Villain: Eavesdropping, the heroine collapses

Chapter 1667: Beauty's Face-Changing Is Just A Trick Of The Superior! (Seeking Subscription)

My sister-in-law is so beautiful, I feel a little out of place, big brother won't blame me, right?

Lin Yuan was thinking a little darkly, but he still hid it well. He knew that this kind of thing was just to think about it, and it would be bad luck if he took action.

Soon, Lin Yuan and Zhao Miaozhu started talking as if no one was there, and Zhao Miaozhu covered her mouth with a chuckle from time to time, and she, who had always been cold, was charming and charming for the first time.

Although the current Lin Yuan is in the old body of his great-grandfather Lin Sheng, his words still have the vigor and confidence of a young man, which looks quite attractive.

And this scene fell in Wu Long's eyes, and his face was as black as coal, as if Zhao Miaozhu and Lin Yuan were a couple on this table, and he was an outsider.

Moreover, although Zhao Miaozhu's attitude towards him has changed slightly during this time, he never smiled so happily when talking with Lin Yuan.

A feeling that one's own restraint was being played by others grew in his heart, and Wu Long's face became more and more ugly.

After seeing the smiling faces of the two when they were talking, he suddenly felt that Brother Lin, whom he had just recognized, was in need of a beating.

"Lin Sheng."

Neither brother Lin nor friend Lin, this time Wu Taki directly called him by his full name, and his Qilin eyes became more and more hostile.

Hearing this voice, Lin Yuan shuddered immediately, and immediately reacted, a little embarrassment appeared on his old face, realizing that he had just passed a little bit.

This is the home court of Zhao Miaozhu and Wu Long, but he just stole the limelight, making it hard for Wu Long, and Zhao Miaozhu is Wu Long's sweetheart, so Wu Long must have something to say about talking and laughing with him like this.

But I thought so, but Lin Yuan reacted carefully, and didn't think it was his fault, and even blamed Wu Taki for being narrow-minded.

Yes, he didn't say anything to "Sister-in-law".

Just chatting a few words, just talking to make my sister-in-law happy, and I haven't started yet, the distance is far away, why is he angry?

Coughing lightly, Lin Yuan glanced at the sky outside through the window.

The dusk has passed, the stars have emerged, and it is time to get up and leave, and immediately laughed:

"Brother Wu, I just had a few conversations with my sister-in-law. I just feel that my sister-in-law has a strong aura, and she should be your good match. Sister-in-law, Brother Wu, eat and drink well."

Lin Yuan knew in his heart that it was not easy to fool Wu Long now, and he was probably angry with him, so the scene talk was just a transition, and it would not serve the purpose of explaining and covering up.

So he could only leave first, and let Wu Long dispel the resentment in his heart. As for the saying of guarding the gate, the dog didn't believe it.

He thinks that he has always had a good relationship with women. Although everyone he likes pays attention to him, those who don't like him all go to him. Compared with those dead flowers and willows, Zhao Miaozhu just talks to him, which is nothing .

Wu Long, this Qilin, looks more like Ya Zi, with a small mind like a needle nose.

Wu Long's face was obviously not very good-looking, just as Lin Yuan thought, his last explanation was useless, in his opinion, "Lin Sheng" today's pretentiousness is too much.

Over the past few days, he has taken good care of this "old thing". He specially found a training place for him in the ancient beast land, and even gave him the position of the named elder of the beast land.

But this bastard actually repays his favor by flirting with the beauty he likes in front of his face?

Doesn't this horse take me, Wu Long, as a big grudge?

Wu Long didn't answer his words, his face was dark, and his eyes were slightly red.

At this time, Lin Yuan also smiled lightly with the "sister-in-law", and then left gracefully.

Anyway, he was not in a hurry to go back to the beast land. He walked along the road to see if there were any other pretty-looking passer-bys, playing games with him like eunuchs and palace maids.

Think of it as replacing Zhao Miaozhu, otherwise the little flame in my heart won't go down.

With his departure, only Wu Long and Zhao Miaozhu were left in the restaurant.

Wu Long looked at Zhao Miaozhu, who was two blocks away from him, with an ugly expression on his face, and wanted to ask her if she had any thoughts about that "old thing", but thinking that he had nothing to do with him now, he could only bear with it. give up.

But what he didn't expect was that just when he was suppressing the anger in his heart, Zhao Miaozhu first restrained his smile, and said lightly:

……ask for flowers…

"This Lin Shengsheng has a different heart and is crazy. You can use him, but you must be on guard. You must deal with Yun Zhou soon, and you can't let him ruin things."

Wu Long was stunned by this sudden face change, "The whole person was dumbfounded.

Good guy, a woman's face can change as soon as it is said.

Just now he was chatting and laughing with Lin Sheng, but now he has a serious look, he is worthy of being the master of Dushengmen.

This kind of face-changing speed of the superior made Wu Long very dazed for a moment, unable to react at all.

But soon, he tasted Zhao Miaozhu's words carefully, and suddenly he had some aftertaste.


Zhao Miaozhu just talked and laughed with Lin Sheng on the surface, but in fact he was testing the other party's heart?

But at this moment, Zhao Miaozhu noticed Wu Long's eyes, looked over with cold eyes, a pair of willow eyebrows were tightly frowned, his eyes seemed to be looking at a mentally retarded person, "Sometimes I really doubt

With your brain, how did you lead the ancient beast land to this position. "

"Forget it... your intelligence doesn't matter to me, I just ask for one thing, the ancient beast land and the supernatural gate have already formed an alliance, I hope you can be smarter, and don't hold me back.

"I've already sent someone to find out. The real Lin Sheng has been intertwined with soul power and has become a subordinate. Now Lin Sheng's body is occupied by his great-grandson Lin Yuan!"

"How dare you accept Lin Sheng as the elder of the Ancient Beastland without investigating him? Are you Qilin-minded or Wanggou-brained?"

Zhao Miaozhu seemed to have figured out Wu Taki's masochist thoughts, his words were not polite at all, his contemptuous words were very ugly, and he didn't think of giving the other party face at all.

And just as she thought, Wu Long who heard this not only didn't look angry at all, but was stunned on his seat in a daze.


Well, Lin Sheng is quite famous among the hidden world forces.

He knew that the other party entered the ancient beast land, and he was quite happy in his heart. He never thought about investigating the other party at all. Usually, he would choose to believe what Lin Sheng said.

Looking at it this way, he is really a dog brain, and Zhao Miaozhu really scolded the factory right. .

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