Villain: Eavesdropping, the heroine collapses

Chapter 1672: Elegance Is Just A Femme Fatale! Brother Wu, Come For A Drink? (Seeking Subscription)

The sudden appearance of something easily frightens the beauties, and Wu Long is also a group of people who are rough in appearance but delicate in heart.

He came to the stairs lightly, and went up step by step. After several twists and turns, he finally came to the outside of the room with candles.

Bang bang bang~!

"Miaozhu, I'm here."

"Come in by yourself."

Receiving the response, Wu Long's eyes lit up, he stopped talking nonsense, and directly opened the door to enter.

The moonlight is bright, the breeze blows outside the window, and the willow branches flutter with the wind, forming mottled shadows-.

On the table in the room, a pot of hot tea is steaming - the aroma.

On the seat next to her, a graceful and graceful figure was sitting here plainly, her face was white and flawless, her neck like a swan was fair and proud, and the hand holding the teacup was elegant and calm.

There was an intriguing smile on his usually cold expression, as if he had achieved some purpose.

Of course, this smile disappeared in a flash, and Hao didn't notice it at all.

"Sure enough, Miaozhu has me in her heart, knowing that I drank a lot of wine, and even made tea for me."

Seeing this scene, Wu Long looked overjoyed, and thought to himself that Zhao Miaozhu's talking about serious business was just reserved by his daughter's family, and the bright red bed sheet looked like a wedding room no matter what.

"Miao Zhu, what details do you want to talk about, hurry up and talk about it, there will be more business in a while."

Wu Long walked like a tiger, and came to the wine table with big strides, his expression was unspeakably excited and wretched, he sat on the chair and moved a few times, his heart was full of excitement.

Even the Qilin blood in the body is making a roar.

At this time, Zhao Miaozhu, who heard this, handed over a cup of tea. After watching Wu Taki drank it down, he had a strange playful expression on his face, and then put on a faint smile, "You're right. , Indeed, there is still business, but this business is different from what you think, and it is not me you are talking about, but my ally."


"Allies? Miaozhu, what do you mean? What allies?"

Until now, the smile on Wu Long's face finally froze. He only felt that after Zhao Miaozhu saw him, he was not as shy and happy as he thought. Instead, there was some mockery and irony in his expression.

And, does he think he is deaf?


Isn't she an ally of Miaozhu? What are you talking about? She has other allies?

"Hey, my ally is coming soon, you know him by the way, it's Yun Zhou, talk to him yourself.

Hearing Wu Taki's bewildered voice, Zhao Miaozhu didn't want to bother explaining what he was talking about.

At that moment, his face returned to the calm look before, his eyes were full of haughty indifference, and his tone didn't take Hao Long seriously.

"Yun Zhou!?"

Hearing this, Wu Long was stunned as if struck by lightning, his whole body was dumbfounded, and he was dumbfounded.

He couldn't believe that Zhao Miaozhu, who stood up for him at the Hidden World Banquet before, and came out to find him as an alliance despite offending others, would suddenly change faces with him, as if they were different people.

The coldness and mockery on his face are so strange, so mocking...

"Brother Wu Long, it seems that your shock is greater than your surprise, but you have nothing to be sad about, it's true that Miaozhu is waiting for me, but I am waiting for you.

At this time, an indifferent laugh suddenly came from behind, and a faint figure stepped forward outside the door.


The door opened, and White's figure looked handsome and evil under the light.

Seeing this person, the banter and sarcasm on Zhao Miaozhu's face disappeared immediately, replaced by a slightly humble look, "Yun Zhou, you are here.

If it was a few days ago, Zhao Miaozhu would not have admired Yun Zhou, but after seeing the opponent's every step of the way, she began to fear him from the bottom of her heart.

If he uses tricks on himself, he probably won't be able to live for a few days, right?

Hearing this, Yun Zhou nodded calmly, and then sat down at the table as if no one else was there.

After looking around, his eyes finally fell on the cup in front of Zhao Miaozhu.

Sure enough, the head of the Dusheng Sect is different from the little girl. Duan Ye, who poisoned the mouth of the cup, is sinister enough. Wu Long seems to have been tricked, but her own cup is very clean.

He smiled casually, then took the tea cup in front of Zhao Miaozhu, raised his hand to his mouth, "Well, it's not too late, the temperature of this tea is just right."

...... Ask for flowers‥

After finishing speaking, he drank the tea and did not forget to praise Zhao Miaozhu's tea-making skills, "Your lips and teeth are fragrant, and the taste of common fairy tea can be brewed by you, which is really amazing.

"Hehe, thank you for the compliment, but should you find a clean cup yourself? Who told you to use mine?" Zhao Miaozhu responded with a half-smile, and then stared at Yun Zhou with dead fish-like eyes.

"I know exactly what you mean, isn't it for safety, haha."

Yun Zhou laughed, then moved his gaze to the side, and asked with a light smile:

"Brother Wu Long has been standing since I came in, isn't he tired? Do you want to sit down and have a drink?"

At the sight, Wu Taki's expression was dull, and his eyes revealed a strong look of astonishment, as if he had seen some unbelievable scene.

In fact, it is true.

At this time, Wu Taki, after seeing the indifferent smile on Yun Zhou's face, was dumbfounded, as if someone had strangled his throat, the boss with his jaw dropped, but he couldn't make a sound. For a while, he was stuck there, his whole body was icy cold.

Just now he still had the last illusion, thinking that Zhao Miaozhu was deliberately joking, so as to test his courage.

But now, seeing his mortal enemy, Yun Zhou, sitting at the table so brightly, looking at him with an indifferent smile, his brain froze.

Unfortunately, he was still thinking that this tea was brewed for him.

Moreover, judging from Zhao Miaozhu's demeanor, he seemed to have fallen into someone's trap from the very beginning.

From the beginning to the end, Zhao Miaozhu cooperated with Yun Zhou to plot him and play tricks on him!

This made Wu Taki tremble with anger, his eyes were scarlet, and a terrifying murderous aura swept out, and the terrifying Qilin fire rose all over his body!

That flame has the power to burn everything, and it keeps flickering around the body. If it erupts completely, the entire inn will be completely burned to the ground!

Wu Long's last rationality prevented him from doing it directly. Although he believed in Zhao Miao's tricks, it didn't mean he was stupid, but he was kept in the dark all the time, and now he finally came to his senses.

"Yun Zhou—you are so damned... 1"

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