Villain: Eavesdropping, the heroine collapses

Chapter 1573 : Dominoes! The Body Offends The Fairy Concubine! (Seeking Subscription)

"If it's not for the great grandfather, let's not go back and find a place to make a comeback."

At this time, Lin Yuan retreated, muttering about Lin Sheng in his body.

Hearing this, Lin, who was floating in the sea, was furious, and roared angrily: "Stop talking nonsense, it's all over here, you love Jill!?"

"Before my ancestors, I told you to be careful and you didn't listen, but now it's time to stand up, are you afraid of me?"

Hearing this, while Lin Yuan felt embarrassed, he also thought it made sense.

He was tricked into that beep before, isn't he still fighting with Yun Zhou?

How did you become less courageous after dying once?

Besides, the great-grandfather said that no one except him knows the boundaries of this land, so how can someone block him here?

Thinking about it, I was still too suspicious.

Thinking of "Five Nine Zero", Lin Yuan became more courageous.

Inexplicably, he remembered the treasure chariot just now.

I have long heard that the beauty of the fairy concubine is indescribable. If I win the fortune, I will achieve something in the future and recondense the fairy body...

Wouldn't it be possible to go to the other party and have a long talk?

As for the woman who is the Immortal Emperor, he doesn't care at all. How many years has the Immortal Emperor been missing? And the Immortal Concubine has been a widow for thousands of years. Aren't we doing good deeds?


At the next moment when his mind was excited, there was an extremely indifferent sound in the void.

"Do it!"



The moment Lin Yuan heard this voice, Lin Yuan's complexion completely changed. He never thought that someone really wanted to kill him!

Boom boom boom!

Above the void, several terrifying auras appeared, besides Zhou Qian and Zhao Qing, there were also three strong men who were at the half-step Emperor Realm and bombarded them collectively.

Coupled with the domain formation that enhances the immortal power, the vast power is exponentially multiplied and submerged!

"Hiss—what's going on over there? What happened?!"

"Three emperors, three half-step emperors... What a big deal!"

"Who is this besieging and killing!?"

The people in the whole city were startled, and they looked at the direction over there from a long distance, with horrified expressions!


The tallest building collapsed like dominoes, driving a large area of ​​palaces into ruins!

Countless cultivators fled one after another, looking in that direction with shocking eyes.

Like a misty white light emerging, filled with a faint dao rhyme, the transpiration intensified, and finally turned into a fairy dragon soaring into the sky, and suddenly fought towards the "Lin Yuan" below!

(Fart Ace: Lin Sheng's body, Lin Yuan's soul, let's use the male lead's name to avoid confusion.)

Immediately, Lin Yuan was dumbfounded.

"Great-grandfather, have you offended Concubine Xian with this body?"

"I'm offended, I haven't seen her for nearly a thousand years!" Lin Sheng roared.

Hearing this, Lin Yuan also became anxious.

He raised his head furiously, and looked at these people who were distraught:

"I have never had any enmity with you, why do you want to kill me!?"

Lin Yuan's complexion kept changing as the majestic power invaded, and he was filled with shock and anger.

At this time, the leading concubine Xian stopped her movements, her deep eyes looked at him without fluctuation [as if she was looking at a dead person.

"It's your fault that you cast the wrong fetus and became Lin Sheng's offspring. There is something I want in this body. You can die with him."

Lin Langzhantai said calmly, and didn't intend to waste any more words.

With a move from Yushou, the five people behind him suddenly made a move, including Lin Lang Zhantai, ready to kill Lin Yuan right away!

In order to deal with this pair of grandparents and grandchildren of Linmen, Linlang Zhantai can be said to have mobilized the strongest background of her fairy palace.

Two immortal guards who have just stepped into the emperor's realm, and an elder who is half a step into the emperor's realm (consummation)!

Counting her own from here is enough to witness her murderous intentions!

Eagles still have their eyes pecked.

She knew that even with Lin Yuan's reasons, Lin Sheng's real combat strength would not fall to the lower level of Emperor Realm (sixth floor).

If you don't take action, you will be killed, and it is very likely that you will capsize in the gutter!

Thinking so, she didn't hold back at all.

The stellar energy in front of him turned into the supreme fairy rhyme, which condensed into the shape of a light wave sword with the void.

A perfect jade with no blemish grasped the shape of the upper sword, stabbing forward across the air, trying to pierce Lin Yuan completely!

This sword, carrying the complete power of the lower level of the Emperor Realm, makes people feel frightened just by looking at it!

At the same time, the remaining one hand of her formed a seal, and a long spear condensed in the void, and the terrifying power filled it, turning into a divine power that pierced the galaxy, piercing from behind Lin Yuan!

Five peak powerhouses made their moves, with the Linlang Zhantai in front of them, and the deadly spear intent of a middle-level immortal weapon behind them, it can be said that they have fallen into a deadly situation!

As for any member of the Six Emperors, unless Chen Fusheng stepped into the third level of the Emperor Realm (middle level), he would have fallen here today, and even Xiao Tiankuo and Yun Susu's generation would have no chance of surviving!

Lin Lang Zhantai is certain that the key to the seal in this body is a foregone conclusion!

After all, this kind of offensive was the trump card she used when she was going to face Yun Zhou, and now she is using it to kill a grandson of the Lin family, there is absolutely no change...

"Lin Yuan, quickly take out the talisman from the storage ring, you and I will die later, hurry up!!"

At this time, Lin Sheng's urgent urging voice suddenly came from within his body.

Everyone else is stupid.

Why did this fairy concubine suddenly set up such a murderous trick to mess with herself?

What is it in me that she wants?

How the hell do I not know??

Different from Lin Sheng's ignorance, Lin Yuan's face was as pale as paper at this time, his brows were tightly furrowed with hatred, and he looked at Lin Lang Zhantai indifferently, "There is no longer any great hope of having something with the fairy concubine."

"If I, Lin Yuan, don't die in 2.1 days today, I will crush you to ashes in the future!!" He shouted angrily.

After the words fell, he twitched the corners of his mouth, and took out a White charm from the storage ring with great distress.


The fire in the palm of the hand trembled, and a very powerful aura spread out, covering Lin Yuan's body.

In a blink of an eye, Lin Yuan, that is, the aura of this physical body, suddenly exploded, and in just a few breaths, he surpassed the second floor of the Emperor Realm (middle-level) [comparable to the main floor!

All of a sudden, all the monks in the entire city noticed the familiar aura and knelt down on the ground in horror!

"Good guy, isn't this the aura of our sect master?"

The door master has come back to save us!?"

"I just said, the door owner will not leave us alone!".

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