Villain: Eavesdropping, the heroine collapses

Chapter 1537: As Soon As He Imported, His Wife Was Thrown Out? (Seeking Subscription)

That's it.

The smile on Yun Zhou's face became even more rippling.


And Lin Langyue who heard this: (())o

Import, import soup medicine!?

She recalled the days when she took care of Gu Yunzhou in that temple after she came out from the inheritance site.

Immediately, his small face looked like a cooked prawn, and he was so ashamed that he didn't dare to show it too much.

Even the roots of the ears were red, and the neck was dyed red all the way.

"You, don't talk nonsense, it's all nonsense from the monk Juefuna, I~, I didn't feed you that much.

As she spoke, her little head lowered lower and lower, and finally turned into a hum-chir sound like a mosquito.

Obviously, she lacked confidence!

A smirk spread on Yun Zhou's face: "Then how did you feed me? Now it happens to be just the two of us, otherwise you will give me a demonstration?"

"Bah, you're not hurt, so I don't want it."

Lin Langyue pushed him coquettishly, lowered her head and said weakly.

At this time.

Clang clang clang.

Suddenly there was a very rhythmic knock on the door, and Yun Zhou's spiritual sense immediately sensed it.

Short breaths came from the door.

"Sovereign, are you there?"

A "slightly bold" voice sounded, it was Chu Lingxiao.

Lin Langyue was stunned for a moment, and then her beautiful eyes widened, "Oh no, I promised Chu Lingxiao that I was going to find her today, I forgot!"

If you want her to see the two of you now...

A man and a woman in the bath.

Even though I'm wearing clothes, I can't explain it!

It's not unacceptable for the relationship to be exposed to Chu Lingxiao.

But with that big mouth of the other party, if he talks about it everywhere, how can he meet people?

"Don't worry, if she comes in, I'll just throw her out, don't panic, you..."

Before Yun Zhou finished speaking, he was immediately dumbfounded.

Lin Langyue looked around in panic with her beautiful eyes as if blocking his words.

After the last patrol failed, he took a breath, gritted his teeth, and buried his head in the pool!

Yun Zhou: Ah this.......


At this moment, Chu Lingxiao didn't wait for a response, and directly entered the room in doubt.

When she saw Yun Zhou shirtless in the bathtub, her face became hot immediately.

The corner of her mouth twitched, she quickly turned around and said in embarrassment: "I'm sorry, suzerain, I didn't know you were rubbing mud, so I just came in... Don't blame me.

While speaking, he muttered secretly in his heart.

That's enough for the suzerain, as an adult, why don't you have any precautions?

Being missed by so many people, the door is not locked when taking a shower...

Isn't this for me... no, for others to take advantage of it?

Big boys can't learn to protect themselves at all.

"Cough cough."

Yun Zhou coughed twice in embarrassment, looked at Chu Lingxiao's back and said, "It's late at night, what do you want from me?"

Chu Lingxiao let out a foul breath, and responded: "It's okay, I just came to ask, when will we attack Linmen?"

"Sovereign, you also know that I can't sit still, and I have finished sharpening my sword."

"If you don't allow the attack, I'll be bored when I'm idle."

"Besides, this night is full of long dreams, so we can't delay when it's time to do it...

As a generation of martial arts practitioners, he is also a representative of tiger beating.

Chu Lingxiao's fighting spirit is far beyond what other people can compare.

Yun Zhou nodded, "We will attack tomorrow, if you are free, go back to recharge your batteries.

Chu Lingxiao was startled.

Attack tomorrow?

Sure enough, when I speak, the Suzerain still listens!

How did she know that there was still one hidden in the bathtub at this time, Yun Zhou didn't want to waste words with her.

Turning his eyes, Chu Lingxiao turned around directly.

Regardless of the embarrassment, he looked directly at Yun Zhou and continued: "Then there is one more thing. When we attack tomorrow, can you let me play forward?"

After speaking, her big bright eyes were full of anticipation.

Yun Zhou glanced at her, and said lightly: "I can promise you everything else, except this one.

"Why?" Chu Lingxiao was stunned, "The suzerain doesn't believe in my ability?"

Yun Zhou shook his head, "No, it's just that although Lin Sect has changed, there are still methods to protect the sect.

"Shooting the first bird, you rush to be a pioneer, the risk factor is too high, I will not let you take the risk."

……ask for flowers……

Although he was very concerned about Chu Lingxiao's brains, at least the other party was someone who really cared for him.

Naturally, he would not bet on the other party's life just to satisfy Chu Lingxiao's fighting spirit.

not to mention.....

Those people in Jiangmen rebelled just yesterday.

Now that he is begging to stay, it is a pile of obvious cannon fodder.

Leave them alone, and go catch up with your own people?

Isn't that what idiots do?

Hearing the irrefutableness in Yun Zhou's words, Chu Lingxiao was rarely fighting for it.

For some reason, instead of being angry, I felt sweet.

She smiled and said: "Okay, since the suzerain doesn't let me be the vanguard, then I will follow behind.

As she said that, she took out a wooden box full of precious light from the storage ring, and put it on the desk beside her.

"I found this from a peak master of the Chen family."

"This thing is not a good thing, but it also has the level of a top-level Daobao... It can be regarded as an armor.

"Don't overwhelm Baoduo, suzerain, you can keep it."

Although my money is tight, I don't have any treasures.

But Chu Lingxiao still wanted to give Yun Zhou all the good things.

As for the reason...she herself didn't know.

Maybe Yun Zhou's personality is too strong?

Glancing at the shining wooden box, Yun Zhou was telling her to use it for herself.

There was a sudden "hiss".

There was a stabbing pain in my thigh.

Obviously, Lin Langyue felt uncomfortable, and reached out to pinch herself.

It shouldn't be difficult for her to hold her breath underwater, so the reason should be on herself.

"Okay, I see, you go back first.

As soon as he raised his hand after speaking, a vast force of immortal power swept over, and it directly engulfed Chu Lingxiao in it, and swept him out of the city lord's bedroom.

"I'm going to rest, if you have something else to talk about tomorrow morning.

The voice fell, and the door slammed shut tightly.

Chu Lingxiao slumped on the ground in beeping, staring at the closed bedroom door, she was dumbfounded.

"This... I'm not too big or too young to be a sword head, so the suzerain just threw me out! Guang?"

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