Villain: Eavesdropping, the heroine collapses

Chapter 412: A serious chapter! Strange Xiao Ning'er! (Subscribe)

Hearing this, a few girls look at me, I look at you, and finally nodded in agreement:

"That's right, we can't make it difficult for Sister Duoduo to look at the face of the Buddha without looking at the monk's face."

"Yes, Sister Duoduo is also our suzerain now. Although the sect was only established recently, the etiquette must not be abandoned, and the suzerain must not be embarrassed."

"Well, we'll pretend in a while."

"Okay, I just took the opportunity to test what kind of person the rumored Yun Shengzi is."

Seeing that these people were successfully brought on the right track, Xiao Shuang'er was also relieved in her heart.

Reasonably speaking.

She is also curious about Yun Zhou.

After all, she knows Zhang Duoduo, the other party is not an impulsive person, and he will never praise people without reason.

"Seven-five-zero" Since she invited Yun Zhou to be this counselor, she must have her reasons.

Although she hasn't seen Yun Zhou now, she doesn't know what is in him worthy of Zhang Duoduo's respect.

But this did not affect her cognition of Zhang Duoduo.

Therefore, now she is disgusted with "the rumored Yun Zhou" on the one hand, and is more curious about him.

At this time, the door was pushed open.

Xiao Ning'er and Zhang Duoduo walked in together.

Glancing at a few pretty girls of Yingyingyanyan, Zhang Duoduo didn't give a chance to ask questions, and said directly:

"Yun Zhou is here, he is outside now, his status in Lingduo Sect will be higher than mine in the future, remember to be polite when you see him later.

Hearing this, several girls present were stunned.

The girl next to Xiao Shuanger raised her head and asked: "Isn't he a counselor? How can he have a higher status than the suzerain?"

Zhang Duoduo glanced at her, "Why can't he still be my senior brother? Do you have an opinion?"

The girl was startled and shook her head quickly: "No, no opinion."

Zhang Duoduo then turned his eyes away, glanced at these people and said, "You guys are ready to go out and meet him."

"He will go to the Tianyu Dynasty in two days, this time he will be familiar with it first. 97

Of course, the girls had no objection and left the room one after another.

But just as Xiao Shuanger was about to leave, Zhang Duoduo held her back.

"What's wrong?" Xiao Shuang'er looked over with some doubts.

Zhang Duoduo looked serious, looked at her and glanced at Xiao Ning'er, who was also puzzled, and said seriously:

"I'll talk to you first, and when I get along with Yun Zhou in the future, I can only treat him as a counselor, and I'm not allowed to have any unreasonable thoughts about him! 22

"Otherwise, I will expel you from Lingduo Sect in the future, and no friends will have to do it!

Hearing this, Xiao Shuang'er looked confused, and when she came back to her senses, she couldn't help crying: "Duoduo, what nonsense are you talking about?

"I'm not interested in people like Yun Zhou, I feel disgusted even just listening to his rumors, how could I have a bad opinion of him?

"And I haven't even seen his portrait now, you're kidding me.

At this time, Xiao Shuanger only thought that Zhang Duoduo was teasing her with words.

But she never thought that the other party was looking at her with an unprecedented seriousness:

"I want you to remember what you said today.

Seeing her so serious, Xiao Shuang'er was also taken aback for a moment, then nodded, "Don't worry, I promise."

Hearing this, Zhang Duoduo moved his gaze to Xiao Ning'er's face again.

Xiao Ning'er was so frightened that she quickly responded, "I promise."

After getting the promise, Zhang Duoduo sighed.

no way.

In the entire Lingduo Sect, including everyone, these two are the greatest threat!

In terms of appearance, none of them are much worse than her.

And they are sisters.

- Sun and her robbed, she may not be able to rob.

But soon, Zhang Duoduo was frightened by his own thoughts, and was shocked:

"Why am I afraid that they will rob Yun Zhou??"

All right.

This question is more of a priority.

Why are you afraid that they will rob Yun Zhou?

Because she regards Yun Zhou as a treasure!

But she couldn't figure out the answer for the time being.

Without giving her much time to think about it, Xiao Shuang'er's eyes became a little strange, then her beautiful eyes turned and suddenly asked:

"Duoduo, you are so afraid that Ning'er and I will have bad thoughts about Yun Zhou. Could it be like him?"

Zhang Duoduo's white and pretty face suddenly turned red, and he was speechless...

In this state, fools can see what's going on!

Sister Xiao Shuang'er looked at each other with shock in their eyes.

Zhang Duoduo is notorious for his eyes higher than the top, but he actually likes Yun Zhou?

This time, the curiosity of the two sisters could not be suppressed.

Xiao Shuang'er raised her beautiful brows and said softly, "I heard that Saint Yun's reputation is not very good, Duoduo, can you tell me what you like about him?

Zhang Duoduo was silent for a while, then shook his head: "The rumors are just illusions.

"The real thing is that he doesn't have the air to treat people very well, and his talent and talent are rare in the world.

"Even as a genius, I don't think of myself as superior to others, and I am free and peaceful..."

"And he has a very strange magic power that will make people take the initiative to approach. 99

"Forget it, you don't understand it, but you'll know when you get along with him for a long time in the future..."

Xiao Shuang'er pursed her lips, "Yun Shengzi can get Duoduo's praise from you, I think the rumors are true and false, in this case, my sister and I will check for you.


A tinge of red appeared on Zhang Duoduo's delicate face.

On the other hand, sister Xiao Shuang'er was even more curious.

Especially Xiao Ning'er, her originally "polite" expression gradually became a little thoughtful.

Yun Zhou, she just met.

To be honest, it is difficult to criticize whether it is in terms of speech or appearance.

But these two things can also deceive those rich girls who don't care about the world.

How could it be possible to deceive Zhang Duoduo?


Zhang Duoduo, she understands.

Although she is a Tsundere and has the temperament of a young lady, she actually knows a lot.

It is by no means that a few words or a few plays can win the hearts and minds.

To make her senses so good...

It seems that this rumor must be true.

Thinking of this, the "polite" look on Xiao Ning'er's face lightened a bit, her eyes were gleaming with her head lowered, she wondered what she was thinking...

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