Villain: Eavesdropping, the heroine collapses

Chapter 845 : The Short-Term Protection Maniac Moon Cicada! Extremely T-Turned Cute! (Seeking Subscr

Especially this woman in front of me!

The terrifying and tyrannical Moweiguang just stood there and couldn't stop coming out wantonly!

That frighteningly powerful aura is probably stronger than those two women I met just now!

Although he is sure that he can win alone.

But God knows if she has any help!?

grass (plant)!

Haotu people are most willing to bully people in groups!

"No need?"

The smile on Yue Chan's face became brighter and brighter: "You may have misunderstood something, I invited you to be a guest, not discussing with you.

Hearing this, the third elder frowned slightly, and a bad premonition grew in his heart.

However, there was still a smile on his face, and he asked tentatively:

"I don't know what this devil friend means?"

Moon Cicada's delicate face is as calm as usual, and there is a kind of sickness flickering in her eyes:

"It's no problem for you to find your young master, but if you step into the demon realm of this seat, the problem will be even bigger...This seat has a habit, anyone who can threaten this seat enters my demon realm, must Save your life!"

060 "Now that you have come to my Demon Realm, you just want to take the people in my power to retreat, but there is no such thing as a good thing."

The news of the coming from Xianyu did not cause any waves in the eyes of ordinary people, but for Wu Zhao, Yan Yi, Yue Chan and others, it was the existence that could be noticed immediately.

Originally, the visitors from this fairyland were aimed at the imperial dynasty, so Yuechan naturally didn't care.

As long as someone from Xianyu can help her solve Wu Zhao's trouble, she would be very happy.

In the end, I didn't expect that I just watched the scene of the little cute demon, and I was sweeping it with my spiritual sense, and this old thing actually appeared in my demon realm!

This is something Yue Chan can't accept.

Just like a clean freak can't see garbage, she also doesn't like disgusting things in her power.

Moreover, the direction this disgusting thing is going to is the Extreme North Demon Realm!

If he is left alone, what if he meets a cutie?

If this kind of old thing is not handled well, it will do something to the little cutie!

Therefore, it is dangerous, it is better for her to clean up first.

First peel this old thing and make it cramp, and then let him drag his crippled body to find their young master.

Hearing Yue Chan's words, the third elder trembled, and his face became a little unsightly.

It is clear.

These words are clearly aimed at him!


It's bad enough to meet two T-shaped female dolls in the lower world, but then I met a female devil again?

It's really fatal!

For a moment, he was inexplicably aggrieved.

Originally, his cultivation base was not very good, and he was able to get the position of the third elder in Linmen of Immortal Realm entirely because of his ability to do things.

It's the same this time, I originally thought that Lai Haotu could walk sideways, and he could pretend to be a wave while picking up the young master.

Let the prestige of the Linmen of the Immortal Domain shock the lower realm of Haotu.

Unexpectedly, Bee didn't pretend, but was bullied one after another!

First there were two outrageous women, and then I met this devil...

Now, he suddenly felt a little regretful, and cursed inwardly:

"I'm such a fool, I want to have a good relationship with the young master, I can wait for others to bring the young master back, I'm looking for an opportunity! This is good, I've brought myself in!"

"This female devil, no matter how you look at it, she doesn't seem to be easy to provoke!"

The third elder let out a long breath, pretending to be calm and said: "My fellow demons misunderstood, my young master of the Lin Sect is not a member of the demonic way, and does not belong to the forces of the demon friends."

"If the demon friend minds the old man stepping into your power, I can wait outside the demon realm for my young master to come out..."


Yue Chan chuckled, and the sickness in her eyes became more and more obvious: "Everyone from the power of the Demon Realm is a demon. If your young master is not a member of the Demon Dao, why is he here in this seat?"

"Speaking of which, what's the name of your family Shaoqu?"

When the third elder heard this, he quickly replied: "Lin Yuan!"


Immediately, Moon Cicada's expression became a bit exciting!

Her shining beautiful eyes stared at the third elder: "It turns out that the bastard who opposed Xiao Zhouzhou is your young master!"


Xiao Zhouzhou didn't say anything.

Who are you calling a dog??

But at this time, Yue Chan's beautiful eyes were lowered, and she didn't know what she was thinking, but the expression on her face became more and more T-shaped!

She lowered her head for a long time, murmuring:

"If I break his tendons, let him go to find that Lin Yuan slowly...

emm... crawling, he must be interesting. "

"And if the little cutie knows that the helper of the mortal enemy has turned into a reptile, she will definitely be very happy........."

Muttering in her mouth, the excited light in Yue Chan's eyes became more and more intense.

The ghostly figure of the Demon Lord behind him turned into reality, as if the aura from the wildness rushed in, making one's scalp tingle!

The third elder subconsciously twitched his mouth and took a step back, with vigilance in his eyes:

"Why do you want to kill all the demon friends? I am not in conflict with you, but I just pass by here, so I won't go to war with you, right?"

"But your young master and my little cutie are mortal enemies~"

Yue Chan tilted her head, her cute expression was extremely cute.

But in the eyes of the third elder, this expression made his scalp tingle.

This tm, what is this little cute article!?

For some reason, he felt that the woman in front of him was scarier than those two crazy women!

And my brain doesn't seem to be working!

It's scary!!

"This... a little friction between young people is normal."

The third elder sneered: "If the demon friend let me find the young master today, I will definitely bring the young master to you...Little cutie apologizes.

"If the demon friend thinks it's not enough, the old man is willing to make an apology to make your little cutie satisfied."

This is an old man who is several thousand years old.

I feel so ashamed to say the three words "little cute" out of nowhere!

But the third elder has nothing to do.

If he was in his heyday, he might not have to be so sloppy when he met this moon cicada, and he might even have a stronger winning rate.

But the current situation is different.

Not long ago, he had just finished fighting those two women from the lower world, and he was running out of power.

At this time, if he fights with this female devil and does not report his determination to die, it will be difficult for him to guarantee victory.

Then take the young master home, can you still risk your life?

Don't talk nonsense!.

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