Villain: Eavesdropping, the heroine collapses

Chapter 846: The Jade Pendant Trapped By Monsters! The Cutie Is For 'Pain'! (Seeking Subsc


Hearing the heartfelt words of the third elder.

Yue Chan seemed to be moved by the talk, her beautiful eyes sparkled, and she suddenly smiled:

"Since you have said so, I am not an aggressive person, so, what apology you can offer now, hand it over first.

The third elder heaved a sigh of relief.

As long as you can talk, talk about everything.

Bankruptcy and disaster relief!

Although his wealth was almost taken by those two greedy women.

But there are still two left in the family~, which can come in handy.

Thinking about it, he took out a jade pendant from his sleeve robe, and said reluctantly:

"This is what the old man got when he slayed Dao-proof monsters in the Immortal Realm."

"It was transformed by the dao body of the monster, and its monster soul was imprisoned in it."

"You can recognize the master with a drop of blood. After recognizing the master, this monster can be used by its master..."

After finishing speaking, he stretched out his hand to attract a gentle breeze, wrapped the jade pendant and sent it out.

At the same time, he was still a little bit pained, and cursed inwardly:

Sure enough, they are savage women from the lower realm, each of them is greedy to death!

She's just a bandit!!

Yue Chan took the jade pendant, her eyes brightened slightly.

She was worrying about tying up the little cutie, how could she make the little cutie happy.

In the end, this good thing was delivered!

Seeing Yuechan's overjoyed look, the elder said.

tui, I have never seen the world!

Contemptuous in his heart, he had a smile on his face:

"Okay, demon friend, the apology has been given to you, the old man can go to the young master, don't worry, demon friend, the old man will never stay soon, you only need to give me half an hour, the old man will be able to take the young master away, Never disturb the demon friends..."

Before the voice was over, Yuechan suddenly interrupted.

She smiled sickly: "No!"

"I have changed my mind, I still want to kill you."

"Ah this..."

"Moyou, isn't it a little too unreasonable for you to contradict your promise?"

The third elder's smile froze, and he stared blankly at Yuechan.

But the expression on Yue Chan's face was still a bit bloodthirsty, and he jokingly said: "Which demon have you ever heard is reasonable? This seat is the master of the demon, isn't it normal to be unreasonable?"

"How about this, you and I will fight to the death, if you win, I will die."

"If you lose, if I don't kill you, I will abolish your cultivation, cut off your hands and feet, cut seventy or eighty wounds on your body, sprinkle a lot of salt, and then tie your mouth with a magic rope , and then let you go, how?"

The third elder's face twitched when he heard it!

It’s okay to be unreasonable, “She’s still a mutant!

Such a lunatic, how could he fight her?

Just listening to her talk makes my scalp tingle!

The third elder's eyes shone brightly, and he decided not to pester him anymore, and was ready to leave at any time.

But before he could escape, suddenly, a black glow struck from the void.

Without giving him time to react, it wrapped around his arm with a thunderous force.

Hovering like a poisonous snake, it disappeared in the blink of an eye!

At the same moment, Moon Cicada's suddenly dull voice came:

"While this seat is still interested, you still have a chance to fight to the death with this seat, otherwise this seat will use the power of the demon realm to trap you, and then let hundreds of demons trap you in front of your face The young master's avatar cannibalize!"


The third elder's eyes were as gloomy as water.

Although he is patient everywhere, it is also an expedient measure, which does not mean that he has no temper!

Seeing that this matter could not be avoided, he let it go.

The struggle of life and death does not mean that he is afraid!

After the passage of time, the power in his body has recovered to a seventy-eight eighty-eight, and at this time, it is not necessarily who will die when he meets this crazy witch.

But if she is made to attack the young master in a frenzy, once Lin Di blames him, he will have good fruit to eat!

"If you want to fight, then come."

The third elder took a deep breath, his eyes returned to indifference, and a look of disdain appeared on his old face again.

He didn't believe it anymore, two female evildoers could not fight together, but one female devil could turn the world upside down?

After sinking his heart, a "crane cry" came from the sky.

The blue light flashes all over his body, and the long gown automatically buzzes when there is no wind!

The martial arts that belonged exclusively to Linmen were mobilized to the strongest, the surging power surged, the whole mountain trembled, and even the gloomy mist was pierced by the dazzling blue light.

Seeing this, Yue Chan's eyes gradually became excited: "Come on, I just want to see if the people in the Immortal Realm are really invincible!"


A black glow flashed across her pupils, and endless coercion descended instantly.

Immediately afterwards, a dark long knife formed in his hand, and a terrifying murderous aura permeated the air.

The devilish energy in the void seemed to sense the murderous aura of the blade, and the mist shrouded in layers, condensing on the blade, and the black and gray colors complemented each other for a while.

"Little cutie can use me to "pain", but you can use it to kill..."

Yue Chan looked at the blade and murmured softly, then swung the blade fiercely.


The sky seemed to be torn apart, and the faintly bright white light was cut open, revealing a streak of pitch black!


With this knife, the whole sky became much darker.

The magic land that has no sunlight all year round is even more gloomy, as if it is the darkness in the daytime, and everything reveals a cold killing intent!

The excitement on Yue Chan's face was intense, and it seemed that no energy was used at all for this knife.

Light and fluffy but with supreme power!

It seems that the avenue is simple, without any fancy, just a saber energy attacking away!

But the terrifying aura contained on it seems to be able to destroy the world!

For a moment, the disdainful demeanor of the third elder suddenly became solemn, his narrowed eyes and wrinkled old face all explained a little bit.

This is a stepping stone, it is not easy!

Coming from the Immortal Realm, he has a strong comprehension of Taoism. This knife looks ordinary at first glance, but the magic charm contained in it makes even him tremble!

A breath of avenue burst out, and the third elder planned to dodge the knife with his speed.

But this saber energy seemed to have eyes, and locked him firmly!

The magic energy is locked, if you can't avoid it, let's fight!

Almost in an instant, a bright brilliance suddenly bloomed in his hand!

Then he turned around and drew a circle on his chest with one hand.


The dao light flickered, and in the blink of an eye, it turned into a round of yin and yang gossip across the chest, and the power of the vast avenue was surging, faintly revealing a fairy spirit!

Just at this moment, the magic knife slammed down!

The moment the gossip collided with the magic energy, the world seemed to be quiet for a moment!

Then, terror strikes Four!.

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