Villain: Eavesdropping, the heroine collapses

Chapter 1673 : The Planning Behind The Scenes Is Terrible! Yun Zhou Dominates Everything! (Seeking S

Wu Taki stared at the two of them with burning pupils, almost going crazy.

The endless anger turned into substance and lingered all over the body, just looking at it has a sense of sight that destroys everything.

From the time Yun Zhou showed up to the time he talked with Wu Taki, his eyes were always on him.

He drank tea and smiled to himself, his eyes filled with an indifferent smile, as if he didn't take Wu Taki's anger to heart at all.

"Brother Wu Long, don't be so angry. What else can you do with these flames other than bluff? Your realm is suppressed, not my opponent's. Why don't you sit down and have a drink and calm down.

Yun Zhou sat at the table indifferently, with the bright candlelight shining on his face, he had a feeling of being exiled to the world, but this method was not used by a serious immortal to "come out in seven, two, seven, four.

Hearing this, Wu Taki was startled, and then looked inside his Daohai, and saw a layer of golden light attached to the surface of the sea.

Obviously, there is something wrong with the tea he drank just now!

"You... are despicable!"

"Heh, survival of the fittest, so what's the point of despicability? Brother Wu Long has been in charge of the ancient beastland for ten thousand years. You must have used this kind of method a lot."

The disdain in Yun Zhou's eyes is fleeting. In the Immortal Realm, the weak are prey to the strong, and he has always been particular about being a soldier without being too deceitful. He can say the word "despicable". Song Neng said that Jilong himself is not true.


Seeing Yun Zhou's contemptuous look, Wu Taki wanted to open his mouth to curse, but he couldn't utter a single word.

Feeling the power constantly emerging from the opponent, Wu Long's heart sank continuously, and his hands and feet became cold unconsciously.

"Miao Zhu, brother Wu Long was invited by you anyway, pour him a cup of tea, it's enough to torment him by running here on such a late night."

Yun Zhou smiled lightly, and he didn't take Wu Taki seriously in his tone, just like the tone of the male master, which made Wu Taki's eyes purple with anger.

But Yun Zhou didn't care at all, in other words, he actually knew everything that happened tonight.

The reason why he didn't fight Wu Long at the hidden world banquet last time was that he hadn't figured out the opponent's combat power, and the other was that Anlin who was hiding at the banquet.

He is very sensitive to the capture of breath, if he really makes a move at the hidden world banquet, and the other party has An Lin to help him, he may not really be able to take advantage of it.

But now Wu Long sent An Lin out to capture Lin Yuan.

And Lin Yuan was protected by Lin Sheng's various life-saving cards, presumably An Lin would have to waste a lot of time if he wanted to capture him alive.

In this way, Yun Zhou has a lot of time to operate, and except for Wu Long himself and Zhao Miaozhu, no one else knows that he has come to the hidden world.

In this case, it's easy to do something or something.

As for Lin Yuan, he didn't take it seriously at all.

To be caught alive by An Lin is to be slaughtered by others, and if he escapes, he will become the biggest blamer for everything tonight.

After all, he was the last person to stay with Wu Long, and when he was delighted with Zhao Miaozhu, there were many hidden talents in the eyes.

As for the dark Lin who knew Lin Yuan wasn't there, he had to spend some time trying to kill him.

Of course, the plan is foolproof, but he personally still feels that the chances of An Lin being able to capture Lin Yuan alive are extremely small.

There is no other reason.

Just now Yun Zhou took the time to pay attention to Lin Yuan's side with his spiritual sense. Before An Lin rushed over, he clearly sensed a surging and vast power of heaven condensed into substance. According to his guess, it is likely that he has been spying My own way of heaven can't sit still.

Showing up is nothing more than two possibilities.

One, continue to place chips on Lin Yuan so that he can deal with himself.

Second, observe whether Lin Yuan is still worthy of raising chips, if not worth it, just throw it away.

Yun Zhou personally prefers the possibility of "Lin Yuan being abandoned by the Dao of Heaven", but no matter what it is, it is not easy for An Lin to take action against Lin Yuan.

In addition to paying attention to the Dao of Heaven, he also noticed Lin Yuan's life-protecting fairy treasures, each of which has the power to isolate the world, presumably it is the life-saving property that Lin Sheng has accumulated over the past ten thousand years.

That's why Yun Zhou prepared the second hand. Since he can't be a fish to be slaughtered by others, let him become a mouse that everyone shouts and beats

He knew that Lin Yuan had many tricks, but the entire Ancient Beast Land, even those with alliances, would not let him go easily, and this result was enough.

Shaking his head, he didn't think much about it. The reason why Yun Zhou discussed with Zhao Miaozhu and told her to trick Wu Long here was naturally not to show off with Wu Long to brag about himself.

Although he also felt that this attitude of controlling everything was very high and superior, but Yun Zhou still knew how to do business, and it was boring to pretend to be special.

This Wu Long is not dead now, how could he give Lin Yuan a big hat that could kill him?

Moreover, the task of annexing a Fang Yin world force is still there, and Yun Zhou can't wait to add another level of realm.

Therefore, on the whole, this Wu Long should also be sent to see the King of Hades.

"Okay, I'll pour him tea."

Hearing Yun Zhou's words, Zhao Miaozhu rolled his eyes at him lightly, then stood up.

Strolling to the front of Wu Taki, who was gnashing his teeth, his face black as carbon, and wishing to kill her with his eyes, he casually picked up the teapot and poured Wu Taki a cup of tea. His tone was calm and elegant. You should know that, compared to you, the Yun Zhou alliance is my best choice. "

While speaking, Zhao Miaozhu no longer had the peace he had before, and his words were full of indifference and contempt.

I am Nima, grass (plant)!

This wave of 1.2 can be described as murderous.

Wu Long saw it, and when he heard this, his whole body trembled angrily, and he couldn't help but want to slap her to death with Qilin's slap!

How could I be so stupid as to treat Zhao Miaozhu as an ordinary daughter?

But if he hadn't witnessed Zhao Miaozhu's true colors with his own eyes tonight, he probably would never have thought that the other party had such ruthless methods in his life.

"Zhao Miaozhu, you are so clever. On the surface, you are allied with me, but in fact it is to plot against me... It's just that I don't understand. I think I treat you sincerely. No grudges, why did you treat me like this?!"

Wu Long's voice was hoarse, revealing a terrifying feeling on the verge of madness.

It's just a pity that Zhao Miaozhu didn't give him a chance to attack at all, and never thought of explaining...

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