Villain: Eavesdropping, the heroine collapses

Chapter 1592 : Surface Spirit Body! Rather Like A Hesitating Girl! (Seeking Subscription)

"If the heart is as clear as ice, the sky will not be shocked, all dharmas will be condensed, and the way of heaven will be separated..."

As soon as Yun Zhou came out, he immediately re-sealed the seal.

Inside, the furious roar was gradually isolated, and everything returned to calm...

There are three ~ layers of formations in the huge hall.

Yun Zhou used most of his celestial power on the most critical formation, and then heaved a sigh of relief.

For him now, wanting to kill the Devouring Earth Venerable is too whimsical, and he has no idea about that.

But one day you can reach the Emperor Realm (upper stage), you can try it.

Swallowing Earthly Venerable...... I guess it's a great supplement?

Not to mention being able to directly compete against the Dao of Heaven, it's probably about the same, right?

Shaking his head and not thinking too much, so far the journey of earth respect has been solved.

The idea of ​​seeking a helper who can fight against Heaven must be shattered.

He didn't expect that the old guy could spy on his heart.

But generally it has no effect, at least there is no helper, but the help is there.

Yun Zhou put his attention on the earth spirit in his hand, the whole body was pitch black, and the brilliance of purple black flowed.

Among them, wisps of brilliance can be faintly seen, and the charm is surging, which is extremely mysterious and terrifying.

The weight is also ok.

Hold it in your hand and feel it carefully, it is estimated that it weighs a million tons, and because it comes from chaos, even if you look at the fairyland, you can't find the material for that texture, it seems to be made of meteorites from outside the sky.

The more you observe Yun Zhou, the more satisfied you become.

His current combat strength is comparable to that of the ordinary Emperor Realm (middle-level) fourth floor, but even so, he can still feel the heaviness.

It's not that he is weak, but the million tons are not the weight of a mountain, but the one that has been solidified and shrunk. To be more precise, it is like a world transformed into a sphere and feels light On the contrary, there is a problem.

But even so, Yun Zhou is quite satisfied with his combat body strength.

This heavy feeling will gradually disappear when the cultivation base is more refined.

Moreover, common monks who do not have a combat body may not be able to hold it even if their cultivation has reached the emperor level (intermediate level).

He can barely accept it now, and it is estimated that this earth spirit is deliberately making him adapt.

If it's the real's impossible to say how many million tons it will be, maybe it will have to be measured in tens of billions.

It is not impossible to crush this fairy world.

After all... this thing is a "surface spirit body"!

"Speaking of which, I can be regarded as your half benefactor when I broke away from the Earth Venerable for you?"

After saying this, the earth spirit rarely experienced any fluctuations, and fell silent like a dead thing.

Yun Zhou knew that it was afraid that it would be like the earth god and control it as its own taboo.

Shaking his head, Yun Zhou let out a chuckle, "Don't worry, I don't intend to be your master."

"If you want, you can be my friend. First, stay by my side and help me fight against the Dao of Heaven. When the matter is over, I won't stop you wherever you go."

"Moreover, after I solve the Heavenly Dao, I can give you the status of a god of all living beings. At that time, the Chaos Supreme Treasure in the Heavenly Dao can also be absorbed and integrated by you. How about it? Are you tempted?"

Yun Zhou spoke like fooling a child, and at the same time put away the storage ring of the earth venerable.

Although Earth Venerable has been sealed for thousands of years, he is still one of the most powerful gods in the fairyland in the past. The treasure possessed by the other party can definitely make him improve a lot in cultivation.

Of course, it's better to absorb the treasures here sooner rather than later, so as not to be known by the monsters outside, and then there will be big troubles.

On the other side, after hearing Yun Zhou's words, Earth Spirit visibly trembled slightly, obviously understanding Yun Zhou's words.

A kind of hesitation, suspicion, and a little excitement passed from Yun Zhou's hand to his mind.

As if talking to him with anthropomorphic emotions, Yun Zhou felt a little dazed.

But he wasn't surprised, he just returned to normal after being stunned for a moment.

This earth spirit, like the earth god, is a product of chaos, and it is normal to have its own intelligence.

And after so many years, it has survived a long time in this world, and has developed a mind that can communicate with people.

This is not something incomprehensible.

At that moment, Yun Zhou felt the emotion of Earth Spirit, and the corners of his mouth curled up.

"Are you worried that I will lie to you?" He asked lightly, and then sensed the reaction of the earth spirit.

It trembled in Yun Zhou's hand.

The specific meaning is not very clear, but it can be roughly conveyed to Yun Zhou.

"I'm not a good person, but I'm not bad enough to lie to you with a weapon, am I?" Yun Zhou dragged Earth Spirit to his face, dumbfounded, and then said helplessly:

"Of course, if you don't want to follow me, I won't force you, you can turn into a spirit body and leave now...

"But let me tell you the ugly things. The hidden old monsters in this fairyland are all staring at this side. Maybe some of these people can control you."

"I'm not trying to scare you. Don't just get rid of the shackles from the Earth Venerable, and then be checked and balanced by others. They won't be as friendly to you as I am."

Yun Zhou spoke earnestly, with a look of helplessness in his tone that his children were going to travel far away.

Of course, it is absolutely impossible to let him really let the earth spirit leave, but his current strength is too strong to keep the other party, so he can only be soft.

Fortunately, the wisdom of this thing is equivalent to that of a teenage child. It is not easy to fool around, but it can be used to scare the big cake. No experience is not considered old fritters, so it can be dealt with.

Hearing this, Earth Spirit fell silent, obviously it was thinking about it.

And Yun Zhou didn't urge it, and took advantage of this time to perceive its structure.

This is also the first time he has seen a chaos-level artifact.

If there is a chance, it must be refined, otherwise it will be difficult to display its true power, but the timeline will have to be delayed.

After all, this thing doesn't trust him yet, and with his current strength, he can't control it.

Not long after, the silent Earth Spirit trembled slightly.

The emotions passed over were well understood, and it agreed.

And Yun Zhou was also the first to hit a ban and start an inappropriate contract...

Pierce: Let’s just say that to speed up the progress of the plot, you have to have some brains. As the ancient gods, the earth gods are above the consummation of the emperor’s realm. Even if they are restrained, the current Yun Zhou will definitely not be able to kill them. Book friends Don't mindlessly pick on Kazakhstan. .

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