea in his body fluctuated involuntarily!

At the same time as the heartbeat speeded up, the elixir was absorbed faster.

Even, the eight Taoism in the body are running rapidly because of the accelerated heartbeat.

The dense celestial power merged into Daohai, which made his strength advance by leaps and bounds!

Good guy, I get excited after being stroked twice?

Still excited to enter the realm?

Fuck (plant), it can't be so worthless, right?

Yun Zhou twitched the corner of his mouth while looking inwardly at Dao Hai.

Then the whole person was taken aback for a moment, and unconsciously swallowed his saliva... Big...

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