Villain: Eavesdropping, the heroine collapses

Chapter 1591 : The Unowned Thing! Representative Of The So-Called Conspiracy Theory! (Seeking Subscr

Yun Zhou sneered.

Substituting the "Treasure of Chaos" into the perspective of "human", he just said:

"Besides, you have been sealed for ten thousand years. Presumably, you have forcibly withheld other people's Baoyun to keep you alive, right?"

"Aren't you just a shameless usurpation?"

"Or, you treat it as someone who owes you!?"

His eyes became more and more disdainful, as if he was watching.

This statement made the Earth Venerable stunned for a moment, feeling that something was wrong.

But after thinking about it carefully, what the other party said seemed to make sense.

However, soon, he clearly felt that the dark sphere behind him was out of his control. In an instant, his complexion changed drastically, and he roared:

"Nonsense! The earth spirit is a thing that lives with me. It is only right and proper to maintain the body of the deity. How can I say so?!"

He stared at Yun Zhou with cold eyes, and was almost fooled by this kid. The earth spirit was born with him, what is the treasure text that is not his companion?

In the end, this bastard actually said that he took it by force. Isn't this fucking confusing right and wrong?

"Your unreasonable appearance is exactly the same as Tian Dao, no wonder they are equally famous."

Yun Zhou shook his head with a faint smile, and didn't waste his time talking.

Taking advantage of the gap between the earth god's anger, he directly exerted the power of reincarnation, and in a flash of figure, he came to the side of the deep earth spirit.

403 He has paved the way for so much, all he needs is an opportunity.

An opportunity to gather the earth spirits.

"The treasure that devours all things, the god-level equipment above the immortal level..."

Yun Zhou came to the middle of the hall and reached out to touch the Black sphere.

To him, the terrifying aura permeating the sphere did not have a life-threatening viciousness, but instead had a very friendly feeling.


In an instant, at the same time as Yun Zhou touched it, terrifying dao patterns flickered on the dark sphere called "Earth Spirit", which was the restriction placed by the earth god above it!

"Since you don't want to surrender, then I will help you become a nobody..."

Yun Zhou will not let go of any hole cards that can fight against Heaven. This earth spirit is an ancient artifact of chaos. Once obtained, it will be his greatest help!

During the surge of Dao power, the lines of the formation trembled continuously.

As an all-round player who has awakened the memory of the Immortal Emperor, Yun Zhou has a lot of insights into cracking the seal pattern. Right now, a dazzling white light emerges in his hand, condensing and interweaving the supreme brilliance, surprising and mysterious.

Purple Black's artifact, Earth Spirit, roars continuously in the ups and downs, exuding the charm of the avenue to simplicity!

During the change of Daoyin, the formation pattern on it is obviously being lifted.

The prehistoric power originating from the ancient chaos surged like a vast ocean.

The name of the artifact is nothing more than that!

It's like being able to kill Chen Fusheng with one blow.

Yun Zhou was in control of the sphere, feeling the joy of breaking free, the corners of his mouth curled up.

In fact, speaking logically, with his current cultivation strength, it is impossible to unravel the original formation of the Earth Venerable, but fortunately, there is a bug like the Destiny Mall, which saves him a lot of trouble.

Of course, he can rely on luck to solve the bondage pattern, but it is still very difficult to completely refine this thing now.

In the shopping mall, only when he reached the perfection of Emperor Realm (intermediate level), can he unlock the column of artifacts. From this, it can be seen that refining things of this level is not something he can do now.

Even, this kind of chaos artifact, it is estimated that at least it has to reach (upper level) to be able to control it.

Only now did he perceive a ray of its power, and there was a fear of beheading Chen Fusheng. If it was at its peak, even Tian Dao would not be unable to deal with it.


And at this time, the earth venerable, bound by the nine chains of order, finally struggled crazily!

The formation of the seal and the chain made him unable to interfere with Yun Zhou's movements.

But what he never expected was that this guy actually had the means to decipher his original pattern!

How (bfah) did he do it!?

The face of the earthly god changed dramatically, howling and breaking free from the restraint of the chain of order, once the treasure of chaos is looted, he will no longer have the possibility to replace the way of heaven and become a god of all living beings!

What Yun Zhou said just now did shake him. He came from chaos, and he had no entity at the beginning, so there is no primary or secondary relationship between this earth spirit and him!

But even so, he has long regarded this treasure as his own, and it is impossible to allow others to take it!

The chaotic land spirit is his biggest trump card to fight against the heavens, and it must be his own!

"Sorry, this thing has nothing to do with you..."

Yun Zhou glanced at him with a faint smile, reached for the deep sphere, and pulled it out from the vision behind the earth statue with a "hum" sound!

He merged the fairy charm into it, and the light of Black bloomed, and the deep black hole seemed to be able to contain everything in the universe.

This kind of power is incomparably vast and indescribable.

Sure enough, something like an artifact is a product of the original text, and its surging feeling is completely different from that of an immortal artifact.

"You don't want to surrender, and I can't kill you, so you can continue to be sealed..."

"One day I will solve the problem of Heaven, and you and I will be in charge."

The iconic villain smile appeared on the corner of Yun Zhou's mouth, and he pinched the magic formula with his hands, and the nine chains of order actually grinned, bursting into dazzling light and tightening suddenly at the same time!

This was one of the last resorts left by the Immortal Emperor.

I thought that with the strength accumulated for thousands of years by the Earth Venerable, this method would have been untied long ago.

But now it seems that the opponent is in this sealed place, and his strength cannot be displayed, but it saves him trouble in a disguised form.

The most beneficial helper against Heaven is gone, but the best hole card is in hand.

That's it.

If it should be sealed, just continue to seal it.

As for the benefits of being able to get it...

Yun Zhou's eyes fell on the Earth Lord's hand, the dark storage ring on it was bright and conspicuous...

The dazzling earth spirit flickered, blooming with supreme power to devour it, as if it was venting some grievances.


The earth venerable couldn't believe it, the storage ring in his hand was actually pulled away by the surging suction.

The confinement of the chain formation made it impossible for him to resist, so naturally he couldn't resist the suction of the earth spirit treasure.

Fortunately, this formation has no suppressive effect on the earth spirit.


The moment he got the storage ring, Yun Zhou feared that something might happen and left the place immediately.

After all, this is an earth venerable, Bao Buqi has any means to change the situation, we can't give him time to use it!.

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