Villain: Eavesdropping, the heroine collapses

Chapter 1665 : The Importance Of Hole Cards! Lao Taki, I Want To Eat Fish!

"Jiang Damei, why are you going? I need some pills to improve my cultivation recently. Your Jiangmen family has a big business, so give me a hand?"

"Ah, ah~ I'm sorry, I'm in a hurry to pee, I'll talk about it later..."

God's urgency to urinate!

Yun Zhou became annoyed, "...It's useless to talk less, hurry up and give me a hand."

After speaking, he didn't shy away from Yun Susu, and his big hand full of sin directly reached for the creaking nest.

"Itch~scratch! Yun Susu, don't care about your nephew... Ah, bastard, where are you going to talk!"


Yun Zhou: Hey~!

Yun Susu: (1)

"It just so happens that the bottleneck of the seventh layer of Emperor Realm (Intermediate) has been loosened recently, and these elixir should help me break through.

Yun Zhou glanced at Jiang He who was huddled in the corner of the treasure chariot, then rubbed his chin and muttered.

To be honest, the higher the realm, the more enjoyable it is, but after getting used to the rapid entry, the problem that the further you go, the slower the breakthrough makes him quite a headache.

This is like fighting monsters and upgrading. At the final stage, it is as difficult as reaching the sky to raise a level.

Of course, the free task rewards given by the system can help him speed up a bit.

But before the real combat power can match the way of heaven, the single-layer realm will not be of much use. You have to eat one bite at a time, so take your time.



"Come on me!"

Yun Zhou swallowed all the survivors from Jiang He, and then let out a violent drink, the familiar cold feeling spread all over his body, the strange power in the limbs and bones began to fuse, and every inch of the desolate battle body seemed to be transforming.

At the same time, the emperor in the body is also gradually perfecting towards the perfect level.

Boom boom boom!

Before the thunder in the sky could condense, it was dissipated by Yun Zhou using the secret method of reincarnation. Although the consumption was relatively high, his position must not be revealed at this moment, otherwise his "wishful thinking" would be in vain.

In the early stage of the eighth layer of Emperor Realm (middle level), the breakthrough was successful!

"This bastard... can he enter the country with just a few pills"?"

While arranging his messy clothes, Jiang He looked at Yun Zhou in astonishment.

She has always been curious about what this guy Yun Zhou ate to grow up, this speed of entry is no longer in the category of evildoers, even if he was born in the Dao of Heaven, it is nothing more than that?

Not only her, even Yun Susu on one side couldn't hide the surprise in her beautiful eyes.

Even though she and Yun Zhou are superficial aunts and nephews, and now they have developed into a Taoist relationship, she finds that, strictly speaking, she knows nothing about Yun Zhou. What is the opponent's biggest hole card?

This made her feel a little trembling, thinking that Zhou'er seemed careless, but in fact the calculations in her heart were more meticulous than anyone else's.

And his entry speed of drinking cold water can make him fat...... Could it be that as long as the resources are sufficient, he can break through to the Emperor Realm (upper stage) at any time, or even the Emperor Realm Dzogchen?

Thinking of this, Yun Susu fell silent. Fortunately, she wanted to be the strongest backing for Zhou'er before, but it has only been a while, and Yun Zhou has crushed her in terms of cultivation.

Of course, her realm is like this, but her combat power is still relatively strong, and she is also hiding her real combat power.

In this fairyland that eats people but does not spit out their bones, all powerful masters of one party understand the importance of hiding their cards, and Yun Susu naturally does the same. Even in the previous battles, she did not hide her cards. fully revealed.

That's why even Yun Zhou didn't notice that Yun Susu's real combat strength has actually reached the same level as Chen Fusheng's, comparable to the fifth level of the Emperor Realm (middle level), and even higher than it

Just this point, she is enough to overlook the elders and powers among the many hidden forces in the fairyland.

Of course, just being stronger than the hermit elders, it doesn't have a great effect on Yun Zhou, let alone don't know, even if he knows, Yun Zhou probably won't care too much.

at the same time.

In the restaurant where Lin Yuan and others are located.

Wu Long looked forward with eager eyes, and finally when the last glass of wine on the table was emptied, he heard a voice like the sounds of heaven.

"Lord Qilin, sorry for being late."

This clean and slightly cold voice is so wonderful, just listening to that crisp voice makes Wu Taki feel a little overwhelmed.

He looked happy, and quickly stood up, and all the hermits at the same table stood up to greet him, and when they saw Zhao Miaozhu, their eyes lit up.

Even though I met her at the last Linmen Hermitage Banquet, but such a beauty, no matter how many times I saw her, I would feel amazed. For a moment, everyone felt emotional, no wonder even a Qilin Lord like Wu Long would pester each other so humblely. .

"The number one force in the hidden world, Jiang Jiang, the master of the Dushengmen."

Lin Yuan looked at the other person's face, and a familiar feeling rushed over!

emmm... just the feeling of "such a beautiful woman should be mine".

Although Kunkun is no longer easy to use, he has not lost the delusions that he should have. For a while, even the eyes he looked at Wu Taki became full of envy and jealousy.

"." Miaozhu, you've come. "

Wu Long looked at Zhao Miaozhu and smiled, his eyes unconsciously revealed a bit of softness of licking a dog.

"Don't call me Miao Zhu, I'm not used to it, you should still call me by my full name, or Master Zhao."

Zhao Miaozhu still had that cold attitude, as if he didn't want to give Wu Taki a little face, but in fact it was true, calculations were calculations, and Zhao Miaozhu, who practiced asceticism, couldn't do it.

However, what she didn't know was that Wu Long still liked her appearance.

I don't know if it's a cheap thing or what, but Wu Taki shudders when he sees Zhao Miaozhu's cold face.

As far as the eyes can see, the face is so glamorous and charming, and the fragrance wafting in the wind is refreshing.

Maybe it's because she's used to being entangled with broken flowers and willows. In Wu Taki's eyes, the aloof Zhao Miaozhu is the most beautiful, even more beautiful than those rumored goddesses in the fairyland.

The kind of stunning beauty revealed in the bones can arouse a man's greatest desire to conquer (nuoqian).

She came in slowly from the door, the white lotus strips on her ankles swayed unsteadily, her beauty was beyond ordinary, her oval face was as white as suet jade.

The beautiful eyes are as deep and vast as the starry sky, and the black eyebrows are as curved as the willows on the tree. Every detail interprets the magic of the Creator.

Nodding her nose, she saw a pair of glamorous red lips that could make a male cultivator daydream, and the three thousand black hair behind her fell like a waterfall.

In the light of the setting sun, hazy and unreal.

She is slender, and she is walking towards the box, as if the stars in the sky have turned into a human form, dazzling and eye-catching.

The skin is shiny and delicate, and the figure is exquisite.

Obviously, Zhao Miaozhu, who has never paid much attention to appearance, put on light makeup with rouge today. With this level of beauty, what Wu Taki brought was "tons" of crit!

Wu Long froze on the spot in a very hopeless way, and after a while he came back to his senses, and said sincerely:

"Master Zhao, you are so beautiful."

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