Villain: Eavesdropping, the heroine collapses

Chapter 1509: The Unexpected Opening! Chen Fusheng Is Here! (Seeking Subscription)

The scene gradually fell silent.

At this time, Lin Langyue seemed to think of something, pretending to be unintentional and probing:

"When Xiao Xunxun came here just now, why did you drag me?"

"Do you feel sorry for her and are afraid that I will hurt her?"

"I don't care if she gets hurt or not..." Yun Zhou shook his head, "I've said it all, I don't know her very well."

"I stopped you because I was afraid that you would be in danger, after all her father, Xiao Tiankuo, is in the main building of the city.

"You cleaned her up, what if her father troubles you?"

"Of course, with me here, no one can touch you."

"But when I'm not by your side in the future, what if that old thing takes revenge on you secretly and I can't save you?"

"If something happens to you, I can't get you back even if I peel off that old thing."

Yun Zhou knew Xiao Tiankuo's temperament very well.

That old bastard is a pet girl madman!

If Lin Langyue had really attacked Xiao Xunxun just now, Xiao Tiankuo would definitely not let her go.

Yun Zhou didn't mind killing Xiao Tiankuo for Lin Langyue, but they were all in the same camp now.

And he didn't do anything immoral to him, so there's really no need to make trouble to that point.

" think you're worried that her father will trouble me? 943"

Lin Langyue looked at Yun Zhou with beautiful eyes, and the blood color returned to her delicate face inexplicably.

Yun Zhou spread out his hands and said, "Otherwise?"

"I really didn't lie to you about Xiao Xunxun and I, that girl is very charming, but I really don't know her well.

"If you fall out with her, I will definitely stand by your side, and I will not consider whether she will be hurt or not."

Saying that, Yun Zhou also sighed in his heart:

[Unexpectedly, Xiao Langyue, a ruthless Taoist nun of the generation, is actually a jealous jar. 】

【However, it’s really not wrong to be jealous of that demon girl, right?】

[Don't say that I don't have any feelings for that girl, even if I really have feelings, I will definitely take your side. 】

【Little green tea like that, once you help her, why not let her tail go up to the sky?】

A series of heartfelt voices reached his ears, and the corners of Lin Lang's mouth curled up in a subtle arc.

When looking at Yun Zhou's face, the anger at that time was gone.

However, after feeling the pain behind her, she still wrinkled her nose and snorted softly: "I forgive you for this matter.

"But the (bfeb) thing after you hit me didn't pass so quickly!"

"I've lived so many years, and this is the first time I've been bullied like this..."

"And you don't know how to be gentle, as if I were your sworn enemy......

"Ah this."

Yun Zhou scratched his head with an embarrassed smile, "It's not my fault, the main reason is that the hand feels great, and I'm on top."

"You, you shut up... what kind of feeling, a dog's mouth can't spit out ivory!"

Lin Langyue spit secretly, her face was as red as a steamed crab.

Seeing Yun Zhou staring at himself with slightly hot eyes.

She dodged her eyes in a panic, and hummed softly:

"Anyway, you will pay the price if you hit me."

Yun Zhou rubbed his chin, "Tell me, what price?"

Lin Langyue pondered for a while, then looked at him angrily:

"I will punish you not to get close to Xiao Xunxun, and always keep a distance from her!"

Yun Zhou laughed out loud, "Didn't you just say you weren't jealous, why did you lose your skills so quickly?"

"Bah." Lin Langyue spat, "If it wasn't for her, why would you beat me like this?"

"Anyway, I can't get angry, isn't she harboring ill intentions towards you, I will let her not get you!"

Yun Zhou:

Dude, he sort of figured it out.

Even if it is the proud daughter of heaven, the revenge of the daughter's family is also strong!

Ruthless nun? Pull it down, this whole scheming beauty.

"Why don't you talk? You can't bear to keep a distance from her?"

Lin Langyue looked at him carefully with beautiful eyes, crying like a little cat.

The cute look that had just finished crying missed Yun Zhou's heartbeat for half a beat.

"I agree to this, but this cannot be a punishment, it can only be a transaction!"

"Trading?" Lin Langyue was stunned for a while, "Then what do you want to trade... eh!!"


Before she finished speaking, she was numb.

Until a long time later.

With Yun Zhou's repeated efforts, Lin Langyue was finally brought back to the previous state in Haoyunzong.

Seeing that stealing food is about to become food eating aboveboard.

Suddenly, there was a rush of footsteps outside the room.

Immediately after that was Xiao Xunxun's eager voice: "Yun big brother, come out quickly, something is wrong, Chen Fusheng is here!"

In the room, the atmosphere of pink bubbles was interrupted instantly.

It was like pouring a basin of cold water suddenly.

Yun Zhou only felt that the whole person was not well, and his brows were deeply frowned.

The deep expression explained that he might want a shark today.

"Is Chen Fusheng personally here?"

Lin Langyue, who regained consciousness, was stunned for a moment, and then exchanged a glance with Yun Zhou.

I suddenly had a bad feeling in my heart.

Xiao Xunxun's tone outside was definitely not joking, or deliberately interrupting them.

And the noisy voices outside the city main building also showed that what she said was not a lie.

Chen Fusheng, make a move!

The battle is imminent!

Lin Langyue hurriedly got off the bed, but her legs gave way and she almost fell to the ground.

Yun Zhou quickly hugged her in his arms, "Are you all right?"

Lin Langyue patted him in embarrassment when she heard the words, "I'm ashamed to say, it's not all up to you."

Yun Zhou scratched his head, smiled and did not reply.

Since Chen Fusheng made a move, he definitely did not come alone.

At the same moment, Lin Langyue received a voice transmission from Chu Lingxiao.

Tell her to hurry to Linzu City Square, all the elders of the new generation of the Chen family have arrived.

Lin Langyue didn't dare to delay, she was about to run away immediately.

Before leaving, Yun Zhou grabbed her and stuffed a piece of white Lingyu into her waist.

He warned very seriously: "You must be careful. I'm not worried about the rest of the elders, but I'm afraid that Chen Fuxian will also come over."

"Remember, when it's really dangerous, use your immortal power to move this jade pendant."

"This is the treasure I got, it can withstand the complete blow of the Emperor Realm (lower level).

"I can save your life at critical moments..."

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