Villain: Eavesdropping, the heroine collapses

Chapter 1538 : Love And Love In The Door! There Are Ghosts Outside The Door! (Seeking Subscription)

Back in Yunling, Chu Lingxiao was Yun Susu's number one confidant.

Not to mention the name of having a sword head, he is also highly appreciated by the Lord of the Ridge.

Even a group of elders must be respectful to her.

In Yunling, it is not an exaggeration to say that one person is under one person and above ten thousand people.

Even Yun Qiaoer, a saintly woman, would have to lean over and say "Master Chu" when she saw her!

The result is Yun Zhou, who is also a holy character.

It was the suzerain she would rather turn her back on Yunling and come to Haoyunzong to worship!

Actually wrapped her up and threw her out of the room?

Moreover, I have always been respectful to him!

Why is he so special!?

When did I, Chu Lingxiao, suffer this kind of treatment!?

"This is a little bit of strength, don't take my mother as a human being!"

She got up angrily and said "Nine Five Three", and pressed her small hand on the door, trying to break in to find Yun Zhou's theory.

But just as she was about to move, the only rationality in her mind stopped her.


She can't beat Yun Zhou!

Although Chu Lingxiao finally obtained the Emperor Realm with his martial arts certificate, he became the number one powerhouse in this fairyland.

However, it is still incomparable to the monster Yun Zhou!

That is the existence chasing after Chen Fusheng, the leader of the Immortal Domain, hacking around!

And this guy... he doesn't make sense!

"If I rushed in, would he take out a big hammer and hit me?" Ling Xiao groaned and pinched his chin.

Judging from her temperament towards Yun Zhou, if this guy gets angry, she will definitely get beaten!

After all, she knows that the other party likes to hit the back of the nun...

"All right."

Chu Lingxiao put down his hands seriously, "My old lady, swallow this breath, and vent it to Linmen disciples tomorrow.

She chose to give in in a rare and wise way.

He took a step to leave, but just as he was about to move, a crisp voice came from behind: "Master Chu? What are you doing here?"

Chu Lingxiao looked back and saw Yun Qiaoer just coming up from the stairs.

"Ah Qiaoer, I have nothing to do, I just came up to ask the suzerain why he attacked Linmen behind him."

After saying this, Yun Qiaoer didn't doubt it.

After all, Chu Lingxiao watched her grow up, and she knows Chu Lingxiao's temperament very well, so she must be impatient.

She smiled and asked, "Then Yun Zhou said when did he attack?"

"He said tomorrow..."

Chu Lingxiao scratched his head with a smile, "That's right, send me out after you finish talking to me.

Yun Qiaoer didn't think much about it, and responded: "Then Master Chu should go back to rest earlier, and fight tomorrow, it is better to recharge your batteries first."

"En." Chu Lingxiao responded, and suddenly thought of something, looking at the cloud machine set in the previous step:

"Qiao'er, you.....have something to do with the suzerain?"

It's not suitable for lonely men and widows in the middle of the night, right?

Well, she forgot that she had just been thrown out.

Yun Qiaoer saw the suspicion in her eyes, her pretty face blushed slightly, she found a reason and said:

"Yeah, Yunling's disciples were injured a lot during the battle with the Chen family, and some of them are no longer able to fight. I would like to ask Yun Zhou how to deal with it.

She just came over from that group of disciples.

Originally, he wanted to ask Yun Zhou along the way after he succeeded, but he didn't expect it to become a reason first.

After finishing speaking, she directly raised her little hand and was about to knock on Yun Zhou's door.

But before she knocked, Chu Lingxiao stopped her:

"Qiao'er, don't go in now, the suzerain is taking a bath, don't let him throw you out.

take a bath

Isn't that just right!?

Yun Qiaoer's eyes lit up, but she calmed down quickly, and asked in confusion, "How did Chu Jianshou know that he was taking a bath?"

"Could it be that he was soaking when you went in?"

"Ah this..."

Chu Lingxiao's mouth twitched, and suddenly he thought clearly: "How is it possible?"

"When I left just now, he said he wanted to take off his clothes and take a bath."

"is that so?"

Yun Qiaoer glanced at her in a daze, and instinctively told her that something was wrong.

But what's wrong... She still can't figure it out.

Seeing the other party's confused expression, Chu Lingxiao let out a long breath.

She promises that her brain has never turned so fast in her life!

Definitely nothing wrong!

At this moment, Xiao Xunxun slowly opened the door, and when he saw the two of them, he couldn't help but froze for a moment:

"What are you doing?"

Yun Qiaoer glanced at her indifferently, "I'm here to find Yun Zhou......"

Yun Qiaoer didn't have a good impression of Xiao Xunxun who had just regained consciousness.

After all, she has always been used to it, and Xiao Xunxun happens to be the incarnation of a "witch".

It can be said that the temperaments of the two are very different, and it is normal to look down on each other.

"Looking for Yun Zhou?"

Xiao Xunxun sneered, and sized her up with charming beautiful eyes: "Sacred girl Qiaoer, is she giving up her arrogance, and came to recommend the pillow seat in the middle of the night?"

"Tsk tsk, take the initiative to deliver it to your door~ You are a horse flea!"

Yun Qiaoer frowned instantly, "I'm here to talk to Yun Zhou about something serious, you'd better pay attention to your words, don't make yourself uncomfortable!"

Xiao Xunxun looked at her with a smile, "So what if I just can't find it?"

"My father is in the main building of the city, do you still dare to fight with me?"

Yun Qiaoer glanced at her indifferently, "Emperor Xiao is here, and my master can come here at any time."

"A word of advice, don't mess with me, or your father may not be able to keep you."

Xiao Xunxun:

Well, she didn't take advantage of any verbal advantage in this wave.

But as Yun Qiaoer said, she is not the only one with the background.

Although Xiao Tiankuo was formidable, once Yun Susu came over, he might not dare to make a move.

After all 0.3 Yun Susu is on the list of Immortal Realm, but her father is stable.

What's more, she has just recovered her mind, and her strength is not as good as Yun Qiaoer's.

If she really falls out, it won't do her any good...

Turning his eyes, Xiao Xunxun instantly smiled, and he was completely different from the contemptuous god just now:

"Look at you, why are you angry? I'm not kidding you."

"You and I are not familiar enough to joke around."

Xiao Xunxun was not annoyed when he was choked for a while, he glanced at the door of Yun Zhou's room, and said doubtfully:

"Then since you're here, why are you standing here without knocking on the door?"

Chu Lingxiao said: "The suzerain is taking a bath, it's not appropriate to go in now."

"Ah? Taking a bath?"


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