Villain: Eavesdropping, the heroine collapses

Chapter 413 : Normal communication? You tie your buttons and talk! (Subscribe)

a while.

Zhang Duoduo and the two women said a few more words, and then left first.

Xiao Shuang'er chatted with her sister.

They were not in a hurry to get out.

After all, Zhang Duoduo is a very good friend of the two.

The husband who wants to help her guard the future can't just deal with it casually.

Zhang Duoduo walked out of the room alone and looked around to find Yun Zhou.

As a result, Yingying and Yanyan were everywhere in this circle, and I didn't even see Yun Zhou's shadow.

"Huh? Where did the people go?"

Zhang Duoduo was a little confused.

It took her a quarter of an hour to go in until now.

Why did the cloud disappear?

Could it be that those girls came out and said something to him, so he got angry and walked away?

Thinking of this, Zhang Duoduo was a little anxious.

The four outer circles began to scan the few girls who had just been in the room.

That's right.

She heard it before entering the room just now, these guys are very hostile to Yun Zhou!

"If it's really because of them, kick them all out of Lingduo Sect!

Zhang Duoduo made up his mind, looked around carefully, and was suddenly stunned.

I saw a group of beautiful women gathered in the corner of the top floor.

Among them, there were a few people who had just been in the room.

Zhang Duoduo was a little puzzled and walked over with a frown.

Before she could get close, the soft voice came over:

"Saint Yun~ Help me see, where is the bottleneck of my cultivation? 59

"em, you are quite big... No, your cultivation base must be big, ahem, I said it must be high, and it is hoped that you will break through the enlightenment realm in the future."

"Yeah, really, does Yun Shengzi have any exercises that are suitable for the little girl? Teach the little girl~"

"Get up and go, go and make a fool of yourself, Yun Shengzi~ it's my time, it's my time.

"Hey, here's your arm, look at mine."

"Don't look at them, Holy Son Yun, help me take a look first,~.

Zhang Duoduo stood outside the circle, and when she got close, she saw Yun Zhou sitting in the middle chair.

The four outer circles are surrounded by all the ladies of the Lingduo Sect.

Suddenly, Zhang Duoduo's face darkened.

Delicious food for your bones?

Brother, can you control it?

Is that how you control it??

the other side.

Yun Zhou, who was sitting inside, felt a murderous aura inexplicably.

Well, although weak, it is indeed murderous.

He looked up along the source, and instantly saw Zhang Duoduo with a dark face.

Immediately he stood up and said with a smile:

"That's it for today, and I'll show you the fate after I return from the Tianyu Dynasty after a while.

As soon as the words fell, Yun Zhou's figure disappeared instantly.

When he appeared again, he was already at Zhang Duoduo's side.

A group of Yingyingyanyan suddenly became unhappy:

"Send it away, Saint Son Yun. You haven't shown it to me yet."

Have seen it all.

"I gave you my arms, and you put them on, why don't you look at them?"

Zhang Duoduo's face turned green when he heard it, and he said: "Whatever you want to see, let me go to the seat and sit down!"

The angry shout from the vase leader immediately startled a group of eldest ladies.

When he saw Zhang Duoduo's face, he was too frightened to say a word.

I honestly went to the seats on both sides and sat down properly.

Zhang Duoduo glanced at them, and then looked at Yun Zhou with beautiful eyes, and said with anger:

"Didn't you say that beauty eats your muscles and bones, so you can control it? 19

Yun Zhou said seriously, "You can keep it under control."

"Did you misunderstand something? I just communicated with them normally."

"Normal communication?" Zhang Duoduo almost laughed angrily:

"You fasten the buttons on your jacket and talk!"


Yun Zhou twitched the corners of his mouth awkwardly, fastened the top two buttons, and muttered in his heart:

【When did this button get unfastened, how come I don't know?)

[ Damn it!」

[This group of female perverts, they started to move their feet as soon as they met me. )

[To secretly unbutton me, tui, shameless!]

Hearing this, Zhang Duoduo glared at him.

Who can have you cheeky?

You don't let them mess around, have they approached you?

She hummed in her nasal voice, and then asked, "Tell me, what's going on?

Yun Zhou put his hands together, "They were curious about how far they could cultivate in the future, so I helped them check their fate out of kindness. 22

Hearing this, Zhang Duoduo was startled, "My dear, you are omnipotent, do you still see fate?

"Don't talk about it, I'm not a fortune-telling cultivator, how can I read that stuff?" Yun Zhou shrugged.

Zhang Duoduo was stunned.

", "You can't watch, why do you help them watch? 99

Yun Zhou: "I just calculated based on their bones and Taoism."

Zhang Duoduo: "Yesterday's calculation?"

Yun Zhou raised his eyebrows, "It's simple, just touch the veins on the arm and figure it out.

Zhang Duoduo was stunned when he heard the words, "Isn't the vein just pressing the wrist? You touch your arm..."

Speaking of this, she suddenly reacted to something and stared at Yun Zhou:

"Then don't you want durians openly and honestly?

Yun Zhou: "Hush—Is that all seen?"

Zhang Duoduo: "..."

All right.

Regarding Yun Zhou "Don't admit Bilian".

Zhang Duoduo is also helpless.

I want to hit him, but I can't.

I want to scold him twice, there is no reason.


She has nothing to do with Yun Zhou now!

(Zhao Li's) So, she didn't have any tricks.

Yun Zhou could only look at him angrily, and then limped onto the main seat.

At this time, Xiao Ning'er and Xiao Shuang'er came out.

"Sister Frost.

"elder sister."

"Sister Ning'er, sit down."

A group of ladies graciously offered their seats to Sister Xiao Shuang'er.

And Yun Zhou followed these voices and looked over.

Looking at each other, Xiao Shuang'er was stunned.

Just like people are naturally attracted to beautiful things, Xiao Shuang'er is no exception.

At this moment, if she was asked to rate Yun Zhou's appearance, it would definitely be a full score.

Growing up, she has never seen such a handsome person!

Suddenly, she realized why Zhang Duoduo, a person with eyes above the top, was attracted to Yun Zhou.

It is clear.

If you don't look at anything else, just this face alone, few female cultivators can resist! Consciousness,

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