Villain: Eavesdropping, the heroine collapses

Chapter 1668: She's Hinting At Me! It's Just Thinking About My Sister-In-Law! (Seeking Sub

But at this time, Zhao Miaozhu withdrew his contemptuous eyes, and continued indifferently:

"From the first time that Lin Yuan saw me, his eyes rarely looked away. This is bold; know you like me but still do not have any restraint, this is disrespectful. ;When looking at you with a little fear but no intention of obeying, this is lack of loyalty.

"Such an unfaithful, cowardly brat can even take away his great-grandfather, how dare you treat him as your confidant?"

After finishing speaking, she looked at Wu Taki faintly, and her eyes were full of the meaning of "I'm really unlucky to find an ally like you".

"Ah this..."

Wu Long froze for a moment.

Hearing Zhao Miaozhu's analysis, he felt deeply.

The beauty is right! "Four Eighty Zero"

Combined with Zhao Miaozhu's enthusiasm that is completely different from that of the past, Wu Taki has come to understand the taste.

His sweetheart was testing Lin Yuan just now, and Wu Long had no reason to doubt her words.

After all, Lin Sheng just now... no, he has seen Lin Yuan's performance.

Wu Long's detailed analysis revealed that Zhao Miaozhu was helping him test out Lin Yuan's true colors just now, so as to prevent him from being ruined by this guy when he dealt with Yun Zhou later.

Thinking of this, Wu Long heaved a long sigh in his heart, and at the same time blamed himself, Zhao Miaozhu was obviously helping him, but he still suspected her just now...

"Miaozhu, I'm sorry, I don't know people well, thanks to your reminder, otherwise I would not have known that Lin Sheng was taken away by his great-grandson..."

Wu Long sincerely apologized, but his face became colder and his tone became more unfriendly: "I've heard of this Lin Yuan before, but I didn't expect that he would be such a beast that he banned his great-grandfather. This kind of ancestor-killing generation really deserves to die..."

The Qilin family has always attached great importance to blood inheritance, and has always respected and flattered their ancestors. Lin Yuan's actions really made him feel annoyed.

More importantly, this bastard actually hit Zhao Miaozhu's head.

Combined with what Lin Yuan said to Zhao Miaozhu today, his expression became extremely indifferent, and he even directly assigned Lin Yuan to the column of Yun Zhou, thinking that these two bastards were his rivals in love.

"It's a shame that I treated him with sincerity, and treated him as a guest of the Ancient Beastland. I co-operate with this bastard who calls me my brother and brother on the surface, but secretly hides his tricks!"

"From this point of view, he is as abominable as that Yun Zhou, he is a damned person!"

Wu Long's voice was cold, obviously already thinking about how to deal with Lin Yuan.

But for a moment that he didn't notice, Zhao Miaozhu, who was sitting next to him, had a sarcastic smile on the corner of his mouth, but it was only fleeting, and the other party didn't notice it at all.

As the sect master of the most hidden force in the hidden world, Zhao Miaozhu didn't have the guilt of a little girl. Wu Ting's being tricked could only show that his brain was not bright, no wonder it was his own head.

And the reason why she came here today is because Yun Zhou met her through sound transmission before.

The request is very simple, while swallowing the ancient beast land, he must completely cut off all the back routes of that man named Lin Yuan.

Just like his plan, everything is developing according to the direction he said, without any flaws, which makes Zhao Miaozhu secretly sigh at the high skill of Yun Zhou.

An inexplicable fear arose in my heart.

This person, Yun Zhou, has reached the point of perfection in his understanding of human nature.

She had calculated Wu Long for a long time, and after learning that the other party had followed the head of the Lin family, she had a headache for a long time. After all, the cultivation of the head of the Lin family was not simple, and after a long time, she would definitely be Wu Long's right-hand man. , with him around, it will be more difficult to deal with Wu Taki.

But she didn't expect that this problem that troubled her for a long time was solved so easily by Yun Zhou.

Wu Long almost became a brother to Lin Yuan before, but now he regards Lin Yuan as an enemy on the spot.

And she just came over to have a meal from the beginning to the end, and she didn't even move her chopsticks. Song Shi had a few words with Guo Long.

For the rest, they all used the words Yun Zhou taught her, and she didn't even change a few words.

She knew in her heart that her acting skills were only one aspect of the problem, and more importantly, it was Yun Zhou's calculation of Wu Taki's character to the extreme, which made her tremble uncontrollably... ..

You know, Yun Zhou didn't show up from the beginning to the end, but he was able to firmly control the situation.

Wu Long and that Lin Yuan probably never imagined that Yun Zhou was secretly manipulating everything until their death.

It's just too scary.

Thinking about it, Zhao Miaozhu also secretly rejoiced in her heart. Fortunately, she did not choose to be an enemy with Yun Zhou before, otherwise she was afraid that she would be calculated to death in the end.

"It's getting late, and there are still details about dealing with Yun Zhou that have not been discussed. Miao Zhu shouldn't be going back to Dushengmen today, right?"

At this time, Wu Long suddenly looked at Zhao Miaozhu with expectation in his eyes, and asked tentatively.

After all, at this hour, there are still major issues to be discussed, Zhao Miaozhu probably won't leave, right?

Hearing this, Zhao Miaozhu's face returned to the usual indifferent expression, without the slightest emotional fluctuation, she shook her head slightly, and calmly said: "Yun Zhou's rise is too fast, we must start with him as early as possible, let's take care of the details today." Let's discuss."

"But it's too late now, and the place is a bit noisy, so let's find an inn first."

Then, Zhao Miaozhu got up directly, turned and left.

Seeing this, Wu Long felt a little lost. He thought about what the other party meant to discuss tomorrow morning, and wanted to keep the beauty for a while, but he didn't dare to force it.

But at this time, before Zhao Miaozhu was about to leave, 2.4 suddenly froze for a moment, and then heard the voice in his mind, and the corners of his mouth curled up.

Guy Yun Zhou, can't wait?

She stopped in her tracks, a smile flickered in her eyes, and then she pretended to be calm and said: "Dongshun Inn is quite quiet, and it is a good place to discuss important matters."

Hearing this, Wu Long's eyes flashed with hotness, and he was overjoyed.

Dongshun Inn......

My good fellow, Miaozhu is enlightened, she is hinting at me!

Seeing Zhao Miaozhu stepping away directly, the slender figure of her back made Hao almost couldn't resist giving birth to the doctor.

But he also knew in his heart that now was not the time to ponder these things, before the people escaped, he had to clean up the door first.

Thinking, he looked to the corner with a deep expression.

"Dark Lin..."

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