Villain: Eavesdropping, the heroine collapses

Chapter 1664: Squeezing My Aunt Dry Is Squeezing Jianghe! My Dumb Groom! (Seeking Subscription)

The Ancient Beastland is an ancient force that existed in the generation of the Immortal Emperor. She was still very young at the time, and she hadn't heard much about the specific situation, but what she knew was that the Wu Long that Yun Zhou was talking about was ten thousand years ago. Definitely not the Lord of the Beast Land.

She had heard of the Qilin lineage, and she knew in her heart that Yun Zhou wanted to attack Wu Long, the Qilin master.

As for how to snatch the Qilin clan's bloodline supernatural powers, she was also curious about what kind of means Yun Zhou had.

After all, the ancient beast land has been passed down for so many years, and it cannot be compared with the superficial influence of the Linmen or the Chen family.

She had heard from the Immortal Emperor before that before the great powers were hidden from the world, each of them was an existence that stirred up the situation. I am afraid that the combination of the five major forces now may not be able to compete with the orthodoxy among them.

And what hidden tricks did Yun Zhou not use? It is said that...he is also engaged in the business of the hidden Chen family at the same time?

Thinking, she looked up at Yun Zhou, and found that he was very calm at this moment.

The smirk that used to hang on his face was gone, and there was a taste of overlooking all living beings on his face. He looked extraordinarily calm and sophisticated. The evening sun shone on his face through the curtain of the chariot. the sense of sight. 15

Is this still the scoundrel who ruined the foundation of the Chen family and planted it on me?

Why... do you feel a little hungry?

Miscellaneous thoughts kept coming and going in her mind, and Jiang He had to admit that Yun Zhou, who had calmed down, was far beyond her aesthetic line.

I hope he will continue to be like this in the future, and be a dumb bridegroom......

Jiang He shook his head and stopped thinking, and threw out the unrealistic thoughts entwined in his mind.

None of the three spoke for a while.

The atmosphere is peaceful and harmonious.

The fragrance of tea is wafting, and the aroma is tangy. Occasionally, he will eat a piece of pastry in between. The fragrance lingering in his mouth makes Yun Zhou feel very comfortable, and he can't help but lean on the market and narrow his eyes slightly.

"Lao Li, since you entered the hidden world, you've been talking nonsense, and if you're beeping, get the hell out of Haoyunzong.

Listening to Li Kunlun, who was driving outside the car, constantly muttering, Yun Zhou calmly said half-jokingly.

"You bully people too much by riding a horse." Li Kunlun opened the curtain of the chariot with a bang, and shouted loudly: "I have worked so hard to conquer the world for you, and you will kill the donkey when you are about to get it? No way!!"

"Okay, okay, shut up, I've lived for so many years, I can't afford to joke... This town looks good to me, you can find me any inn, and make an appointment with the one from the Watson Gate Yes, let’s play a game of chess today.”

Afterwards, Yun Zhou calmly said to the old face who came in casually.

"I really deserve it!" Li Kunlun twitched the corners of his mouth, gritted his teeth and sat back.

It was very clear from the discussion with Zhao Miaozhu before that the nearest town close to the ancient beast land is here.

From what she meant, it seemed that Wu Long was leading a group of cronies here for a drink.

When Yun Zhou came here, he didn't choose to show his face at the first time. The plan was big enough to scare the snake away.

After all, his chess game this time is just a supporting role, as long as he adds fuel to the flames at the critical moment and prevents things from going wrong. "He doesn't have to worry too much about the rest.

If you want to annex this ancient beast land, you have to pay some small tricks.

As for him, who had nothing to do, he opened his personal attribute bar after a long absence.

Host: Yun Zhou

Identity: Sovereign Master of Haoyun Sect, Holy Son of Yunling...

Cultivation level: Emperor Realm (middle level) seventh floor.

Constitution: Desolate battle body (one of the two bodies of immortals and gods) (complete), supreme immortal soul (complete), emperor bone (semi-complete)

Title: Peerless Demon Venerable (Devil's reverence degree: through thick and thin water), Lord of All Immortals (intermediate level, reverence degree of immortal cultivators: convinced and approved), Immortal Emperor Alive (beginner level, reverence degree of all living beings: increase b+10%)

Artifact: Earth Spirit (Awakening period: early stage)

Utensils: Wu Tian Hammer (Top Immortal Artifact), Daye Clothes (Top Immortal Artifact), Yunling Jade Pendant (Intermediate Immortal Artifact), Xunlang Sword (Intermediate Immortal Artifact), Duanjiang Lingmai (Lower Immortal Artifact) ), resurrection plate (disposable fairy device)

Cultivation method: "Zhantian Jue One Level" (three layers in total), "Emperor Zun Fury", "Wu Tian Hammer Method", "Swallowing Demon Kung Fu", "Tao Principles"

Dao rhyme: Emperor's way (semi-perfect), Buddhist way, great way, magic way, heavenly way, imperial way, reincarnation way (half-perfect), natural way (half-perfect), Confucianism and Taoism.

Full-level Taoism: Angry Buddha Lotus, Purple Green Dao Ring, Heavenly Calamity Crossing...  

Dao shape: Yunpangu (Zhengdi (middle level) seventh floor)

Immortal shape: Yunchi·Xianwei True Dragon (eighth floor of Emperor Zheng (intermediate))

Binding villains: Shun, Xuanyuan Tianling, Gu Xian'er......

Destiny Tig: Destiny.

Current luck value: 510

With the improvement of his own strength, the earth spirit has reached the early stage of awakening, and the emperor's way has also mastered the semi-perfect level, which is still very obvious for the improvement of his combat power.

In addition to these, the strength of Dao Xing and Xian Xing seems to have improved a bit, and it seems that they have been improved a lot in the chaotic world recently.

On the contrary, the Luck value seems to be about to drop to the level of "Destiny" now. If there is no major event recently, it is better to avoid visiting the Destiny Mall.

Of course, these things that are obvious at a glance are trivial matters. For Yun Zhou, the most important thing is to get rid of the ancient beast land first.

After all, destroying the check and balance network of the Dao of Heaven and annexing a hidden 877th force, this kind of task is of no benefit to his plan.

And once successful, the realm can be raised to a higher level. At this moment when strength is urgently needed, this will have a great effect on him.

In addition to the system aspect, he also felt that Wu Long could go offline.

In his plan, Wu Long's role is not very big, kill him, and by the way, get rid of the former hero Lin Yuan, which belongs to the plot point of the original text, and you can completely face the sentence

[But then again, with my current combat power, it seems a bit difficult to finish the original text. 】

[Auntie's place has been drained...]

[Speaking of which... Jiu Muzi has a lot of panacea, you can count on her, give me the best, if you don't give her, give her some tricks. 】

Thinking in his heart, Yun Zhou glanced at Jiang He meaningfully, and glanced at creaking sockets, legs, and feet with intentional or unintentional eyes...

Hearing this heartfelt voice, combined with Yun Zhou's eyes, Jiang bed fell.

grass (plant)!

This little bastard is going to fuck me!

At almost the same moment, Jiang He was about to rush out of the treasure chariot.

But before she could move, a big hand grabbed her wrist tightly with the momentum of thunder. .

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