Villain: Eavesdropping, the heroine collapses

Chapter 1574: I, A Professional Preschool Teacher, Am Exquisite And Stylish! (Seeking Subscription)

for a while.

The original residents of Linmen's affiliated towns were elated, thinking that they no longer need to be checked and balanced by others.

And the digital powerhouses in the formation changed their expressions one after another!

"Back away first!!"

Sensing the terrifying change in Lin Yuan's aura, Lin Lang Zhantai Gujing Wulan's expression changed.

She never expected that in Lin Sheng's storage ring, there was no such tongue-twisting baby with soaring strength!

You must know that once this kind of thing is used, it will cause permanent damage to the physical body. The immortal emperor had explicitly banned this kind of thing in the past.

The forbidden talismans in the entire Immortal Domain should be completely destroyed, even she couldn't get such a thing out.

How could Lin Sheng have it? How did he hide such things?

No, the Immortal Emperor disappeared for thousands of years and was reincarnated only recently. He may have been collected during these thousands of years.

Thinking of this, her expression became gloomy again...

"Bastard, this Lin Sheng is indeed an old thing that has lived for nearly ten thousand years, and he can survive this.

When she said this, she didn't think about her age at all.

Seeing this, no one in the void retreated again and again, not daring to touch Lin Yuan who had just been enchanted by the spell.

Taking advantage of this gap, Lin Yuan took a deep look at Linlang Zhantai 15, and disappeared without a trace in the blink of an eye with hatred.

"This is difficult, the entrance to the place where he escaped from the seal cannot be opened.

Lin Lang Zhantai's expression was extremely ugly, and his fists were tightly clenched.

I didn't expect that, after making all kinds of preparations, I didn't kill Lin Sheng whose body was occupied by his great-grandson!


At this moment, Linlang Zhantai suddenly felt a wind-like breath passing by, as if hiding in the strong wind, and could not detect the trace.

Different from the tyrannical aura on Lin Yuan's body just now, the aura at this time is very weak, but it has a sense of sharpness that cannot be underestimated.

A woman dressed in black clothes appeared out of thin air, took shape from the wind above, and walked towards her step by step.

"Who are you?"

Lin Lang Zhantai's beauty was tightly knit, her gloomy eyes were slightly deep, and there was a vague feeling of discomfort.

She temporarily put aside the matter of Lin Yuan's escape.

Even though she had made all the preparations, even if it was the Six Emperors except Chen Fusheng, anyone who met them would be doomed.

But in the end, Lin Yuan escaped.

Regarding this result, apart from lamenting that the old fox Lin Sheng still kept this trick, what else can he say?

However, this woman who suddenly appeared in front of her, whose cultivation base is only at the Dao Realm, dared to break into this formation to see her.

This made Linlang Zhantai feel very puzzled.

As long as he is not a lunatic with this cultivation level, he will definitely not come to trouble himself.

Otherwise, it can only be regarded as death.

"I am the suzerain's personal bodyguard, and I have met Immortal Concubine Linlang.

The sudden appearance of a strong Taoist is naturally the pawn that Yun Zhou buried in advance.

Hearing Linlang Zhantai's question at this moment, Shun responded softly.

A few days ago, she had listened to Yun Zhou's instructions, and went to the affiliated forces of the Immortal Palace on purpose, and laid down layers of hidden lines.

It can be said that Yun Zhou knew all about Linlang Zhantai's whereabouts from the moment she left the fairy palace.

After following to this remote town, it was only then that she suddenly learned the meaning of what Yun Zhou ordered her to do.

This Linlang Zhantai really knows some secrets that others don't know.

Take the northern entrance of this sealed land as an example, she has never heard Yun Zhou mention it.

Including this time, after seeing the scene of "Lin Sheng" escaping just now, she subconsciously wanted to stop him.

But she is self-aware, with the intimidating power just now, it is difficult for her to even get close.

So he could only let that "Lin Sheng" escape and hide himself.

This moment is also very helpless.

"Suzerain? The suzerain of which faction?"

Hearing this, Lin Lang Zhantai squinted his eyes and looked at Shun Wendao, with a little disgust in his calm eyes.

The first thing that came to her mind was not Yun Zhou, but the pale-faced suzerains in her affiliated sects.

Everyone wanted to list her, and they did everything they could to do so, which annoyed Lin Lang Zhantai, and even executed two of them.

After all, with a wonderful person like Yun Zhou living in her heart, who can she see in her eyes?

As for Yun Zhou...she didn't think about him at all.

After all, the cold impression Yun Zhou gave her in the previous life has been etched into her bones, even if the other party becomes unrestrained in this life, Lin Lang Zhantai can't change this thinking for a while.

In her opinion, with Yun Zhou's level of strength, it is impossible to ask a weak person who has attained the Dao level to be her shadow guard.

Unless he has another purpose, there shouldn't be guards of this level around him!

Therefore, the stereotype in her bones made her believe that the "suzerain" in this population could not be Yun Zhou.

"Naturally, it is Sect Master Yun, Yun Zhou, in this situation, besides him, who else would look for you?"

Hearing this, Shun frowned with some doubts.

She has been in Xianyu for a long time, so she naturally knows a little about this concubine.

According to the rumors, she is decisive, clear-headed, and deeply scheming...

But looking at it now...why do you think she is a bit silly?

I also ask which family is the suzerain? 690

Is it not clear whose territory she is on now?

"Impossible, with Yun Zhou's cultivation, how can there be a shadow guard of your level?"

Hearing this, Lin Langzhantai shook his head resolutely, subconsciously thinking that the other party was lying to him, and unconsciously narrowed his phoenix eyes.

The gap in cultivation is here, and after feeling the aura unintentionally revealed by Linlang Zhantai, he couldn't help being shocked for a moment.

Is this the complete deterrent power of Emperor Realm (lower level)?

Simply incredible!

She took a deep breath, and responded seriously: "Concubine Linlang misunderstood, I accompanied the suzerain from the vast land of the lower realm, and I was the shadow guard by his side at that time, but it has been a long time, and now I have given it to me." I am not used to the position of the peak master..."

She briefly explained the general situation.

When he heard that Shun was Yun Zhou's "initiator" who practiced Taoism, the suspicion in his eyes turned into astonishment.

Did she make a mistake in any part?

The enlightenment mentor who was reincarnated by the dignified immortal emperor, is actually a small guard?

Moreover, a person like Yun Zhou would actually bring such a person along with him?

According to his previous memory, isn't he used to being alone, and anyone who is not as good as him is regarded as a drag?

Then why did he bring this woman with him?

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