Villain: Eavesdropping, the heroine collapses

Chapter 847: Moon Cicada's True Combat Strength! Yun Zhou, The Second Most Talented In Ancient


The crackling sound trembled and shocked the entire Demon Realm!

Birds and beasts fled in all directions, and the boundless barren mountains trembled!

The air wave is wrapped in dust and splashes, the sky and the earth are still, and the tyrannical breath explodes!

In just an instant, the yin and yang gossip in front of the third elder instantly shattered, and a terrifying power surged in terror, attacking with a strong murderous aura!

And the power of the magic knife did not diminish at all, and it fell towards his body!


The third elder raised his right hand, flashed a white light, and put on a Dao Qi shield to completely cover himself, trying to block this terrifying power.

But everything is still in vain!

The moment the knife glow touched the shield, there was a sound like a cracking egg!

Then, the shield exploded!

The terrifying sword light passed directly over him!

All the way up, straight to the sky, the sky seems to be torn apart!


The third elder's pupils condensed into needle noses, a mouthful of blood spewed out, and the whole person stood there sluggishly, with blood gushing out from the seven orifices.

He glanced in disbelief at the terrifying wound that was bleeding profusely, and his expression was dull!


As soon as the blow fell, the mountain peak under his feet trembled, and then it shattered and cracked, and fell to the ground with a bang!

The barren mountain, which was more than a thousand feet high, was cut into two halves by this sword light!

One knife, so terrifying!!

I don't know how long it took, Kongyu scattered.

The figure of the moon cicada walked out of it, without disturbing the dust.

With a playful smile on her face, she looked at the boulder that was close at hand:

"It's useless to play dead."

As soon as the words fell, the third elder unsteadily pushed the boulder away, and stood up dragging his heavy body.

When she saw the long knife in Yue Chan's hand, her heart shivered!

He knew that the woman in front of him was stronger than those two savage women he met before, but he didn't expect to be so strong!

Just one blow is almost as powerful as those two!

The third elder's eyes were gloomy, and he quietly clenched his fists.

At this scene, I can only escape first.

Although this woman is only at the middle stage of the second level of the Proving Dao Realm, compared to her real combat power, she can't beat her.

At the same time, in Tianmo Mountain.

With a loud noise, the entire Tianmo Mountain began to tremble violently.

In the inheritance ground, Ling Weiyang and Shangguan Wan'er staggered, barely stopped their figures, and looked around in shock.

This magical power...

Just when they were a little dazed and prepared to protect Yun Zhou.

There was a sudden sigh in my ear:

[This tm..... Even if you want to have a good dream...】

The two goddesses froze for a moment, then looked behind them with a touch of joy.

Next, Bengbu accessories!

I saw that Yun Zhou's body was full of light, and the golden light that came from nowhere actually enveloped his whole body!

Then, a misty fairy energy surged, like a scorpion, engulfing him, and the breath suddenly rose!

The consummate talent of Emperor Realm, and the instillation of talent promotion, a wave of chaos exploded from Yun Zhou's Dao Sea!

Suddenly, his body soared into the air, his clothes moved automatically without wind, and his breath soared.

The Dao Sea in the body surged as vast as a river, and a piercing roar suddenly erupted in the body!

The golden light blooms from the whole body, illuminating the entire inheritance site like a scorching sun!

A loud bang exploded in the body, the meridians of the limbs were unobstructed, and a sense of the great way that had never been felt in the heart.

The corner of Yun Zhou's mouth curled up.

Immortal Emperor level talent!

The second person in ancient and modern times!!

To be honest, Yun Zhou himself didn't expect to be able to awaken this talent.

According to the original records, the only one who possesses the talent of the Immortal Emperor level is the Immortal Emperor himself.

To put it bluntly, this level of realm also belongs to the emperor realm, but it is different from the emperor realm.

Become an emperor, live the same life as heaven and earth, and be at peace with heaven!

[Hmm... I didn't expect that this aptitude improvement pill would be really useful to me. 】

【Is this a surprise?】

[Tsk, if this wave stabilizes, it's probably not far from stepping on the way of heaven. 】

Thinking about it, the smile on Yun Zhou's face became even bigger.

The improvement of his aptitude this time allowed him to break through the shackles, allowing him to successfully step into the ranks of half-step Proving the Dao!

And besides that, he also filtered his Dao Soul to make it extremely pure.

No matter how fast he enters later, his foundation will not be loosened!

Half-step to prove the realm of Dao, the vast land is unparalleled!

Feeling the surging power in his body, the corners of Yun Zhou's mouth curled up.

According to the original text, the Immortal Emperor Dujie intends to control the way of heaven, and has disappeared for three thousand years, and there is no news so far.

If he has also reached the level of Immortal Emperor, relying on the luck that surpasses the way of heaven, coupled with the law of ten thousand ways, it is probably not difficult to step on the way of heaven.

Ling Weiyang and Shangguan Wan'er looked at Yun Zhou, turned their heads to one side, and their delicate faces were flushed.

It's not because Yun Zhou was born handsome, and his aura improved after he improved his aptitude.

just because of.………

He has no clothes on!

Well, it's not that I didn't wear it, it's just that my qualifications have just improved, which has led to an increase in strength.

The aura of half-step proving the Tao surged, and the clothes were stretched open.

Unable to stop glancing at Yun Zhou's direction, Ling Weiyang spit secretly:

..." Brother Yun hasn't noticed it yet? Bah, it's scary, do you want to remind him.~?"

Shangguan Wan'er also lowered her head, her face flushed:

"This, this, this Deng Tuzi, General Ling is still on the side, this, tell him about it?"

The two women had their own concerns, and both wanted to remind Yun Zhou, but they opened their mouths, but they still didn't know how to bring it up.

Say your clothes are broken? How embarrassing.

At this time, Yun Zhou also seemed to sense something was wrong.'s just cool.

He looked down, and then:


Ouch! Where's my clothes!?

Yun Zhou looked at the two Shangguan Wan'er who were sneaking over from behind him from time to time, and the corners of his mouth twitched uncontrollably.

Then with a smile, he took out the clothes from the storage ring and put them on swaggeringly.

None of them are outsiders, and there is nothing to avoid others.

However, the shirt is not half worn yet!


Another burst of surging demonic energy!

Yun Zhou's complexion changed, and he didn't care about wearing clothes anymore.

Immediately, with a flash, he carried Shangguan Wan'er on his shoulders, and then looked at Ling Weiyang Shi.

After saying "Run", he suddenly disappeared into the inheritance ground. .

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