Villain: Eavesdropping, the heroine collapses

Chapter 1498 : Shy Girl: Stop Pretending, I'm Showing Off! (Seeking Subscription)

Everyone knelt on the ground and looked up at Yun Zhou.

The look in the eyes is hot, as if the believer has seen the god.

The tall and straight boy in front of him is not only their suzerain.

It is the number one in the Tianjiao list and the top ten in the fairyland list!

With the current age, it has already reached a height that ordinary people cannot reach!

Let them just look up.

Looking at the mighty kneeling crowd, Yun Zhou felt inexplicably emotional.

More than a month ago, the Haoyun Sect had only sporadic disciples with no more than a thousand disciples. As a result, it has only been a long time, and there are nearly ten thousand disciples in the inner sect alone.

Yun Zhou looked around the crowd with indifferent eyes, and spoke calmly:

"There is only one request, while annexing the Linmen territory, save your own life..."

"If you are in danger, you are allowed to jump into the clouds."

Allowed to escape.

This is not something a helmsman should say on any battlefield.

However, Yun Zhou didn't think so.

It's not his Holy Mother who cherishes other people's lives.

Just in his opinion.

The power struggle in the Immortal Domain and the Blue Star Ancient Battlefield are two different concepts.

Here, it is definitely not by the number of people to win.

If he really encounters a danger that he can't solve even in an emperor's realm.

The nearly ten thousand disciples in the nirvana state are stuck there, isn't it just sending them to death for nothing?

It's not worth dying for.

This is not how Blue Star led troops to fight in ancient times.

It's just an occupation of another sect's power, so Jill's army will not disperse?

However, what Yun Zhou didn't expect was.

After he said this, not only did he not make these disciples sensible.

On the contrary, it inspired their blood!

I saw this group of disciples kneeling on the ground so touched, their voices were loud:

"We swear to the death that we will not flee!"


Okay, backfired?

A bunch of idiots.

"Let's go."


Nearly ten thousand people stood up together and entered the teleportation array one after another.

Almost half an hour.

Yun Zhou and others teleported hundreds of thousands of miles away one after another to the southern part of the Immortal Territory.

There are many sects affiliated with Linmen.

As one of the top forces in the entire fairyland, the territory controlled by Linmen stretches for thousands of miles.

However, the scene in his consciousness made Yun Zhou's pupils shrink.

As far as the eye can see, the affiliated sects of all parties are in a mess, and many small sects have been destroyed.

In the affiliated forces of all parties, the corpses of cultivators can be seen everywhere, as well as the mottled blood on that place.

Obviously, not long ago, there was a massacre here!

Moreover, most of the affiliated sects have been occupied by other forces.

【Flag of the Chen Family...】

【Heh, this old bastard Chen Fusheng is quick enough to strike. 】


【Where did he get the news? How could he strike before us?】

"The news about Linmen was told by your uncle?"

Thinking in his heart, Yun Zhou suddenly looked at Lin Shan beside him, and asked.

After the words fell, Lin Shan shook her body instantly, shook her head and said:

"Impossible, this kind of thing is related to your life..."

"Uncle will never tell anyone other than us about this matter."

Hearing this, Yun Zhou pondered for a while, then nodded.

Indeed, Lin Tu is not a fool, how could he tell others about this.

Unless Lin Tu is double-faced.

While talking about relying on himself and his aunt, he sold it to Chen Fusheng.

Just in case I and others can find a shelter after killing the donkey.

But thinking of this, Yun Zhou shook his head again.

It's not that he trusts Lin Tu, it's just that the old man's behavior in Haoyunzong doesn't seem to have leaked the news.

And if it was really the wind that he leaked, would you still dare to go to live treasure?

After careful consideration, Yun Zhou dismissed this possibility.

However, since it wasn't the news leaked by Lin Tu.

How could the Chen family move so fast?

[Tsk, it seems that among the elders and peak masters I recruited, there are people like this old Bieden. 】

【The eyeliner can be placed beside me...】

[This Chen Fusheng's method is really impressive... I actually underestimated him before. 】

Except for the group of elders and peak masters in the hall of Haoyun Sect, no one else was the first to know about it.

From this point of view, there must be spies of the Chen family by his side.

It's just that now is not the time to grab people.

"Where is the nearest affiliated sect of Linmen?" Yun Zhou looked at Lin Shan casually.

As a child who grew up in Linmen, Lin Shan should be aware of such things.

That's why Yun Zhou keeps her by his side all the time.

"." This...should be Xiyunzong?" Lin Shan scratched her head and responded:

"It has been more than ten years since I left Linmen. I don't know how many sects Linmen has annexed."

At this time, Jue Ling, who was accompanying him, stepped forward and said: "A hundred miles ahead, there is a town named Linzu City.

"It's a small gathering place for Linmen's affiliated sects."

Hearing this, Yun Zhou gave her a surprised look.

All right.

Jue Ling is an undercover agent sent by Lin Sheng, and he must be very clear about the distribution of power in Lin Men.

It's just that what Yun Zhou didn't expect was that this girl would take the initiative to tell him.

Isn't this equivalent to revealing your identity in disguise?

Feeling Yun Zhou's gaze, Jueling lowered his head a little bit awkwardly.

She wanted to reveal her identity.

There is no other reason.

Judging from Yun Zhou's aspirations, the other party already knew her identity as an undercover agent.

That being the case, why bother pretending?

Anyway, she fell in love with Yun Zhou in her heart, and she was even ready.

(Li Mo's) As long as Linmen is destroyed, he will dedicate himself to Yun Zhou.

For this reason, she deliberately restrained her cultivation recently, and her waist was thickened by a whole circle.

To prevent it from being broken, as Yun Zhou said...

So, here comes the problem.

You are ready to sacrifice yourself, so why lie undercover?

Yun Zhou took a deep look at her, then nodded and said: "Okay, let's go to Linzu City first.

With a wave of his hand, the surging and vast immortal power enveloped the entire teleportation array.

Avoid being destroyed by "people with a heart" to destroy the teleportation array, so that they can't go back to the Haoyun layer.

After finishing these, they galloped away with everyone.


Forest City.

Lin Sheng annexed dozens of small sects and formed remote towns after merging.

Originally only Linmen disciples were present in this place, but now many outsiders gathered.

The sound is loud and lively, very………….

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