Villain: Eavesdropping, the heroine collapses

Chapter 848: This Is What A Scumbag Thinks, Yun Zhoumenqing~! (Seeking Subscription)

The surrounding scene turned into an afterimage.

When it reappeared, it had already left the inheritance place and reached the top of Tianmo Mountain.

In times of crisis, the weak must be rescued first.

Ling Weiyang has the strength to prove the Dao realm, so nothing will happen.

And Yun Zhou believes that Xiao Yangyang is not so stingy.

The figure flickered.

Feeling the temperature below, Shangguan Wan blushed like a cooked prawn:

"Yun, King Yun, you, you haven't put on your clothes yet, let me down quickly, General Ling is still behind, it's too embarrassing."

Yun Zhou:???

He carried Shangguan Wan'er and escaped from the inheritance place, with question marks all over his head.

Your life is gone after you're done, so you're afraid of being ashamed?

Yun Zhou said angrily and amusedly: "I've burst into clothes after entering the country, and I've already changed into half of my underwear. Why are you so shy?"

"Hold on, don't move!"

"But, but..."

Shangguan Wan'er moved her body, her face was still a little red.

Although she knew that the magic power was tyrannical, it was a bit embarrassing to be carried away like this.

"I told you to be honest!"

Yun Zhou looked impatient, and just followed Shangguan Wan'er's PG.

There was a "snap".

Shangguan Wan'er's world seemed to be quiet.

"King Yun, you, you, you, your apprentice

The voice became weaker as it went to the back, Shangguan Wan'er pursed her red lips and her face flushed, she was completely honest.

As if all her strength had been drained, she lay exhausted on Yun Zhou's shoulder, motionless.

Beautiful eyes, red lips whispering with a little grievance: "Yun big brother ~ you bully me"

I think you wish I could bully you!

Yun Zhou twitched his skin, then came to the mountainside of Tianmo Mountain and put her down.

Then, shaking his neck, he walked behind him again.

Shangguan Wan'er was a little confused: "Why are you going?"

Yun Zhou gave her a funny look: "The mountain is about to collapse, can I just take you and ignore Xiao Yangyang?"


Shangguan Wan'er tilted her head: "With General Ling's cultivation, even if the devilish energy knocks down the mountain, she can still come out."

"It's different."

Yun Zhou shook his head seriously and said: "Even if there are some things that women will not be in danger, men must show their faces!"

"This is the heart of picking up girls... No, this is the Heart Sutra of a good man!"


Shangguan Wan'er's eyes were clouded.

She wanted to go with Yun Zhou, but when she saw the big hand raised with the other's back facing her, her face turned red and she quickly covered her back!


"Why did he strike so hard..."

With the powerful confrontation between Yuechan and the third elder of Linmen in Xianyu, the entire Demon Realm was in turmoil!

It even affected the Tianmo Mountain, an extremely northern demon land hundreds of miles away!

At this time, at the foot of Tianmo Mountain.

A gust of wind howled.

Several figures landed together.

They were followed by nearly a hundred demons, and the leader of the demons couldn't hide his excitement when he arrived here and looked at the demon who reported the news:

"Where is the Holy Son of the Invincible Sect?"


The devil pointed to the top of Tianmo Mountain.

The leader nodded, then looked around: "Why is it just you and the others?"

"Oh, they, look at the few people sent by the devil to guard the devil's land."

"Huh?" The leader of the devil was slightly taken aback: "The guard of the devil's land?"

"Take me over there to have a look."



Deep in the jungle.

A dozen demons walked over surrounded by the commander.

Just seeing the tragic situation of the three people, the commander-in-chief took a deep breath:

"Hiss——this was not lightly chopped, how did this happen?"

Upon hearing this, the little demon next to him hurriedly told what happened just now, and the commander twitched:

"This is really fate!"

He glanced at a few of his subordinates, thinking: "The ones who can be sent by the devil himself must be of good status...... Do you know what their status is?"

A demon quickly raised his hand: "I know!"

"When I came here, Qiu Ping said that the man who was bombed twice by Heaven's Punishment was called Lin Yuan, a man from Tianyu Dynasty!"

"I sent the magic eagle to spread the news!"

"Now their Tianyu Dynasty will lose their lord!"

I don't know why.

A bunch of demons who heard this have not waited to say anything.

…………… Ask for flowers……

They clearly saw Lin Yuan twitch.

It's outrageous!

The commander-in-chief didn't have much time to take care of this matter anymore, his most urgent task was to catch the Righteous Son.

He casually waved his hand and said, "Go to two people, take them to the periphery of the deep ground, throw them down and come back."

"Remember to feed them a few pills that can hang their lives."

"After all, he was sent by the devil himself, so he can't do anything wrong.

After finishing speaking, he returned to the foot of Tianmo Mountain by the same route.

Feeling the tremors of the whole land, the commander's face was full of excitement!

Come on, Tianmo Mountain won't last long!

As long as the holy son of the righteous way goes down the mountain! I can catch him and go back to make meritorious deeds!!


the other side.

The remaining devils beeped bitterly, picked up Lin Yuan and the three of them, and walked out of the dense forest.

On the way, a little curiosity asked the old devil at the side with some doubts:

"Brother, do you think the three of them won't die? Then we can't get rid of the relationship.

"No." The old demon shook his head: "I have used magic power to detect the vital signs of the three of them."

"Survival is definitely no problem."

"But it must be a bit of effort to say that it is still the same as a normal person."

"Especially this one who was hacked twice by Heaven's Punishment."

"The Dao soul is severely damaged, and the mind will definitely be affected."

"If it is better, it may be sober for a while, and then delirious.

"If it's not might just turn into a fool.

Oh My God!

become a fool?

Curiously, he glanced at Lin Yuan on the old devil's back, and then turned his head to look at the white light shining on the side of Tianmo mountain.

Immediately shook his head in shock.

Bah, bah, bah, after I step on the horse, I have to stay away from the power of crossing the robbery!

on the mountainside.

Shangguan Wan'er and Ling Weiyang looked at each other.

After looking at each other, they both lowered their heads.

Just as Yun Zhou thought, if he had only taken Shangguan Wan'er away just now, even if Ling Weiyang wouldn't be angry, she would definitely feel uncomfortable.

Fortunately, he is back!

This point of scumbag thinking, Yun Zhou Menqing~Yu!.

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