Villain: Eavesdropping, the heroine collapses

Chapter 1508: Ah, This Trick Again! The Devil's Routine! (Seeking Subscription)


What an ugly word!

Of course, at least in Lin Langyue's ears.

Conversely, in Yun Zhou's view.

Sometimes, it is still a nickname that can improve feelings.

"Ahh! Yun Zhou, you are too deceitful, I will bite you to death!"

Lin Langyue was stunned for a long time, and after realizing it, her mentality collapsed.

Extremely angry, she rushed forward directly, with a ferocious state of "we must die one".

Yun Zhou is no nonsense, Zhenzang Xuanhuan sacrificed.


Yun Zhou: (—_—~!)

Lin Langyue: Convex

Following a wave of immortal treasures, Lin Langyue was directly restrained.

She was taken aback for a moment, then looked at this familiar thing, and almost scolded her!

Yes! She knows this stuff all too well.

Yun Zhou tied her up like this last time, catch Hao Yunzong for her!

"Yun Zhou! You bastard, still doing this trick!"

Lin Langyue was burning with anger, her face was red and purple, and she didn't know if she was angry.

The scene of being restrained last time is still vivid in my memory.

According to experience, this time Lin Langyue became obviously smarter.

She gave up struggling directly, and was tied there stiffly and motionless.

That's right, the more this thing struggles, the tighter it is, and it almost strangled her last time!

At this moment, she gritted her teeth and stared at Yun Zhou, with that look, she wished to tear Yun Zhou to pieces.

But Yun Zhou didn't take it seriously.

He looked over with a cold snort, with a carefree look, "What's wrong with this trick? You bit me and didn't let me fight back?"

"Fart, you lied to me first, and then scolded me, shouldn't I bite you? You bastard, bastard!" Lin Langyue said angrily.

She stared at Yun Zhou angrily. If her eyes could catch anyone, Yun Zhou would be hacked to pieces.

Good guy, this nun's eyes are cruel enough.


Seeing her big eyes full of murderous aura, Yun Zhou extinguished his anger and rubbed his head straight.

It would be all right if it was that cold Taoist nun before, she has already fallen into the world of mortals, how dare she look at herself with such eyes?

"Who taught you to stare at your husband like this? There are no rules!?"

Frowning, Yun Zhou stared directly.

"Bah, who are you husband? Shameless!" Lin Langyue yelled loudly.

Yun Zhou was so angry that he died immediately!

"You wait."

"Oh, just wait and wait, I'm afraid of you?"

There was a crisp applause.

Lin Langyue was stunned.

After being stunned for a long time, she who was lying on the couch suddenly turned around and said in disbelief, "You, you hit me!?"


"Still honest!?"

Yun Zhou's eyes widened, and he slapped him down again.

Lin Langyue was furious, avoiding Yun Zhou's big hand, "You bastard, I'll bite you to death!"

"Oh, dare to scold..."

A quarter of an hour later, Yun Zhou stopped with a soft snort.

Dare to scold yourself, this is the price!

But having said that, this nun's mouth is hard enough.

After fighting for a long time, I was able to convince her.

She curled her lips, and was about to say a few harsh words to make the other party remember.

But he found that Lin Langyue, who was sitting under him, was lying on the couch without a sound.

Good guy... Can you still be knocked out after being beaten?

Yun Zhou twitched the corner of her mouth, and quickly turned her around.

I saw Lin Langyue staring at him with beautiful eyes full of tears.

I saw You Lian's little face was full of stubbornness, with tears streaming down his face.

Immediately, Yun Zhou became numb.

The ruthless and cold Taoist nun, the powerhouse of the generation at the top of the fairyland...was beaten to tears by him?

In the past, when I saw Lin Langyue, the other party always looked like a cold fairy.

The best among royal sisters belongs to yes.

Seeing her crying suddenly, Yun Zhou didn't know what to do for a while.

Could it be that I didn't control my strength just now and hurt her?

No, I should have left my cultivation untouched.

She should accept the degree of pain, right?

Yun Zhou glanced at the Xuanhuan that was hanging around her eyes, and quickly removed it with a thought.

But Lin Langyue still didn't make any movements, just lying there, looking at him with teary eyes.

That appearance, as if being shaken by a beast like him.

Yun Zhou felt uncomfortable being stared at for a while, scratched his head and said, "That...sorry, did the heartbeat just now hurt you?"

Lin Langyue: T_T

"No, my hands may be a little heavy, don't look at me like that, or you bite back?"


"Don't keep talking, why don't you think of a way to get revenge, and I will cooperate with you?"

Looking at Lin Langyue with teary eyes, Yun Zhou felt numb for a moment.

Let him go into battle against the enemy, and say that he can block ten thousand sons with one blow.

It's just because of his temperament, what he hates the most is the female cultivator crying.

Especially Lin Langyue, who is known for being "cold and glamorous"......

When the Taoist girl cried, I felt pity for her, it was killing me.

Coaxing, Yun Zhou inevitably became a little flustered.

And Lin Langyue saw his anxious look, and the resentment in her heart dissipated for a day and a half.

But then again, did Yun Zhou really hurt her?

not at all.

Although Lin Langyue majored in Taoism, her combat strength was average.

But she is also a cultivator of Emperor Realm, and Constitution is not that weak.

The reason why it is what it is now.

It was because of the grievance of being beaten, coupled with the shame in my heart...

"Bad guy, sooner or later you will bully me to death."

Lin Langyue pursed her red lips lightly, her eyes were complicated (money).

After living for so many years, Yun Zhou is still the first person of the opposite sex to be so close to her.

It's just that he was so close, but he beat her extremely fiercely.

Wronged and shy in my heart, I cried anxiously after struggling to no avail.

Of course, Yun Zhou didn't know the reason.

I feel my scalp numb after being coaxed, and I want to leave it alone, but I am a little bit reluctant.

And I can't pass the test in my heart.

This is indeed my own fault.

Bad taste is bad taste, the shot is not deep at all.

Even if we don't fight, just pinching won't make you cry, Chi.

Thinking about it, Yun Zhou felt guilty.

This wave, it is true that he did it.

Even if someone steals the vision, in the final analysis, nothing actually happens.

Moreover, the relationship between the two of them is not even a Taoist couple.

How can I not be light or heavy? .

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