Villain: Eavesdropping, the heroine collapses

Chapter 1499: It's Finally Too Late, My Good Son-In-Law Is Careless! (Seeking Subscription)

From time to time, cultivators walking with swords descended from the sky, and cultivators carrying swords were crowded with heads.

Even, practitioners dressed in Chen family Xuan clothes can be found everywhere.


Chen Fusheng wanted to be the leader of this scene.

It's just that this may not be what he wanted.

Linmen was in turmoil, and all the elder groups were wiped out, but the news was still being covered up.

But the relationship between the Chen family and the Lin family is like fire and water, which is well known to everyone in Xianyu.

At this time, seeing the disciples of the Chen family approaching one after another, the onlookers guessed that a bloody battle was about to begin.

Although the specific reason is not clear, the Chen family is definitely going to attack Linmen.

Maybe... not just the Chen family?

At this time, the central square in the city.

The three directions... no, the monks from the four directions gather here.

People from the affiliated sect of Linmen, disciples of the Chen family, people from Jiangmen... and a group of casual cultivators.

At this moment, the people of Linzu City looked at this group of strong men, and were dumbfounded.

"Mist grass, what happened? What are they going to do?"

"The Chen family annexed the Linmen faction like crazy a few hours ago... This is going to fight with my Linmen. 323"

"Then I understand. After all, it's not been a day or two since Linmen and Chen's clashed... But, what are the people from Jiangmen doing here?"

"Who knows!"

"Get ready, if you can't vote, we won't be able to do this group of people."

Just as the people in Linzu City beeped softly.

Suddenly, a stream of light flashed across the sky, and several monks in white landed on the square.

The big "cloud" printed on the back of the clothes expresses their identities.

People of Haoyun Sect, sleepy!

The leader was Lin Langyue with a cold and handsome face.

Seeing the visitor, people from Jiangmen went over to talk to him one after another.

After all, Yunling and Jiangmen have already formed an alliance, and Lin Langyue is now the representative of Yunling, so he must say hello.

It's just that Lin Langyue didn't have any leisure time to meet them.

After slightly nodding his head, he led a group of disciples to stand still without saying a word.

It seemed to be waiting for someone to arrive.

Not long after, ripples floated in the sky.

A figure slowly fell from the sky, full of fragrance (bfbc).

It's just that there is still a faint smell of alcohol in the fragrant wind, his eyes are clouded, and he seems to be in a state of being slightly drunk.

It was Jiang He who didn't want to wait for the disciples of Haoyun Sect to come.

Lin Langyue glanced across the crowd, and when she fixed on Jiang He's face, her expression changed a bit.

"The aura is ethereal and hard to find...... When did this guy break through the Emperor Realm (intermediate level)?"

After being dazed for a long time, the Jiangmen disciples suddenly became noisy!

"Master, the master is here!"

"Meet the sect master!"

"Good guy, the door master has been playing for so many days, and finally saw someone!"

"Look at this defiant appearance, our sect master is too good!"

"Having said that... some time ago, the Immortal Domain ranking was refreshed, and the realm of our sect master has improved again?"

"I am really lucky in Jiangmen!"

Although Jiang He is lazy and undisciplined, he is still the master of a powerful party, and he is like a god in Jiangmen.

Moreover, the strength of the sect master is the basis for demonstrating the status of one party's power.

Naturally, people from Jiangmen continued to pursue him, and they all greeted him respectfully.

And Jiang He was very grateful for this, and surrounded by several female disciples, he stood in the C position of Jiangmen like a star holding the moon.

The color of the idiot is full, like a tiger punching.

In the distance, in the casual practice of watching.

Xiao Xunxun looked at Jiang He who was the leader, his eyes were full of gloom.

She had heard it from her father.

This Jiangmen lord sneaked into the Heaven and Earth region before and stole her life card!

"You are an insidious bad woman, she is clearly the leader of one side, but she did such a sneaky thing..."

"And this aura... is actually no worse than my father's..."

"Simply abominable!"

There was no big grievance between her and Jiang He, but this woman actually stole her life token...

At this time, seeing the other party's "beep and coax" look, she was naturally upset.

On the side, Xiao Tiankuo saw her expression, and laughed dumbfounded for a moment:

"My daughter, my father brought you here to watch a play, you can't cause trouble for your father."

"Don't worry, father, I don't cause trouble, I just see her unhappy." Xiao Xunxun frowned.

Xiao Tiankuo grinned happily, showing eight snow-white teeth, "It's okay, girl, when I find a chance, father will help you teach her a lesson."

Xiao Xunxun glanced at him upon hearing this.

Ignore this bragging father.

Xiao Tiankuo wasn't angry about this, and scanned the various forces present on his own.

Suddenly, he murmured to himself in a sad tone:

"But having said that, Linmen is going to be unlucky this time..."

"The Chen family didn't know what they were planning, but they actually notified me of the change in Linmen."

"Do you think the situation is not chaotic enough?"

All right.

Xiao Tiankuo was still his spectator in Tiandi.

Suddenly, he received a voice transmission from Chen Fusheng.

It is said that he received the news that the elders of the Lin sect were wiped out, and Lin Shengxiu's base fell.

Ask him if he is interested in annexing Linmen together.

After hearing this news, Xiao Tiankuo naturally couldn't sit still.

Therefore, he specially brought Xiao Xunxun to watch a good show.

Of course, he was not interested in annexing Linmen together with Chen Fusheng.

After all, this is a game between his son-in-law and the Chen family, and he has no intention of getting involved.

It's just that he is a little curious.

Since the elder of Linmen is from Yunling.

How could Chen Fusheng be the first to do it?

"Heh... It seems that this ginger is still old and spicy, my good son-in-law is careless..."

As if thinking of something, Xiao Tiankuo muttered with a smile, and the corners of his mouth curled up.

Suddenly, he looked at the people present and raised his eyebrows again, touched his chin and said:

"The Chen family has the Great Elder Chen Tu, and there are Jiang He in Yunling and Jiangmen... It's just that Jiang He obviously drank too much, can't he lead the team like this?"

Xiao Xunxun frowned and looked at her father, "What's your idea?"


Xiao Tiankuo coughed lightly, with strange fire flickering behind his back, he said with a smile:

"Didn't I see that my precious son-in-law didn't come, so I wanted to do him a favor?"

"At any rate, your father and I are also one of the six emperors. It should be no problem to command the alliance for my son-in-law, right?"

"Ah, don't be fooled, I..."

Before Xiao Xunxun could finish speaking, a vision suddenly appeared. .

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